Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 225 The rain falls!

Qingfeng Mountain.

The flow of people going up the mountain was surging, and the sound of chirping trees was playing on the mountain path. But obviously, the sound of the chirping trees seemed to have failed, and it did not make the surging people feel any peace.

"It's strange. I can obviously feel calm when I listen to the sound of the trees at home."

"Me too. I thought this song could make me feel peaceful before. But now at least I don't feel that way anymore."

"I have been listening to the sound of the trees, but it has no effect. I just need to have a firm belief in my heart!"

At this time, a voice sounded: "This gentleman is right. Music has the effect of cultivating sentiments. The sound of the trees is also music, but the sound of the trees has been over-publicized on the Internet, giving people a psychological effect." The publicity hints that it has special effects.”

Dr. Liu heard the discussion next to him and couldn't help but explain, and then said: "It's like when a person is hungry, food that usually doesn't taste good will taste good. As long as the publicity and hints are in place, it will be good for a person." It can have a great effect.”

This statement was recognized by the people around him.

Dr. Liu also smiled and continued to go up the mountain with Director Xu.

When they arrived at Qingfengguan, Director Xu called Chairman Wu.

Qingfengguan in the guest room.

Chairman Wu has already taken Zheng Nan to make tea on a tea table. The tea is naturally the top quality tea they brought themselves. They came here last night because of this Dharma conference.

In the reception room, people like Qin Hong and Lu Feng were also there.

However, they have been paying attention to the situation outside the Taoist temple and are a little anxious.

There were too many people here today, and they all seemed to come to see the excitement of the Qingfeng Dharma Conference.

They are all devout believers. They know the magic of Qingfeng Temple, but they know the inside story. They think the scientific program is a bit nonsense.

Why didn't they talk about the spiritual spring vat?

But think about it, the spiritual spring tank requires piety to enjoy the effect, but how many people can be pious?

Even the sound of the trees recorded and played outside Qingfeng Guan seemed to have no effect, but when they entered the reception room and played it on their mobile phones, it had an effect again.

It should be that there are too many people outside and they are too cynical, which affects the essence of the music.

At this moment, President Wu's cell phone rang. When he showed the number to Zheng Nan, the two of them laughed. It was the person who walked into the science column.

President Wu also got up and walked out with Zheng Nan, and answered the phone.

In the closet.

Different from the anxiety of believers like Qin Hong and Lu Feng, he was playing "Leisure Shushan" and controlled the game character to take on several missions, but there was no gain.

He paid no attention to the commotion outside the Taoist temple.

It doesn’t matter whether the person who comes is a believer or whether he is full of malicious intentions.

Putting away his phone and checking the time, he also took out a scroll from his magic bag.

It was Zhou Qingyun's Holy Manifestation Scroll.

The attributes of eliminating common diseases +3, physical relaxation +3, mental relaxation +3, immunity from all diseases +1, and exclusive piety increased to 2 under the scroll effect will change everything.

He is now afraid that not enough people will come to see him and enjoy the fun.

I looked at the time and saw that the puja was about to begin.

However, he did not plan to host today's Dharma gathering himself, but asked Xie Qingyang to come up, because it was too obvious to take out the sacred scroll.

The most important thing is that using this scroll requires constant input of energy, so he cannot perform rituals.

Since it is a Dharma assembly ceremony, it must be danced beautifully and without losing Taoist etiquette.

Then someone needs to cooperate and perform the ritual dance in front of you.

Xie Qingyang is undoubtedly the best candidate, and he can just hide behind and secretly use the Holy Manifestation Scroll.

A moment later, Xie Qingyang also came, wearing a special ritual robe.

According to the orthodox Taoist rules, there is no way for him to wear this kind of Taoist robe. But if it is really a Taoist practice, which Taoist temple in the Taoist sect can compare with Qingfeng Temple?

Therefore, Guo Lin also took out the robe and asked Xie Qingyang to put it on.

"Senior brother, the Dharma conference is about to begin. I'll go then." Xie Qingyang came to report.

"Yeah!" Guo Lin also nodded.

At this time, outside the Taoist temple, Director Xu and Dr. Liu also saw Chairman Wu and Zheng Nan coming out.

When Director Xu saw President Wu, he smiled and said: "President Wu, we have been friends with each other for a long time. I have to admire the ability of your Fujian Chamber of Commerce. I should have noticed that the third major category of special elements is overflowing here, so, look After winning here, I even bothered to get the property rights of two mountains.”

"According to Dr. Liu's calculations, the range that the third major type of elements can diffuse is currently only within the range of these three mountains."

President Wu was stunned when he heard this.

He knows more than the other person.

Dr. Liu obviously detected some energy and thought it was that element, but he knew very well that the Chamber of Commerce donated two mountains. He was afraid that Daochang Guo cast some magic to make the energy appear in those two mountains. mountains, otherwise, those two mountains should remain as usual.

Thinking about it, he looked at Director Xu with a smile and asked, "Director Xu, why are you so sure that Qingfeng Temple is related to our Chamber of Commerce?"

"If I tell you that Qingfeng Temple has nothing to do with our Chamber of Commerce, will you be embarrassed?"

Director Xu smiled and said, "Then why, President Wu, do you have to worry about the property rights of these two mountains?"

"..." President Wu was stunned for a moment. He wanted to say that he wanted to repay the feng shui of the Zhen* Tower, but think about it, he was afraid that people like him would try to crack the Zhen* Tower again, which would destroy the Feng Shui stone. , who can I talk to for explanation? ?

He believed that the other party could do such a thing.

Director Xu smiled when he saw President Wu's look: "President Wu, there is no need to be like this. Many people will probably see this. It's better to be more open and above board. However, don't get involved in some godly things. With such With unique conditions, we can develop tourism with peace of mind.”

President Wu shook his head and couldn't help but laugh in his heart.

This person seems to really not believe in the mystery of Qingfengguan.

Director Xu continued: "President Wu, look at it, many people tried the spiritual spring tank you promoted just now, and it had no effect at all. Also, you previously promoted the sound of trees singing online, and it was also played around It has no effect."

"There is actually a lot of music on the Internet. As long as the psychological suggestion is well promoted, it will actually have some effect and can make people feel happy."

"I have listened to the sound of chirping trees before. It has a calming effect, but it is not as magical as what is advertised on the Internet. In today's scientific and civilized society, this is a publicity bubble that will burst as soon as it is rubbed."

President Wu asked rhetorically: "What about the Qingjing Sutra? Many people in the Taoist sect say it is very magical."

"What about the Taoist people now?" Director Xu asked, "Why is it that when our program comes out, no Taoist people come out to speak out, and no Taoist people prove that the Qing Jing Sutra is effective?"

"This is because when you were promoting, they didn't mind getting some traffic before, but now something happened, they know the truth and falsehood, and they don't dare to take the lead. Look at how many people online said they have studied the "Qing Jing Sutra" or not. Effect?"

"..." President Wu was surprised by the other party for a moment.

He can naturally explain that if ordinary people are given ordinary music scores, most people will definitely not be able to learn them or learn them accurately, let alone the "Qing Jing Sutra".

It may be in the Taoist sect's interest to remain silent. After all, fellow sects don't want to see Qingfeng Temple's reputation get too high, especially now that many people on the Internet are comparing Qingfeng Temple to well-known holy places.

But what surprised him was that Mingming Qingfeng Temple had a lot of magic.

Why do these magical things always seem to find explanations in the other party? Moreover, it can still be explained?

If he hadn't personally experienced the Zhen*Lou and typhoon incidents, he would have been convinced that he had encountered a very powerful and clever Taoist scam.

Maybe he now knows why Taoist blessings are not available to everyone.

Wasn't there someone who could completely lose the country by riding a flying dragon? Now that these blessings are placed in front of the other party, the other party is stepping away.

He also said cracking, which is really funny.

In the words of the Taoist priest, the man in front of him had no sign of good fortune at all.

While the two were talking, they heard some noise coming from the front, and saw a Taoist priest from Qingfeng Temple walking out and walking towards the altar that had been arranged long ago.

It was Xie Qingyang.

He was also a little surprised when he saw the people gathered in front of the Taoist temple. The open space and the forest were crowded, and there were probably thousands of people.

With so many people, many of them were already taking pictures of the altar with their mobile phones, and some even started live broadcasts, all to gain traffic.

The topic of Qingfengguan is indeed very high now.

Anyone who can come here to join in the fun has inquired and knows what this altar is used for. It is said that the Taoist priest of Qingfeng Temple will perform a dance ceremony on this altar to communicate with Emperor Ziwei and ask the Emperor to bless him.

Of course, now everyone knows this is false.

But no one thought that at this time, Qingfeng Temple would continue.

In a company in Shanghai.

Xie Chong also watched a live broadcast with his secretary. It was a live broadcast of a popular Internet celebrity in Qingfeng Watch.

He has also watched the live broadcast of Qingfeng Temple these days, and is naturally very concerned about this matter, because his old father is at Qingfeng Temple.

But when he saw the Taoist priest who was going to communicate with Emperor Zhongji Ziwei on the altar to perform the dance, he was stunned: "????"

The secretary watched the live broadcast and opened his mouth wide: "Isn't this the old chairman?"

"Isn't this nonsense?" Xie Chong couldn't help but complain.

He knew about his father, and it was because Qingfeng Temple was so mysterious that the old man entered Qingfeng Temple.

But no matter how mysterious it is, can the old man be able to communicate with what Zhongji Ziwei Emperor is not capable of?

Xie Chong only felt a little ridiculous, but Qingfengguan really had something magical, which could be seen from the fact that his old man could knock out the international boxing champion with one blow.

He knew how much the old man weighed. How could he have such great ability? But he could get it in just a short time by going to Qingfengguan.

Moreover, he understood the old man's character. If he really didn't have something, the old man would not go to the altar.

Looking at the live video, the old man has already started dancing with a whisk in his hand, and his posture is quite elegant.

Is it possible that the old man can really collude with Emperor Zhongji Ziwei?

Thinking of this, Xie Chong asked his secretary: "You think, if I hand over the company to my son now and then retire, there should be no problem, right?"

"Huh??" The secretary suddenly said dumbfounded: "Chairman, Mr. Xie is only in junior high school."

"Hey!" Xie Chong couldn't help but sigh.

When he was about to continue watching the live broadcast, he found that the screen went black.

In front of Qingfeng Guan, at the same time, someone also exclaimed:

"What's going on? My phone can't take the picture!"

"Mine too, turned into snowflakes!"

"How is this going?"

Obviously, at that moment, the mobile phone screens in the hands of people gathered in front of Qingfeng Temple who were taking pictures with their mobile phones or running live broadcasts turned black at the same time and appeared like snowflakes.

At the same time, there were gusts of wind blowing around everyone.

The wind didn't seem right either.

President Wu and Director Xu also looked at that scene in surprise.

Zheng Nan took out her mobile phone, turned on the camera, and said in surprise: "I can't take pictures anymore, it's like a snowflake!"

President Wu took out his cell phone and looked at it. He was a little surprised. At the same time, he looked at Director Xu and said, "Director Xu, look at what's going on?"

Director Xu smiled and said: "President Wu, there are actually many ways to make this situation happen when the mobile phone fails. With the capabilities of your chamber of commerce, there should be many ways."

President Wu laughed a little angrily, now this guy is talking about everything in their chamber of commerce.

He asked funnyly: "What about the wind?"

Director Xu smiled and said: "Is there anything strange about the wind? It's common knowledge that the top of the mountain is windy!"

"There's something wrong with the wind." Dr. Liu suddenly said: "The wind has no direction. It seems to appear in place and is everywhere. Moreover, this wind makes people feel unusually comfortable."

"This..." Director Xu was also stunned. This wind seemed to be real.

how come?

At the entrance of Qingfeng Temple, Guo Lin also looked outside with a happy face. He had already activated the sect's power: the breeze is coming slowly.

He didn't expect that this power could also affect electronic equipment.

Moreover, there are so many people outside. Looking around, once they have 2 exclusive piety and then finish the incense, the sect’s station will definitely be upgraded.

Thinking about it, he also took out the Holy Manifestation Scroll, and the next step was the main course.

Guo Lin used the Holy Manifestation Scroll at the next moment and input energy into the scroll. He saw the runes on the scroll instantly light up and turned into a bright car. Then he saw a spiritual light in the scroll rushing into the sky, and then he saw it in the sky. Rune patterns quickly condensed in an area.

But obviously, everyone around him is not practicing, and no one can see this aura.

Xie Qingyang was different. He couldn't see the spiritual light rising into the sky, but he could feel the terrifying energy gathering in the sky. He knew that his senior brother had cast a spell to communicate with the emperor.

He immediately shouted: "There are believers today, please pray to Emperor Ziwei to bless you!"

Everyone smiled jokingly.

Isn't the purpose of their coming here just to watch a show right now?

I didn't expect that even at this time, the people of Qingfengguan would still want to continue singing this show.

But just as they were thinking this, a trace of rain and dew fell quickly from the sky.

Everyone thought it was going to rain, but when the dense rain fell on them, everyone was stunned, with an incredible look on their faces.

" could it be..." Director Xu looked at the raindrops falling on his arms and seemed to have discovered something incredible.

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