Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 173 This old Taoist priest is so awesome!

Chapter 173 This... old Taoist priest is so awesome!

A high-speed train stopped. When Master Songyue came out of the station with two Taoists, he attracted a lot of attention.

"Tianshi, when you arrive in Youcheng, you can take a taxi to Qingfeng Temple!" A Taoist said respectfully.

Master Songyue nodded.

These two people were sent by Laojuntang to accompany him.

Youcheng Railway Station is particularly busy today.

Because from time to time, some people saw Taoist monks getting out of the train. They were wearing Taoist robes that were too obvious, and there were also some believers who were wearing Taoist items to identify themselves.

Naturally, they came here for the Qing Jing Sutra.

The believers may have come because they knew that Qingfeng Temple was famous, or they were invited by believers such as Lin Ze'an and Wang Yang.

Those who practice Taoism did so entirely because they received the news that Songyue Tianshi would come to Qingfeng Temple to discuss Taoism for the sake of the "Qingjing Sutra".

The emergence of a heavenly master is a rare event in Taoism, so many Taoists came.

In fact, they also felt that Qingfeng Guan had been deceived by getting a fake "Qing Jing Sutra", and it was a mistake.

Master Songyue met several Taoists when he came out.

"Master Tian, ​​I didn't expect to see you at the station!"

"I've seen the Heavenly Master!"

"Meet the Heavenly Master!"


When several cultivators saw Master Songyue, they were also respectful and respectful.

A heavenly master has a respected position in the Taoist sect.

"I've met fellow Taoists!" Master Songyue returned the favor, chatted about some Taoist rituals, and then took two cars to head to Qingfeng Mountain together.

Soon, the group arrived at the foot of Qingfeng Mountain. The first thing they saw were the luxury cars and the billboards in front of the cars asking for blessing rice and road signs.

"Qingfeng Temple's blessing rice and Taoist tablets have become very famous recently." said a Taoist practitioner.

"If you buy a Taoist plaque for 500,000 yuan, there must be something fishy in it." Another Taoist cultivator said with suspicion, knowing that no one wanted to buy the Taoist plaque from his Taoist temple.

Master Songyue did not speak, but looked at the Qingfeng Temple that was vaguely visible on the top of the mountain.

At this time, several cars stopped and a group of people walked out, some of them holding filming equipment.

The group thought these people were believers who were here to film the discussion, but something was wrong from their conversation:

"The latest news is that the black man Levi has arrived in Youcheng. This guy is too arrogant."

"Yes, he actually looks down upon our domestic women so much. I really want to see him taught a lesson."

"Grandmaster Ma did a good thing. He led someone to trick the other party into coming to Qingfeng Temple. He dug a good hole. I must take pictures this time."

"Yes, Levi should be taught a lesson if he dares to insult our sisters at home!"


Songyue Tianshi and others seemed to understand that there was a foreign black boxing champion who insulted and belittled domestic women. Everyone was angry, and someone tricked him into coming to Qingfengguan for a fight.

Master Songyue said in surprise: "I didn't expect Qingfeng Temple to be very popular in terms of martial arts, which is surprising."

The group of people didn't pay much attention to this matter, and walked towards Qingfeng Mountain together.

When they arrived in front of Qingfeng Temple, they found that there were many people gathered there, densely packed.

Moreover, these are not Taoist disciples, but they are all attracted by that black boxing champion.

"I didn't expect that a foreign alien could attract such a big attention." Songyue Tianshi sighed with emotion. If their Taoist sect also had such a big attention, it would not be in decline. There are even so many Taoist temples that have cut off their inheritance and have to start from other places. Send someone to be the abbot.

The key is that his discussion with Qingfengguan has become a foil, which is very uncomfortable for a heavenly master, and makes him look a bit like a clown.

Several other Taoists who met were equally surprised.

They also didn’t understand that even though their Taoist temple, which they usually carefully promoted, didn’t have many believers, this time a black boxing champion came to choose, but so many people came.

Some Taoists even rolled their eyes and had an idea in their minds. If they could teach the black boxing champion a lesson before Qingfeng Temple, it would definitely have a great publicity effect for their own Taoist temple.

After all, Baguazhang routines, Tai Chi sword routines, and Sancai boxing routines have all been practiced very proficiently.

Almost at this moment, there was a noise at the entrance of Qingfeng Temple.

Songyue Celestial Master and the others looked over and saw a tall black man coming up arrogantly, followed by a group of people who were filming him crazily.

They knew that this should be the black protagonist.

Levi came up and saw the people gathered around him, which made him smile. There were so many people.

When there are more people, when he beats the other person, it becomes more sensational and can shut up those who abuse him.

Levi walked up to Qingfeng Temple arrogantly, like countless black people who were confused about the situation in the country.

He still knew some Chinese, and when he arrived at the temple, he shouted: "Go inside and call out that Taoist priest Guo... and tell me that I want to prove how vulnerable your kung fu is!"

Just as he finished speaking, a Taoist priest appeared and shouted: "You are a swaggering foreign black slave. Let me see what you are capable of."

When this man came out, the people around him couldn't help but pay attention.

Wearing a Taoist robe and meticulous Tai Chi temples, he really looks like an immortal.

"Who are you?" Levi frowned and looked at him.

The Taoist sneered and said: "The poor Taoist Qingsong Temple, Shi Xuan!"

When Shixuan announced the words Qingsongguan, his voice was deliberately louder.

In fact, those Taoist temples in China do not believe in the popular and well-known Taoist temples on the Internet. They have always wanted to learn it, but they do not understand the Internet hype at all. Even if they learn it according to the routine, it will not cause any waves on the Internet. Even if they learn these things Even the Taoist approach won’t work.

Shixuan knew that today was definitely a very good opportunity. According to what he knew, as long as he could teach the black boxing champion a lesson, he would definitely be more popular than Daochang Guo and Daochang Chen.

Thinking about it, Shi Xuan demonstrated a set of palm techniques, which was Baguazhang. Moreover, it was smooth and smooth, and very handsome.

This seems like a masterstroke.

But after the fight started, everyone was dumbfounded. The smooth and silky routine just now was completely gone, and it completely turned into a street fighting king's eight punches.

Then, the black boxing champion threw a left hook, a right hook, a lower hook... After a set of combos, the master fell down.


Everyone around was embarrassed.

This black boxing champion is already arrogant, and now he wants to kill him. Doesn't this encourage the opponent's arrogance?

Master Songyue felt embarrassed when he saw this, but he also saw that this Shixuan's purpose was probably for fame and fortune. Sometimes people who practice Taoism cannot avoid this kind of thing.

After Levi defeated Shi Xuan easily, his face became even more arrogant: "Is this all your kung fu? And that Taoist priest Guo can come out and get beaten."

At this moment, everyone noticed that another old man wearing Taoist robes came out of Qingfeng Temple.

Xie Qingyang also saw the people gathered outside, as well as the very obvious black man.

This should be the world boxing champion that his senior brother asked him to greet, right?

Xie Qingyang also walked directly in front of Levi and said directly: "Are you going to challenge our Qingfeng Temple? I will be your opponent!"

This scene stunned everyone.

Who is this old Taoist priest?

And what did he say?

He wants to fight Levi?

It’s incredible. Is it possible that Qingfengguan, an old Taoist priest, can still confidently defeat a world boxing champion like Levi?

It's absolutely impossible rationally.

at this time.

Levi also looked at Xie Qingyang in astonishment, and pointed at himself in astonishment: "You want to fight me? Are you kidding me? At your age, I stand and let you punch me twice. Tickle.”

"Uh!" Xie Qingyang didn't expect the other party to say that, and then he said politely: "Then please stand still."

"???" Levi was dumbfounded, did he mean this? He clearly said that he didn't want to fight with such an old man because he was afraid of hurting the other person, but who knew that the other person actually took it seriously.

However, it was already like this, and he didn't want to refute this.

What would happen if the old man was given two punches?

As mentioned before, the other party was just tickling him.

On the contrary, you can also mock the other party, make the other party feel embarrassed, and make everyone laugh.

"Old man, let me see if you can give me a massage. Don't break your hand with a punch." Levi snorted coldly, and his whole body had tensed up with exploding muscles, which obviously didn't bother Xie Qing. Yang took it seriously.

Seeing this, how could Xie Qingyang be so polite?

He directly activated the energy developed in Dantian, then used Qingfeng Fist and punched Levi.

After all, he is the world boxing champion, so he still has a serious attitude.

But at that moment, Levi's eyes widened, and then his body flew away from the ground.


Levi even spat out a mouthful of blood in mid-air, then hit the ground hard and let out a wail.

Levi's mouth was full of blood and he was stunned.

He struggled to get up, but felt severe pain in the area where he was hit, and immediately fell to the ground with a look of horror on his face.

Xie Qingyang looked at his blow in surprise: "World boxing champion, so weak?"

Is this vomiting blood?

I should have known better.

But the atmosphere around him was completely wrong.

Everyone stared blankly at Xie Qingyang's old face.

What did they see just now?

World boxing champion Levi was punched by this old Taoist priest until he vomited blood and lay on the ground unable to get up?

He thought that the old Taoist priest might end up like Grandmaster Ma.

In addition to Taoist Master Guo, there is such a powerful old Taoist priest in Qingfeng Temple?

But think about it, it doesn’t seem strange that there are Taoist priests from the same Taoist temple.

Now I really don’t know how to explain to foreigners that their country has no real kung fu.

Otherwise, how could an old Taoist priest of this age defeat a world boxing champion?

The key point is that the old Taoist Priest is actually surprised why Liwei, the world boxing champion, is so weak?

Isn't this murderous and heart-breaking?

Is the world boxing champion weak? It's definitely not weak. It's the only one of this magnitude in the world.

The other party is only so weak in the hands of you, the old Taoist priest.

People around him couldn't help but take out their mobile phones and start taking pictures of Xie Qingyang.

There is no doubt that the old Taoist Priest Qingfengguan will be more popular than Taoist Priest Chen on the Internet tomorrow.

After all, those Taoist priests on the Internet have never competed in public, let alone defeated a world boxing champion. Now this old Taoist priest has directly knocked out a world boxing champion in front of everyone with one punch.

The key point is that this old Taoist priest is still shocked that the world boxing champion is so weak?

This is simply the shock of an unborn master taking action for the first time.

Master Songyue couldn't help but look at the old Taoist priest of Qingfeng Temple with admiration. At least in this aspect, he was ashamed of himself.

He had also learned Taoist martial arts before, but his talent was limited and he failed to achieve success.

It can be seen that Qingfeng Guan is really powerful in terms of martial arts, but this does not prevent him from discussing Taoism with Qingfeng Guan. After all, it is related to their "Qing Jing Jing".

"Cough...cough..." Levi coughed. There were blood stains on the corners of his mouth, and he looked at Xie Qingyang in disbelief.

At the same time, there was deep fear in his eyes.

As a world boxing champion, he had never experienced this kind of failure, but he knew very well how terrifying the old man's power was, and he couldn't resist it at all.

He climbed up with difficulty, looked at the pointing fingers of the people around him, his face was filled with shame, and he staggered down the mountain with his head lowered.

This completely caused cheers to ring out from all around. Does this crazy black boxing champion know how powerful he is now?

Xie Qingyang looked around at this time, and took the opportunity to say: "Dear believers, donors, and fellow believers, today we at Qingfeng Temple still have members from the Sutra Transmission Association. Our elder at Qingfeng Temple will personally teach you the "Qingjing Sutra". Everyone can come to Qingfeng Temple. Got this opportunity.”

After that, he walked straight towards Qingfeng Temple, leaving only his back to everyone.

The tourists around him were immediately attracted and started to make a noise. They were attracted by Levi's story at first and had no idea about the Bible preaching meeting.

But after what happened just now that the old Taoist showed great power, they became very interested in this sutra preaching meeting.

As for those cultivators, they looked at each other. This was their main concern. Many of those who recognized Master Songyue subconsciously looked at him.

Master Songyue didn't say a word and walked straight into Qingfeng Temple. When he got inside, he saw a special futon platform erected in the main hall.

This is the preaching platform.

At that time, the person who preaches the sutra will sit cross-legged on it and teach the sutra to everyone.

In the double courtyard outside the main hall, there are also ordinary pavings, and the front position has been occupied by some people.

These people all carry Taoist signs, showing their identity as Taoist believers.

Master Songyue is naturally familiar with this, and the remaining futons are reserved for fellow Taoists or other believers.

So, he also walked up and sat on one of the seats.

But his move surprised other cultivators.

They thought that Master Songyue would get into trouble as soon as he came in, but who knew that this Master actually sat cross-legged and listened to the other person preaching the scriptures.

Master Songyue didn't care what others thought, so they sat cross-legged and closed their eyes to rest.

Even if he was discussing Taoism, he would first listen to how outrageous the other party's "Qing Jing Sutra" was.

Only in this way can he argue with the other party in the best possible way when discussing Taoism.

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