Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 128 Wonderful idea! The medicine field is condensed!

Guo Lin and Xie Qingyang spent some time setting up the story inscription.

Believers like Zhao Moxin were already around, as were the two tourists Lin Yi and Chu Yao.

The shock of this ancient ginkgo is combined with the content of this ancient stone tablet, and the shock and mystery are even stronger.

After the stone monument was erected, they couldn't help but take photos of the stone monument with their mobile phones.

The same goes for Zhao Lin.

She was originally responsible for the short video of the flower garden, and she had to collect all the materials.

Just as she was filming the video, she found that she was receiving crazy messages in the background:

"A total of 3086 people including XXXX have liked your video."

"A total of 1,751 people including XXXX have commented on your video!"

"A total of XXXX and 2002 people have liked your video."


Zhao Lin's pretty face showed joy.

Opening the short video background, it turns out that the previously uploaded video about the Qingfeng Mountain View Trail and the ancient ginkgo tree has become popular.

Indeed, the mountain paths and ancient ginkgo trees at Qingfengguan became popular under Zhao Lin’s videos.

I don’t know how many people on the Internet were shocked by the scene in that video.

Moreover, this time many Taoist disciples saw it.

Wang Xiang is a devout Taoist believer.

He used to be a very fun-loving person, known as the little prince of the nightclub.

It can be said that he has the means to play with any woman he wants, and then dumps her after he has played with her.

But it seems there will be retribution.

When he really fell in love with a girl and fell deeply in love, he actually found that the girl had brought him several green hats.

What's even more unbelievable is that he discovered that the girl he loved was actually the girl he had dumped, who had undergone plastic surgery to take revenge on him.

Wang Xiang collapsed immediately, and later became disgusted with this aspect. He escaped into Taoism and studied Taoism. This made him psychologically redeemed and he yearned for Tao very much.

Because he often views videos related to Daomen, based on the calculation of short video big data, he will often recommend videos related to Daomen.

He had watched the video of Qingfeng Temple before and knew that Qingfeng Temple had punished a group of Taoist priests, and they all seemed to say that Qingfeng Temple was really mysterious.

But today, when he saw the video about Qingfengguan pushed to him by the system, he was really attracted.

Seeing the distinct and magical scenes up and down the Qingfeng Guanshan Road, he felt that this was not a normal phenomenon.

What kind of situation could cause such a situation that violates the laws of nature?

The key is to use the Qingfengguan Boundary Monument as the dividing line to make the distinction clear.

There is no such thing as a coincidence.

It seems that Qingfeng Temple really has some magical power.

Of course, the more important thing is the ancient ginkgo tree.

The shocking and ornamental value of that tree really made him incredible. He had seen many famous trees, but those famous trees he really felt could not compare with this ancient ginkgo.

In the previous topic of Qingfengguan, no one mentioned this ginkgo tree at all. It seemed to appear suddenly.

The most important thing is that the current season is not the viewing season for ancient ginkgo at all, and it will not be until several months later.

This also seems to violate the normal growth season of ancient ginkgo.

What is the reason why these plants not only violate the normal laws of nature, but also violate the growth season?

"You must go to Qingfeng Temple." Wang Xiang murmured to himself.

This strange scene and doubt will definitely have a huge impact on those who believe.

Qingfengguan seems to have some mysterious power.

Not only Wang Yang, there are many Taoist believers in the country, but they all have their own Taoist temples, and this is the same Taoist temple where they often go to burn incense and pray.

People like Qin Hong only believe in Qingfeng Temple and will only go to Qingfeng Temple to offer incense and pray for blessings. They will not go to other Taoist temples at all.

But this time, some Taoist believers who saw this scene were shocked, and subconsciously had the same thoughts as Wang Yang, and they all thought of going to Qingfeng Temple.

But these people have no idea how violent their spiritual impact will be when they go to Qingfeng Temple.


Chen Li is reviewing matters related to the construction of the visitor center. The project has been confirmed, so some things must be paid attention to at all times.

As he was finishing reviewing a document, he saw someone from the Tourism Bureau hurried in and reported: "Bureau Chen, Qingfeng Temple is on the hot search again. It seems that something remarkable has changed!"

"What's going on?" Chen was immediately attracted.

Qingfeng Temple is indeed popular now, and the previous mountain god's order really shocked him, so he kept people watching the situation of Qingfeng Temple.

Unexpectedly, there was really movement in Qingfeng Temple.

"It's a ginkgo tree in Qingfengguan!" The member of the tourism bureau did not dare to hesitate, and immediately took out his mobile phone, opened a video and handed it to Chen Li.

"Is there a ginkgo tree in Qingfeng Temple?" Chen Li was stunned and immediately took the phone to check.

In the video, a shocking ginkgo tree appears. The ginkgo tree is so eye-catching that you can't turn your eyes away once you see it.

Regarding tourism, when he saw the ginkgo, he knew how much this tree would help tourism and how many tourists it could attract.

There are many places where tourists flock to just because of a famous tree.

But there is such a ginkgo tree in Qingfeng Temple?

But why hasn't anyone discovered it before? Their tourist bureau doesn't even have any recorded information.

If they had known there was such a ginkgo tree on Qingfeng Mountain, they would have taken advantage of it.

The key is that he has gone up to Qingfeng View so many times, but he has never found this ginkgo tree.

This is absolutely dereliction of duty. .

Chen Li blamed himself and checked other videos on his phone. He soon felt something was wrong.

He also saw a video showing abnormal plants on the Qingfeng Mountain Trail.

"How could this happen?" Chen Li was shocked.

He just went to Qingfeng Temple yesterday, so he clearly remembered what the mountain road looked like.

In other words, the mountain road became like this overnight?

Chen Li's pupils widened slightly.

He immediately thought of one thing: Could it be that this ginkgo tree didn't exist before and suddenly it appeared?

if it is like this……

His heart suddenly turned upside down.

Then, he looked at the heat of the ancient ginkgo, which was beyond imagination.

This tree is going to explode, and it is so spectacular, so shocking, and so ornamental that the county will definitely add fuel to the fire.

Then, he immediately left the office with his mobile phone and went directly to Sun County's office.

No matter what happened to the ginkgo tree, it is definitely a great event for the county now, and it must be reported to Sun County first.

Sun County has also been under great pressure recently.

He is in charge of tourism + strategy and wants to take a step forward with this development.

Then the tourism + strategy he is responsible for will be better than other cities of the same level.

It's a pity that Ningcheng, which originally had the same tourism development as them, was lucky enough to find two twin sycamore trees, and they were more than a thousand years old.

The other party carefully packaged the two ancient sycamore trees and made up a story about the sycamore and the phoenix for them.

Coupled with the lush foliage of the two ancient sycamore trees, their growth is truly impressive and attracts many tourists.

In terms of comprehensive statistics, they have surpassed Youcheng.

This made him very depressed.

Just because of two trees, their Youcheng was crushed.

This also led him to check some information and found that this kind of ancient trees really have great potential in tourism, especially the thousand-year-old ginkgo tree planted by Emperor Tang. It attracts extremely terrifying tourists every year. At its peak, there can be more than 10,000 people every day. Go watch.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and when he heard that it was Chen Li outside, he immediately let him in.

Chen Li entered the door and hurriedly handed a mobile phone to Sun County and reported: "Sun County, please take a look at this video."

Sun Xian took the video in confusion and saw a shocking ancient ginkgo tree appearing in his eyes.

This ancient ginkgo is probably more beautiful and more ornamental than the one planted by Emperor Tang.

But he was also annoyed, and said with envy on his face: "Where is this famous tree? At first glance, this ginkgo tree feels more spectacular than the one planted by Emperor Tang. It will definitely attract many people."

"Those who work in tourism in that place would laugh out loud. I have to say that it is enviable. Why can such famous trees appear in other places? Our Youcheng is an ancient county, but there is only that old maple tree that is almost dead? "

When Chen Li heard this, he was stunned and said: "Sun County, don't you look at the title and coordinates of this video? It is above Qingfeng Temple."

"What?" Sun Xian stood up from his chair as if he had been stabbed by a needle. He subconsciously looked at the title of the video and was stunned.

This ancient ginkgo is actually from Qingfengguan.

He has been envious for a long time. Is he envious of himself?

In other words, their Youcheng also has a famous tree of their own, and is it a famous tree of this level?

"Let's go to Qingfeng Temple!" Sun Xian hurriedly left the office.

No wonder he was anxious, because such a famous tree can not only attract tourists, but also become the coordinate of a place.

For example, the Dahongpao mother tree, the welcoming pine tree, the ginkgo tree planted by Emperor Tang...

As soon as these famous trees are mentioned, people will subconsciously think of their location and have relevant discussions.

Even if this ancient ginkgo belongs to Qingfengguan, when others mention it in the future, they will bring Youcheng to some extent, which will increase Youcheng's recognition to a certain extent.

Chen Li hurriedly followed out.

Soon after, Sun Xian and Chen Li arrived at the Qingfengguan Stone Tablet.

Looking at the lush and tall weeds and blooming wild flowers in front of them, as well as the completely incomparable scene on the mountain road behind them, they also subconsciously thought about the mountain god.

They couldn't help but look at each other.

The further they went up the mountain, the more shocked they became.

They know a lot of inside information, but their identities cannot be as unscrupulous as the tourists' shock, they can only hold it in.

This makes them very uncomfortable.

After taking some time, Sun Xian and Chen Li arrived under the ancient ginkgo tree. They were both shocked. When the sound of the tree chirping sounded, they looked at each other in shock, as if they were dreaming.

This ginkgo tree is actually playing music, and the key is so sweet. Even listening to it instantly makes people feel happy and relaxed physically and mentally. All the bad moods are gone, and only a happy good mood is left.

The two of them didn't know how to describe this special feeling!

They know very well how incredible it would be if tourists could have such a mentality?

But when they saw the content of the stone tablet, the two fell silent.

The content on this stone tablet is too fantasy, it seems that such a thing is impossible in reality.

But they know something...

Sun Xian suddenly felt blessed and said, "What would happen if you record the sound of the trees and play it throughout the Qingfeng Guanshan Road, or even in various scenic spots in Youcheng and various important facilities in Youcheng?" ?”

"????" When Chen Li heard this, he was immediately shocked by Sun County's whims.

But think about it, what would happen if this covered the entire Youcheng?

Guo Lin didn't know what the two of them were thinking. He had already hurried to the medicine field behind the Taoist temple.

Because he suddenly received a prompt from the game system:

[Congratulations, the condensation of the medicinal field is completed, and the medicinal materials planted in the medicinal field have been washed and matured! 】

[Attributes of primary medicinal fields: 1. The medicinal materials grown have stronger medicinal properties. Please research on your own for details. 2. Planted medicinal materials grow faster, which can greatly shorten the maturation time of medicinal materials. 3. There is a 1% probability of a primary breakthrough in medicinal materials! 】

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