Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 135: You evil beast, still dare to show off your evil deeds?

Because Qingfengguan has become popular on the Internet, especially after the two ancient trees of ancient ginkgo and Huangshan pine became popular this time, it attracted many tourists.

Now the list of famous domestic trees has been updated online, and the two ancient trees of Qingfengguan are on the list, and they rank very high.

Especially after the video of Huangshan pine went viral, it has been ranked among the best, only below a few famous trees such as the Dahongpao mother tree.

The shocking effect of photographing Mount Huangshan pine is amazing.

Even ordinary tourists can capture the visual effects of professional photographers.

Naturally, this is also because the sound of the ancient ginkgo tree has not spread yet. Otherwise, due to the magical sound of the tree sound, the ancient ginkgo would be ranked higher than Huangshan pine.

Therefore, even if you are not interested in Qingfengguan, having two ancient and famous trees in a scenic spot can attract many tourists who like this area.

This has also made the foot of Qingfeng Mountain prosperous, with several vendors gathering together, giving it quite the feel of a small market.

But all this was interrupted by an uninvited guest.

Suddenly a wild boar with ferocious tusks burst out of the mountain forest.

The key is that this wild boar is surprisingly large.

A normal wild boar weighs more than 400 kilograms in adulthood, but the one in front of me is much larger than normal. It is probably over a thousand kilograms in size, which is very scary.

After the uninvited guest rushed out, everyone fled in panic.

And this wild boar was munching watermelon with its head down, which made everyone around it stunned.

"Why is it still eating my melon? Is it starving to death?"

"Why did such a big guy suddenly appear?"

"I heard from grandpa that there seems to be a wild boar king in Qingfeng Mountain!"

"I've also heard that a few years ago, someone drove his car into a ditch and reported to insurance that it was a big wild boar. Could it be this one?"

"Then the person driving the car was not a drunk driver. Is the proof false?"

"But now there really is such a big wild boar."

"Hurry up and call the police. I dare not move now for fear that it will notice me."

"Yeah, if you get hit by those fangs, you're still alive!"


In the police station.

Hu Chen is processing the documents at hand.

Previously, because of Daochang Guo, he was lucky enough to run into the salt case and the wanted theft case.

The evidence for the wanted criminal has been confirmed, and the application materials can be used for sentencing.

What to do with Yanba's side is a matter for the superiors. It belongs to their institute's credit. Including his report, their institute will naturally not ask again.

Because of these two achievements, he was slightly promoted.

Just as he was putting down the documents in his hand, he received a warning message.

"A wild boar appeared at the foot of Qingfeng Mountain. The people who called the police said it was over a thousand kilograms in size. Please bring some free police officers to deal with it!"

Hu Chen was a little stunned when he heard the news.

It is true that because wild boars were included in the animal protection industry, some wild boars began to overrun in some mountain forests.

But wild boars weighing more than 1,000 kilograms are really rare.

This volume is too big.

He didn't dare to slack off, and hurriedly called a few police officers to set off together, and also cautiously applied for a tranquilizer gun.

Wild boars are still difficult to handle.

Although they have been removed from the list of three species of animals, this is done by region, not the entire region. They have not been fully implemented in Fujian Province.

Moreover, wild boar are still a provincial focus.

As for why it is not fully implemented, this is really not something that little people like them can know.

The key point is that such a big wild boar may be in the news, and if it is not handled well, it may cause public opinion.

After all, wild boars of this size are absolutely rare.

There are also those animal protection associations and people, etc.

If something happens, why not condemn him to death?

After signing and receiving the anesthesia gun, Hu Chen led the people as quickly as possible.

We arrived at the foot of Qingfeng Mountain in ten minutes.

As soon as the police arrived, a vendor immediately came to greet him: "Officer, you are finally here, that guy ate a lot of melons!"

Hu Chen followed the vendor and saw a watermelon stall where a terrifying wild boar was lying there happily humming.

Surrounding it were watermelons that were torn apart and eaten clean.

The wild boar was still burping in its mouth, looking like it was enjoying itself.

Seeing this, Hu Chen immediately took the tranquilizer gun he brought and pointed it at the wild boar.

When he came here, he had already informed the livestock management and forestry people, and the people on both sides were about to arrive.

The wild boar was anesthetized first, and then handed over to people on both sides to handle it.

After Hu Chen took aim, he decisively pulled the trigger, and the tranquilizer bullet accurately hit the wild boar.

After Guo Lin received the system prompt, he immediately went down the mountain.

The game system doesn't follow the routine, which is really frustrating.

Soon, Guo Lin reached the mountainside.

Zhao Moxin and her three daughters are building a display window outside the flower garden to display flowers and plants.

It's a waste to build this kind of commercial display window in this kind of place. If you put it in other places, I'm afraid you will be regarded as stupid. .

But there is no way, the flowers in their flower garden are of the highest quality, each one costs at least several thousand, and they must be worthy of a high-end display.

Also for safety.

Woof woof woof! ~

Woof woof woof! ~

Dogs barked one after another.

In order to prevent thieves from attracting thieves in the garden, the three women also brought some dogs to guard the garden. A sign was placed at the entrance to remind them: There are vicious dogs in the garden, and they must be led when entering the garden!

"Taoist Master Guo, are you coming down the mountain?" Zhao Lin was taking pictures on the mountain path facing the flower garden outside. When she saw Guo Lin coming down, they greeted her respectfully.

Zhao Moxin and Zhao Yun came out of the garden when they heard the commotion and bowed to him.

They are all devout believers. They have gone to Qingfeng Temple more times, and they have learned some things.

"Well, it's urgent to come down the mountain, so I won't disturb the three donors." Guo Lin said this and hurried down the mountain.

He knew that there was already a prototype of a small market at the foot of the mountain.

Now the game system rewards pets, which are directly refreshed below, and also prompts that he will cause panic, which is urgent.

Guo Lin hurried down and finally reached the open area at the foot of the mountain.

When we got down there, we saw that there was already chaos, and Lulu's angry voice could be heard.

When Guo Lin heard the cry, he saw a big guy at first glance, and then he was stunned: "Wild boar?"

In this game, when he helped Yuntianhe catch wild boars, the game system rewarded him with a wild boar?

The key point is that this wild boar is not the same one that the game character and Yuntianhe caught in the game, right?

If this is the case, Yuntianhe was about to starve to death before catching the wild boar, but now he catches the wild boar but gives it to him as a reward. Doesn't this mean that Yuntianhe will starve to death?

Moreover, rewarding a wild boar as a pet is really difficult to describe.

It's not that there are no immortals in the Taoist sect who keep wild boars as pets, but that wild boars have a very high status, and it's not that ordinary gods dare to keep wild boars as pets.

The famous ones who have wild boar mounts include Doumu Yuanjun, Liu Daxian, Bai*zhenjun, etc. There are also Bodhisattvas in Buddhism who keep wild boars as pets.

The wild boar rewarded by the game system is really big. At this time, it was barking at a tree on the roadside, and on the tree was Hu Chen with a miserable face.

"I'll go, you guys try to lure it away." Hu Chen was so embarrassed that he wanted to kill the wild boar with a tranquilizer bomb and then hand it over to the livestock management and forestry people.

Who knew that after he fired, the tranquilizer bullet didn't even break the wild boar's skin, and it rolled to the ground after hitting it.

This is very embarrassing.

The key is that the wild boar seemed to know that he was the one who fired the gun, so it actually stared at him and chased him. The colleague wanted to use a net to wrap it up, but who knew that as soon as the net was put up, it was torn apart by the other party.

The power of this wild boar is too terrifying.

Now he was forced to go up this tree, and the wild boar was standing under the tree and barking at him. There was nothing he could do.

The key is that the forestry and livestock management people haven't come yet, which makes people very anxious.

When the police officers who came together heard Hu Chen's shouts, they also said sarcastically:

"Just hold on, we're trying to figure it out!"

"Yeah, we don't have anything to deal with it now."


They also had tranquilizer guns in their hands, but they didn't dare to shoot at all.

Hu Chen has proven that this thing is useless.

They didn't want to be stuck in a tree like Hu Chen.

The tourists and vendors who were hiding around were already taking pictures of Hu Chen and the wild boar with their mobile phones. The scene was a bit funny.

Hu Chen naturally discovered this, which made him even more miserable.

If these tourists upload the video to the Internet, he can imagine that there will be a piece of news tomorrow: shocking! A police officer in Youcheng was stuck in a tree by a 1,000-pound wild boar!

Hu Chen was struggling when he suddenly saw Daochang Guo coming down from the mountain. This seemed to make him see his savior.

"Daozhang Guo, help!" Hu Chen quickly shouted.

He knew that Taoist Guo was really good at martial arts.

If tranquilizer bombs don't work, then Daochang Guo's real kung fu can, right?

At this time, tourists nearby also discovered Guo Lin.

Tourists who come to Qingfeng Guan will know something about Qingfeng Guan. Naturally, they also know this person, and they also know that this person has real kung fu.

But no matter how hard you are, it's useless against such a big wild boar, right?

After all, wild boars are said to be able to fight with tigers and knock them down, but that's just an ordinary wild boar. The one in front of you is not an ordinary wild boar at all.

It is really possible to deal with such terrifying wild boars with bare hands. They stand on their heads and eat flying.

At this time, Guo Lin's face showed surprise. The moment he saw the wild boar, he got the game prompt:

[Congratulations, you have discovered the whereabouts of your pet and it has been bound. Please take it back as soon as possible to avoid panic! 】

He was a little helpless. It was the game system that pushed him here, and it was the game system that urged him.

If you're afraid of causing panic, just go to Qingfeng Temple.

Give him this reminder now.

At the same time, he also saw the message about the wild boar at the sect’s headquarters:

Protector's Pet: Initial Transcendence·Qingluan Peak Wild Boar King! (Can be summoned to fight around you!)

Sure enough, it is the wild boar from Qingluan Peak, and the wild boar king.

The place where the game characters help Yuntianhe catch wild boars is Qingluan Peak.

Thinking about it, Guo Lin also looked at the wild boar king and shouted: "You evil beast, how dare you show off your evil deeds?"

This harmony immediately shocked the surrounding tourists.

Such familiar words!

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