Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 242 Energy is transformed into Qi! Suddenly everyone was shocked!

Guo Lin immediately walked towards the closet.

It is not difficult to see from the prompt information of the game system that after the Spirit Gathering Tower is activated, the Spirit Gathering Array will take effect, but the range where the spiritual energy will appear is only within the range of the three Spirit Gathering Towers and the Three Talents Formation.

The three Soul Gathering Towers are arranged in a three-cai formation, that is to say, the three Soul Gathering Towers form a triangular area.

Only within this area can spiritual energy come out.

Even beyond the area outside this triangle, it is impossible for the spiritual energy to spread out, because it is all absorbed and sealed inside by the formation.

Within the scope of the Spirit Gathering Array, the place with the strongest spiritual energy is not the three Spirit Gathering Towers, but the central area.

This is also the wonderful thing about the Spirit Gathering Array.

In this triangular area, Qingfeng Temple is in the center.

Therefore, if you want to practice in the future, there is no better place than Qingfeng Temple.

Guo Lin returned to his office, sat down cross-legged, and began to run the "Basic Qi Refining Method of Nine Heavens Xuan Jing" to feel the aura in the air.

In the past, I couldn't sense any spiritual energy in the air.

This time it was different. As soon as he sensed it, he discovered that there was spiritual energy in the air.

In his induction, there were dense dots of starlight. As he practiced the rotation technique, the dots of starlight quickly poured into his body.

Guo Lin also immediately felt the spiritual energy appearing in his body, and quickly mobilized it to rush into his Dantian. Moreover, this process was continuous.

This is not comparable to eating some Reiki refined rice and absorbing a little bit of its energy.

Guo Lin was overjoyed and hurriedly ran the "Basic Qi Refining Method of Nine Heavens Xuan Jing", mobilizing the energy in the body to flow to the spiritual veins, flowing along the spiritual veins, and tried to start building the foundation.

at this time.

Qingfeng Guanzhong.

People like Xie Qingyang, Xuanyun, Lin Ze'an, and Huang Bin also cultivated from the illusion of the stone wall.

When they returned to the stone wall illusion, they felt something was different.

"Hey, it feels so comfortable!" Qingwan said in surprise.

"Isn't it like this this morning?" Huang Bin asked doubtfully: "Is this because of the Seven Sages Tree?"

Qingwan shook her head and said, "It's different. Now I feel like my skin is breathing comfortably, as if there is some energy in the air."

"It seems to be true." Lin Ze'an also felt it.

I don’t know how to describe this feeling. It’s not simply refreshing, nor is it the comfort of a quiet room baptism.

It's so comfortable that it feels like every pore in your body is fighting to breathe. You can even have an inexplicable feeling that living in such a comfortable environment can easily lead to a long life.

Obviously, this is another benefit of the emergence of spiritual energy.

Moreover, as soon as this spiritual energy appeared, everyone in Qingfeng Temple felt it.

Just like a person entering a forest from a desert, the change can be felt immediately.

Xie Qingyang and Xuan Yang naturally felt it too, and since both of them had cultivated energy, they felt it more clearly.

The two looked at each other in disbelief and walked towards the backyard together.

There was indeed a kind of energy in the air. They went to the backyard and tried to practice "Qingfeng Fist" to see if they could absorb the spiritual energy in the air.

But after using the "Qingfeng Fist" several times in succession, they were disappointed and could not absorb the energy of the blessing rice.

In the closet.

One day and one night passed.

The next day, Guo Lin opened his eyes suddenly and sighed.

The attempt to build a foundation failed.

But his face also showed joy again.

Before there was no spiritual energy, it was impossible to build a foundation. But now that there is spiritual energy, it is different. Building a foundation is only a matter of time.

After all, it was just his first time building a foundation, so there was no way he could succeed in it all at once.

Not only is it a matter of proficiency, but the last step to escape from the world must also be taken slowly, and it must not be stopped.

Therefore, it is necessary to retreat for some time.

Guo Lin thought about it, and stood up and walked out of the closet. The surroundings were filled with spiritual energy, and it was true that people became more comfortable in it.

When he arrived at the main hall, he found Xuanyun. .

"Senior brother, what are your orders?" Xuanyun approached and asked respectfully.

Guo Lin walked to the statue of Sanqing in the main hall, opened the drawer under the statue, and took out a bag from it.

That bag is exactly the seeds of the spiritual energy polished rice obtained before, but they need to be planted in an environment with spiritual energy to germinate.

Previously, I made up a story to tell Xie Qingyang and the others that the spiritual energy rice needed to be prayed for before it could be planted. Now that it has spiritual energy, it can be planted and cultivated naturally.

Guo Lin also handed the seeds of the spiritual energy polished rice to Xuanyun and said: "Xuanyun, these are the seeds of the blessing rice. You can take them to the medicine field and plant them. When they mature, you can directly harvest the blessing rice without praying."

The medicine field is connected to the secret space of the special forest garden, and the medicine field is within the triangle area of ​​the spirit gathering array.

Therefore, spiritual energy will appear here, and if people can enter the special forest garden, so can spiritual energy.

In this case, the special forest garden will become an area where spiritual energy refined rice can be seeded.

The key is that when the spiritual rice is planted, you can still enjoy the effect of a special forest garden, with faster growth and better fruit quality.

After Xuan Yun took the bag of seeds, his face was full of surprise: "Can you still get blessing rice directly like this? It's so surprising!"

Guo Lin smiled and made up: "This is also the result of our Qingfeng Temple's research from generation to generation. Therefore, it is not appropriate to call them blessing rice. Since it contains spiritual energy, let's call it spiritual energy refined rice."

"Spiritual energy rice?" Xuan Yun was stunned. It would be better to just call it Lingmi, but even if his senior brother chose such a name, he wouldn't say much.

After that, he said again: "Senior brother, don't worry, I will plant this spiritual energy rice right away."

Guo Lin then ordered: "By the way, I have to practice in seclusion during these days. If there are any issues at Qingfeng Temple, you and Xuan Yang can handle it. And don't let anyone disturb me in the waiting room."

"Ah...Okay, senior brother..." Xuan Yun looked at his senior brother with surprise.

The word "retreat" is not uncommon in Taoist legends, but now, there is no such thing as "retreat" at all.

After all, there are no real ascetics anymore.

Moreover, true retreat requires fasting, which requires cleansing oneself and being pure and free of dirt.

Let the Taoist Celestial Master try it? Let them starve for one day and then leave the quarantine.

Before, a Taoist temple leader said that he would be in retreat for 30 days, and reporters went to interview him. On the third day of the inedia retreat, there was a complete sensation.

Not eating or drinking for three days and three nights. Is this a truly enlightened person?

The final result was that there was a secret passage in the retreat where food could be delivered, but the key was broken. Anyway, it was too lax.

Therefore, now that the Taoist temple has been demolished, the Taoist Association is too lazy to care about it. It has become famous and no one believes in it. Even the intern Taoist disciples are not willing to go.

Now that the senior brother suddenly said that he wanted to retreat, it was obvious that he was about to achieve a breakthrough in strength and that he was going to truly retreat.

Guo Lin didn't say much to Xuan Yun, and couldn't wait to walk towards the reception room. But when he arrived at the main hall, he looked at the tourists praying in surprise.

[Congratulations on increasing your willingness by 1 point! 】

[Congratulations to you for adding 1 point of willingness! 】

Several tourists actually increased their willingness by 1 point, and they are all devout believers. Although their piety level is only 1 point, the quality of these tourists is very high.

Just when Guo Lin was surprised, several more tourists walked in, discussing excitedly:

"This Qingfeng Temple is so magical. I felt refreshed along the way."

"Yes, at this time, the whole mountain is still shrouded in fog. This cannot be explained clearly by science."

"Have you not noticed that when you come into Qingfeng Temple, all the cells in your body seem to be breathing?"

"Yes, this is the first time in my life that I have encountered this situation. I feel like I am breathing fairy energy."

"Tell me, will you..."


Several tourists looked at each other, obviously understanding this.

This Qingfeng concept is definitely not simple. How many people have been misled by science?

Several tourists also immediately received incense and went to the main hall to pray.

At the same time, Guo Lin also looked at these tourists in surprise.

Because as these tourists prayed, he also found that his wish strength had increased again. Although it was still 1 point, it also made him realize something.

Is this the effect of tourists being affected by various attributes along the way? ?

It's really possible.

Doesn’t that mean that future tourists who come to Qingfeng Temple will almost always provide 1 point of Willing Power?

This is really an unexpected surprise.

Guo Lin observed two more groups of tourists, and after discovering that this was indeed the case, he went to the reception room, closed the doors and windows, and began to retreat.

He has been waiting for a long time to practice foundation building.

Immortal cultivators will not stay in retreat for a short period of time. In the Shushan world, some may even stay in retreat for several years, and some may stay in retreat for decades.

Therefore, retreats often focus on fasting.

For ordinary people, it is impossible to go without food. If you don't eat for one day, you will feel hungry, and if you don't eat for three days, it will be a joke.

But for people like Guo Lin who have succeeded in breaking the pulse, it is not a problem at all. As long as there is enough spiritual energy to absorb, part of the spiritual energy will be integrated into the limbs and bones while practicing, providing various elements needed for survival.

After a while, Guo Lin sat down cross-legged and started to activate the "Basic Qi Refining Method of Nine Heavens Mysterious Scripture" again, trying to break through the foundation building again.

Unfortunately, one day later, Guo Lin failed to build the foundation again. Sure enough, every breakthrough is not that simple.

Naturally, other people in the Taoist temple also knew the news about Guo Lin's retreat. Everyone was curious and checked in Guo Lin's office from time to time.

Especially after one day, they all began to be surprised. The second day, the third day...

As time passed, everyone was completely unbelievable. Could Daochang Guo really go without eating or drinking for so many days?

The legendary Bigu is nothing more than this.

Ten days passed like this, and people like Xuanyang and Xuanyun were so worried that they went into the closet to check the situation.

"Is Taoist Master supposed to be okay?"

"How could something happen to senior brother?"

On the tenth day, Guo Lin suddenly opened his eyes in the dressing room, and there was clearly a flash of light in his eyes.

That is the aura that has not yet converged.

If someone who has succeeded in breaking the pulse looks at Guo Lin at this time, he can even see the energy aura around him that has not been completely restrained.

Almost at that moment, the energy aura around him was completely absorbed into his body. At the same time, the energy in his body also began to undergo a qualitative change.

This is a kind of transformation, where energy quickly condenses, then undergoes a qualitative change, and finally transforms into true energy.

This is an increase in energy level, which means that with the same energy, the same moves will be much more powerful.

However, it may take some time for the Dantian's ability to be fully transformed into Qi.

But when the energy in Guo Lin's body was completely converted into Qi, his brows also frowned.

Because the energy in his Dantian has been completely converted into Qi, but it has not yet broken through to the level of foundation building. It seems that there is still something missing.

But suddenly, he looked up at the sky in astonishment. What he saw was the ceiling of the dressing room, but his expression was obviously not as simple as seeing the ceiling.

He understood what was going on. There was information about this situation recorded in the "Basic Qi Refining Method of Nine Heavens Xuan Jing".

Almost at the moment Guo Lin raised his head, exclamations rang out one after another in Qingfeng Temple:

"How is this going?"

"Look at the sky, are these dark clouds?"


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