Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 257 The bells and drums are ringing! New newbie quarters!

When Guo Lin saw the three game prompts, he immediately looked at the sect's location information on the light screen in his mind:

The sect’s residence: Qingfengguan

Level: Level 7 sect residence.

Effects: Sturdy +7, Simplicity +2, Ornamental +2, Solemnity +2

Upgrade requirements: 1. 25.6 million merit money (13.125 million usable merit money!) 2. 32,000 wish value (535 usable wish value!)

Special: 1. The effect of the sect's station can be recovered and turned into a sect's station construction card (the effect level of the sect's station when built again is reduced by 1.) 2. Damage can be recovered from the system.

Visitor: Guo Lin (Xuan Lin)

Among the monks: Xuanyang, Xuanyun, Zongbin, Zongwan.

Seven Sages (7/7):

Special Ginkgo (Spring!)

Special effect:

1. Inspire the trees to sing! Pleasant listening +2, physical and mental relaxation +2!

Requirement: The special thousand-year-old ginkgo tree meets the spirit!

2. Special effect: prayer card warning.

Plants of the Ten Directions (1/10)

Special ●Ginkgo.

Special powers:

1: Breeze comes slowly:......

2: Special environment recovery: After the environment recovery, the four seasons within the sect's residence will be like spring +2, and the ecological harmony will be +2.

Qiankun Secret Realm: Level 2

Qiankun Secret Space:

1. The first floor of the Sutra Collection Building:…….

2. Special spiritual garden:…….

Level 1 Morning Bell and Evening Drum:

Effects: 1. When the morning bell rings, hearing it will make people feel uplifted and full of energy, making them full of energy at the beginning of the day. 2. When the evening drum sounds, hearing it calms the mind, relieves the fatigue of the day, and relaxes the body.

Restrictions: 1. It can only be activated in the morning and evening.

2. You need more than 5 points of piety to beat bells and drums normally. The higher the piety, the easier it is to beat.

3. You need to have energy, and input the energy into the drumstick or vertebrae to activate the sound.

After the sect's residence was upgraded to level 7, the information changed. The first was the willingness and merit requirements for upgrading to the next level.

It already costs 26.5 million to upgrade the merit money, and the upgrade will cost 32,000.

Naturally, Guo Lin was the first to look at the information about morning bells and evening drums.

The functions of morning bells and evening drums are as expected, divided into bells and drums.

The clock can cheer people up, make them full of energy, and make them full of energy at the beginning of the day.

Drumming can calm people's minds, relieve the fatigue of the day, and relax their bodies.

It can be said that when the bells and drums sound, everyone who hears them will be in disbelief.

Naturally, there are restrictions on ringing the bells and drums.

First of all, the time of morning and evening corresponds to the morning and evening of the morning bell and evening drum bell.

In other words, this bell and drum can only be activated in the morning and evening.

In addition to this time, there are also pious requirements. Only with 5 o'clock of piety can you beat the bell and drum normally, just like using a normal bell spine and drum hammer.

If the piety is less than 5 points, the greater the difference, the greater the weight will be added.

Not many people can meet this requirement alone. After all, apart from the outer disciples of Qingfeng Temple, there should not be many people outside who can achieve this level of piety.

Naturally, the last point is the most important. Energy needs to be input into the bell spine and drum hammer to stimulate the effect of the bell and drum.

At this point, absolutely no one can meet the requirements.

In Qingfengguan, only he, Xie Qingyang, and Xuanyun can ring the morning bell and evening drum.

Guo Lin looked at the two parts of the bell and drum, and it was obvious that subsequent tourists became very clumsy when trying to catch the bell spine and drumsticks.

They are all not pious enough5.

He looked at the time and saw that it was only noon. He had no way to strike the bells and drums, so he had to wait.

Apart from the morning bells and evening drums, what surprised him the most was the last tip, which was to upgrade the residence for newbies in the game.

This was something he didn't expect.

The novice's residence is the only place where he enters the game, and only in the novice's residence can the things in the game be brought into reality.

It's just that he never thought that this novice's residence could be upgraded with rewards after the sect's residence was upgraded.

It was so unexpected.

I don’t know what the newbie’s residence will look like after it is upgraded.

Unfortunately, this newbie's residence is still being upgraded, and there is currently no way to enter the game. There is nothing I can do to find out what's going on.

He can only wait for the upgrade of the novice residence to be completed.

This time the sect's residence is upgraded. In addition to the upgrade of the novice's residence, although there are no other rewards, it also upgrades the solid attributes.

Now within the sect's station, the solidity has reached a level of +7.

He also hurriedly looked at the strongness +7 attribute of the sect's station, and a note in parentheses appeared behind it (when the strongness reaches 7, it will have unparalleled defense power, and it will not be able to move even if it is bombarded by artillery shells. A 150-yard car hitting it will also destroy the car and kill everyone.)

When Guo Lin saw this note information, he felt that it was a bit awesome.

Let’s not talk about the 150-yard car impact, but it can also remain motionless when bombarded by artillery shells. This is simply incredible.

The game system has upgraded this solid attribute, which is very interesting. Are you going to make him resist artillery shells in the future?

He wanted to experience specifically how strong the +7 solid attribute was, so he walked directly outside the Taoist temple and into the backyard.

When he reached one of the walls, he directly mobilized the energy in his body to attach to his fist, and then punched the wall suddenly.


A silent voice sounded.

There was nothing wrong with the wall, but his hand was very painful from the shock.

As soon as Guo Lin thought about it, there were runes of talisman floating around his body, 5 talismans and a fighting talisman.

With a wave of his hand, the five talismans were activated and turned into spiritual patterns that condensed together and surrounded a corner of the backyard.

After that, he controlled the fighting talisman, and the spiritual pattern flew out, instantly falling into the corner, and then he saw a terrifying impact ripple out.

The fighting talisman, which could blow a huge boulder into pieces, made a huge explosion sound.

After destroying the spiritual pattern of one of the talismans, it did not cause any damage to the wall of the backyard.

The wall was still intact.

"Senior brother, what's going on?"

"Brother, what happened?"

Xie Qingyang and Xuanyun rushed in from the outside in shock, and then saw the talisman spirit pattern still floating in the corner.

The inspiration emitted by this spiritual pattern energy is different from the light emitted by the game system. The two have already cultivated the energy and can naturally see it.

"Test the solidity of this wall. From now on, our Qingfeng Temple will not be damaged even by artillery shells." Guo Lin said with a smile, and then walked out.

As he took control, the remaining talismans dissipated instantly.

His words shocked both Xie Qingyang and Xuan Yun.

What did senior brother just say?

The two were really shocked, looked at each other, subconsciously went to the warehouse, took out a hammer, and hit the wall hard twice.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them were stunned. The hammer in their hands flew out and fell to the ground.

They looked at the place where they had smashed it, and found no trace at all.

Can this really be bombarded by artillery shells?

But they subconsciously looked at the sky again. If the wall could hold it, what should they do with this empty place?

Guo Lin returned to the waiting room, took out his mobile phone and logged into "Leisure Shushan", but got a game prompt:

[Please wait until the novice residence has been upgraded before playing the game to avoid failure to obtain rewards! 】

"That's quite considerate." Guo Lin complained, but he could only put down his phone, and then began to study the "Tianshi Talisman" fighting talisman.

He hasn't given up on learning the detonating talisman from that anime in Plaster Country.

Now he has a clue. As long as he studies more, it should be possible to remotely control the detonation of the fighting talisman.

Guo Lin studied for another afternoon. In the evening, when it got dark, he left the closet.

At this time, you can study the morning bells and evening drums.

When we arrived outside the Taoist temple, most of the tourists had also gone down the mountain at this time, except for some who did not listen to the advice and stayed at the top of the mountain.

After playing for a day, I checked in 7 ancient trees and was really exhausted.

It is easy to go up the mountain, but difficult to go down. Many people's legs are shaking when they reach the middle of the mountain.

That's the case with Lin Li.

He is the protagonist who used Bijunsan yesterday. He did not go back yesterday because he still had to wait for the medicine to treat myopia.

Fortunately, he got the medicine today.

This trip to Youcheng was really a lucky one. Not only was the rhinitis cured, but my myopia was cured as well.

The medical hall at the Qingfeng Mountain Visitor Service Center is really amazing.

So, when he was in a good mood, he went up the mountain to play for a day, and even visited the Seven Sages Ancient Tree. After he was very interested, he walked down the mountain and rested twice. He was too tired.

After Guo Lin walked out of the Taoist temple, there were no tourists in the place where the morning bells and evening drums were.

Only Xuanyun, Xie Qingyang, Zong Bin, Zong Wan and others were studying on the evening drum, but it was obvious that no matter how hard these people beat on the evening drum, they couldn't make any sound.

Seeing Guo Lin coming, these people all saluted:

"I've met senior brother!"

"Meet the Taoist Priest!"

Guo Lin nodded towards these people and asked with a smile: "You really want to know what's going on with these bells and drums?"

After he finished speaking, Xuanyun and the others were already nodding wildly.

Of course they want to know, otherwise they wouldn't try to study it here while the tourists are gone.

Guo Lin smiled and said: "These bells and drums are actually magic weapons now, so ordinary people can't ring them at all!"

These words shocked Xuanyun and the others again.

Magic weapon?

This word is not unfamiliar. There are many terms for magical weapons in Taoism, such as the most famous peach wood sword, copper coin sword and so on.

These things have special effects, which are generally experienced in ghost movies, and they are used to restrain evil things.

They didn't expect that the bells and drums were like that.

Ma Tao found it most unbelievable. After all, the bell and drum were ordinary items that he bought personally from the factory. How did it become a magical weapon?

Guo Lin had already picked up the drumstick while speaking, and then mobilized energy to input into the drumstick.

After the game system modification, this drumstick can already contain energy.

After that, he also beat the evening drum.

Rise three clear, fall four imperial, pray to the gods in the middle, tighten seven, slow eight, flat twelve...

He beat the morning bell and evening drum according to the Taoist method, which was very rhythmic, and the sound of the drums was incredibly loud and spread around.

Xuanyun and the others all widened their eyes, it was really loud.

The tourists who stayed on the top of the mountain also subconsciously looked around. Didn't they say that the bells and drums of Qingfeng Temple were not ringing?

Listening to the sound of the drums, they were suddenly stunned, and a surprising feeling suddenly filled their bodies.

The most obvious thing is people coming down the mountain.

Lin Li was just about to find a place to sit down and rest when he suddenly heard rhythmic drums coming from the top of the mountain.

Is that drum beating?

Just in the sound of the drum, he found that his mood became very calm, and his worries about going far down the mountain suddenly relaxed.

The fatigue from walking in the mountains for a day also disappeared quickly, and my whole body was in a very relaxed state.

Is this all the effect of drum sounds? It’s too unbelievable.

But the sound of the drum carried a special power and spread far away. Even the vendors at the bottom of the mountain heard it. They had been busy for a day and were exhausted physically and mentally, but under the sound of the drum, they seemed to be washed. In general, exhausted.

"Is this the drum sound passed down from Qingfeng Temple?"

"It's amazing. It's so easy to close the stall for the first time."

"Didn't it mean that the bells and drums of Qingfeng Temple can't be beaten at all?"


The tourists at the bottom of the mountain also looked towards the top of the mountain in disbelief.

Did it actually ring?

In front of the evening drum, Xuanyun, Zong Bin, Zong Wan, Lin Ze'an, and Wang Yang all looked at Guo Lin with the desire for peace.

They really wanted to know what was going on.

Guo Lin smiled and said: "Since they are magical weapons, they naturally have requirements for their use. The first is time. The morning bell and evening drum can only be rung between morning and evening. The other is piety."

"Your piety should be enough. That is the most important point, energy. Have you read the novel? The magic weapons, treasures and other things in it are all controlled by energy. The morning bell and evening drum are magic weapons, so naturally they are in this way."

This explanation made everyone else open their mouths in a daze.

Need energy again?

Zong Bin and Zong Wan were okay. After all, they had learned "Qingfeng Fist", ate blessing rice, and were in the process of guiding energy into their Dantian.

People like Lin Ze'an were helpless.

Especially Lin Ze'an, he regretted it again. He was obviously the first one to come to Qingfeng Temple. Why was he so stupid that he didn't know to enter Qingfeng Temple in the first place?

"Brother, let me try." Xie Qingyang stepped forward, took the drumstick directly from Guo Lin's hand, and then mobilized energy to input into the drumstick.

Then the drums began again.

Xie Qingyang's face showed joy and excitement.

It's exactly what the senior brother said.

Xuanyun also hurriedly stepped forward, took the drumstick from Xie Qingyang, and after inputting energy, he also struck the drum. .

However, the energy of the two of them is limited, and they basically have no way to knock a second time after knocking once.

But even so, when the two of them repeated it, the sound of the drum spread was shocking and magical to those who heard it.

Such as those tourists staying at the top of the mountain.

Time always disappears inadvertently. One night passed, and when Guo Lin got up early the next morning, he heard a clanging sound.

Moreover, this sound gives people an extraordinary feeling.

Especially the tourists who secretly stayed overnight in the mountains for an exciting night, as well as the villages near Qingfeng Mountain. They also heard the distant bells in the silence. Everyone felt very excited, full of energy, and full of energy. Full of enthusiasm for today's work.

Such bells!

People in nearby villages also looked in the direction of Qingfeng Mountain.

It seems that living near Qingfengguan has more and more benefits.

At the morning bell, I saw Xie Qingyang and Xuanyun coming together. They had arrived at this time early.

The two were in high spirits.

Guo Lin also knew that it was Xie Qingyang and Xuanyun who sounded the morning bell. After all, they were the only ones with the energy.

He was about to get up and wash up when he suddenly received a game prompt:

[Congratulations, the game newbie’s residence has been successfully upgraded, you can continue the game with confidence! 】

Guo Lin's eyes widened when he heard the game's thoughtful reminder again.

It's finally fine, just waiting for this.

He had an idea and immediately entered the game, but when he saw the upgraded novice residence, he was completely dumbfounded.

It turns out to be like this!

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