Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 268 Gave a bag of seeds! And Buddhist calligraphy!

Guo Lin walked to the front yard outside the main hall and suddenly saw a small bag left on the ground.

It was left by Su Mei.

Is this considered repaying a favor?

He picked up the bag curiously and saw the note:

[This is a special wood spirit bag that can store special wood attribute seeds so that the aura of the seeds will not be lost! 】

This bag alone is a great item!

If you get any spiritual fruit seeds that need to be kept tightly in the future, just use this bag to pack them.

Guo Lin then opened the wood spirit bag and saw densely packed seeds inside.

At a glance, there must be hundreds of seeds, but I don’t know what kind of seeds they are.

Pour out one and check the notes:

[This is a special kind of locust tree seed. It is said that it was blessed and refined by the mountain god of Yinlong Mountain. When planted in a place with wood spiritual energy, it can grow visibly with the naked eye, and it has extremely strong vitality. The grown locust tree will have unexpected effects. Special effect!


1. Only with the Qi of wood can it germinate, and the Sophora japonica can continue to grow, and the growing season cycle becomes longer!

2. Sophora japonica has special properties: clearing heat and purging fire +2, treating intestinal heat and blood in the stool +2, treating hemorrhoids +2, and treating hemorrhoids +2.

3. If there is still spiritual energy, the properties of the locust horn will be stronger. The specific effect depends on the richness of the spiritual energy. 】

After reading the notes, Guo Lin felt that this was a good thing.

It goes without saying that it can clear away heat, purge fire, and treat intestinal heat and blood in the stool. This kind of disease is actually a little troublesome, and it is a good thing to be cured quickly.

But compared to the properties of treating hemorrhoids and treating hemorrhoids, what do the first two properties count?

Although he has never had hemorrhoids, how did he say this?

Nine out of ten men have hemorrhoids! Ten women and ten hemorrhoids!

It is about the harm of hemorrhoids to men and women. 9 out of 10 men have hemorrhoids, and almost every 10 out of 10 women have hemorrhoids!

Of course, this is an exaggeration, but it also proves that the high incidence of hemorrhoids is related to the pace of life in modern society and high-pressure work.

Moreover, once you get hemorrhoids, the itching can range from mild to severe pain and restlessness, especially when you get a large size, not to mention the torture.

Only when you really have hemorrhoids will you know the pain.

Therefore, this thing will definitely become the savior of countless men and women,

There are obviously a lot of seeds in this bag. If they can be planted, it can be a grove of locust trees.

From the remark information, we can know that this thing must be planted in an environment with wood energy to be effective. If it has spiritual energy, it will be stronger.

And within the scope of Qingfeng Temple, because of the existence of the ‘immortal incarnation’, doesn’t it happen that there is wood energy?

Even the special forest garden is within the triangle area of ​​the Spirit Gathering Array, doesn't it happen to have spiritual energy?

Planting seeds inside will also allow the third attribute to take effect.

It's just that this bag of seeds can completely plant a locust tree forest, which is impossible to grow in a special forest garden.

After all, there are hundreds of seeds!

It is impossible to use all the key special forest gardens to plant locust trees.

In other words, in addition to planting in special forest gardens, you also need to find a place to plant a small locust forest in Qingfengguan.

In this way, different levels of Huaijiao can be distinguished.

What grows in an environment with spiritual energy and in an environment without spiritual energy are definitely different.

However, in the remarks, the growth rate of the seeds of the locust tree is visible to the naked eye, and it is necessary to find a special place within the Qingfeng Temple.

Otherwise, an extra forest will appear out of thin air in front of everyone.

Thinking about it, Guo Lin also collected the bag of locust tree seeds. He was not surprised that Su Mei would give him a bag of locust tree seeds.

After all, there are many stories about foxes and locust trees.

For example, many children will have heard the story of the little fox and the old locust tree.

There is also the story of the old locust tree in the old house being cut down, which alarmed the fox fairy.

There is also the story of a salesman rescuing a little fox and entrusting him with a dream under the locust tree.


There are too many stories about foxes and locust trees. Regardless of whether these stories are made up, the locust trees are related to foxes, which means that foxes are really attracted to locust trees.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the little fox would give him these locust tree seeds.

Back in the closet, Guo Lin also went directly to the direction of the medicine field.

A high wall has been built outside the medicine field, the door is closed, and there are signs prohibiting entry.

The door is locked, and only Xuan Yun has the key.

After all, the secrets in the medicine field do not want to be known to outsiders, and Xuanyun strictly keeps them secret.

He didn't need a key to get in. His foundation-building strength and body were extremely terrifying to ordinary people. He easily jumped over the wall and reached the medicine field.

Walking into the medicine field, you entered the special forest garden within two steps.

You can see that the medicine field in the garden has been planted with many medicinal materials by Xuanyun, and the rat fruit tree not far away is also standing there alone.

The area of ​​the special forest garden is not small, but it is also correspondingly large. It is impossible to plant hundreds of locust trees.

Moreover, planting all locust trees would be too wasteful. Who knows what else can be planted in the future?

There are some species of this special locust tree, and the locust horn produced is of higher quality.

After all, this thing is actually of no use to him.

Therefore, he also took out a dozen locust tree seeds, found a place to dig and planted them.

It didn't take him long to figure out what the remark about visible growth meant.

I saw movement in the soil where the seeds were originally buried, as if something came out, and then, a touch of green appeared.

That is the bud of a locust tree seed.

After a while, the seedling sprouted several more leaves.

Guo Lin watched from the side. In almost half a day, the locust tree was already more than 3 meters tall, which was almost a year old.

But it was only half a day.

Normally, a locust tree can bloom and bear fruit in about 5 years.

Even if the growth ages of this special locust tree are different, the older the tree can bear fruit.

With this growth rate, it should only take a few days to complete the growth and then bloom and bear fruit, right?

"Senior brother!" Xuanyun's voice sounded behind him. He walked up to him carrying a bucket of spiritual spring water and bowed. He then discovered the dozen or so locust trees that were over 3 meters high and said in surprise: " Senior brother, when was this tree transplanted?"

He was sure that there was no such tree in the morning.

In other words, this tree just appeared.

But he was not notified to move the tree, and the door outside was still locked.

It's not strange to think that my senior brother is here. After all, it's not surprising that something magical happens around him.

He curiously walked to one of the locust trees to check it out, but he was shocked to find that the branch in front of him had two leaves visible to the naked eye.

Xuanyun immediately exclaimed: "Senior...Senior brother, this branch has just grown two leaves visible to the naked eye!"

While he was talking, he saw two more leaves growing on the branch.


He immediately noticed the ornamental bamboos in front of the mountain temple and said subconsciously: "Brother, was this locust tree also given by the Mountain Goddess? Was it just planted?"

"It was just planted, and it belongs to the mountain god." Guo Lin smiled and nodded.

This sentence is 100% true, that is, this mountain god is not what the other party thinks.

When Xuan Yun heard this, he nodded and felt strange.

After all, compared to the previous mountain temple ceremony, watching the bamboos grow instantly all around, this is nothing.

Guo Lin asked at this time: "Xuanyun, is there any place within our Qingfeng Temple area that is relatively open and can accommodate hundreds of trees?"

He plans to plant the remaining locust tree seeds elsewhere.

But to plant trees, you don’t just have to find a random place. For example, if there are dense trees on logs and there is no space at all, how can you plant them?

"Brother, are there hundreds of locust trees like this?" Xuanyun couldn't help being surprised, and immediately said: "There is definitely no place like this in Qingfeng Mountain. However, we have three mountains in Qingfengguan, and the top of the mountain on the left is There was an open area with seemingly no trees.”

"When I cooperated with Ma Tao in choosing to transplant ancient trees, I found two locations on that mountain and took a look there, but there was no way to get to that location."

"The road is not a problem, as long as there is a place!" Guo Lin smiled and walked out of the special forest garden and out of the medicine field.

If there is no road, it means that no one will go up and steal the fruit of the locust tree in the future.

Because the Seven Sage Ancient Trees are open for viewing, many tourists come to visit the Seven Sage Ancient Trees. Simple mountain trails connecting the three mountains have already been built.

This channel will be detailed and processed later, stone slabs will be laid, and guardrails will be built.

However, it is definitely a tiring task to go down the mountain path from the Qingfengguan side, and then follow the other mountain on the mountain path to see the two 7-sage ancient trees that are the mountain gods.

Therefore, hardly more than 30% of tourists can complete the check-in at the 7 Ancient Trees.

Guo Lin is a foundation-building immortal, so this distance is not a problem for him.

Even if Xuanyun is practicing the "Basic Qi Refining Method of Nine Heavens Mysterious Sutra", coupled with the increasing amount of energy in his Dantian, his physique is getting stronger and stronger, this distance is not a problem for him.

The two quickly passed the area where the two Seven Sage Ancient Trees were located. There was really no path further in, and the climb to the top of the mountain was still very steep.

"Senior brother, there is no way out." Xuan Yun said with a frown.

"Then let's open one." Guo Lin said, and waved his hand to summon Xiao Lizi's special wooden sword.

When the sword control technique was used, the wooden sword quickly sprang out and flew quickly among the trees in front of him.

I saw the trees breaking and falling under the wooden sword. At the same time, under the control of his sword control skills, the fallen trees, branches and weeds also moved to both sides.

A short stretch of extremely crude road appeared.

"Let's go!" Guo Lin said, walked forward, and then continued to control the wooden sword to open the way.

However, the energy consumption was also serious. The other hand had already taken out two rat fruits from the magic bag and kept them ready to replenish the energy at any time.

Behind him, Xuan Yun looked at this scene with admiration and envy in his eyes.

The legendary sword-wielding immortal is just a senior brother, right?

Even if one day his senior brother flew into the sky with his sword, he wouldn't find it strange.

After spending a lot of time, the two finally reached the top of the mountain. This section of the road was really a waste of effort, even Xuan Yun was out of breath.

After that, the locust tree fruit grew. If someone could really climb to such a position, it would not be impossible to give him a locust tree fruit for free.

Really, being able to come up here is commendable for your courage and your physical strength.

But when they reached the top of the mountain, Guo Lin and Xuan Yun were a little dumbfounded, because there was a pile of rocks on the top of the mountain. No wonder it was empty. It was strange that trees could grow in such a place.

Xuanyun couldn't help but said in embarrassment: "Senior brother, I have never been here before, so I didn't know this was the case."

Guo Lin took out the wood spirit bag, tried to take out a locust tree seed, found a gap in the rocks and tried to plant it.

This kind of seed requires wood spiritual energy to be planted, and there is no requirement for a certain environment or soil to be planted.

Maybe it can work here?

Xuanyun now also knew what was going on with the dozen or so locust trees. Was it actually his senior brother who planted them with seeds like this?

Then, he saw a visible sprout growing out of the place where his senior brother planted the seeds, and then leaves could be seen with the naked eye.

It's incredible.

It is indeed a seed given by the Mountain Goddess.

When Guo Lin saw this scene, he immediately gave half of the seeds to Xuanyun, and then ordered: "Plant all these locust tree seeds."

"Yes, senior brother." Xuan Yun nodded and immediately started taking action together.

It took the two of them half a day to plant all the hundreds of locust tree seeds on the top of Heshan Mountain.

When Xuanyun planted the last seed and looked around, he saw a spectacular scene.

The buds of the hundreds of locust trees have grown, and each one has become a sapling in a short period of time.

If anyone outside knew this, they would definitely be shocked.

At this rate, within two or three days, this place will turn into a locust forest.

Xuanyun thought of something and asked curiously: "Senior brother, since these locust trees were given by the Mountain Goddess, there must be something special about them, right?"

Guo Lin didn't hide anything, and said with a smile: "Well, the locust horns grown from this locust tree can treat hemorrhoids and hemorrhoids!"

"Ah..." Xuan Yun exclaimed excitedly when he heard this, and even clamped his legs subconsciously.

"What's wrong? Are you so excited?" Guo Lin asked teasingly.

Xuan Yun was embarrassed and said nonchalantly: "I have a friend who suffers from hemorrhoids. The locust horn of this locust tree has such a function, it will definitely help him!"

"Friend!" Guo Lin smiled.

Xuanyun said even more awkwardly: "That's Senior Brother Xuanyang, he is my best friend!"

"It turns out to be Xuanyang!" Guo Lin pretended to suddenly realize it, then went down the mountain and changed the subject: "By the way, pay more attention to the locust trees you planted these days to see when the locust horns will grow!"

"Yes, senior brother," he immediately followed and responded.

After Guo Lin returned to the Taoist Temple, seeing that nothing happened, he went back to the waiting room and played "Leisure Shushan". The more important thing was to play the game of "Multiple Lives and One Liver" when he had time.

However, for the first mission, he randomly accepted a side mission. According to his previous experience, there would definitely be no reward for the first mission.

The more you play the game, the more you can master some rules!

But when this side task is completed and submitted, the system prompt also appears in due course:

"Congratulations, you have acquired special skills and Dharma calligraphy!"

"???" Guo Lin.


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