Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 289 The contemporary heavenly master! Something is going to happen!

As soon as I woke up, the domestic Internet was swept by an old Taoist priest.

You can not believe in the speed of anything, but you must not believe in the speed of news.

Even if what happened in * country late at night has been spread all over the Internet early in the morning, it will not be long after the morning news in * country.

Especially in the past six months, news about Ga waist has been attracting attention.

Lin Jia has been paying attention to this kind of news, because his wife's sister was defrauded out of a high salary a few years ago, and he has always felt it was a pity.

Because of this, the short video platform will always recommend relevant news videos to him.

"You showed me a video of an old Taoist priest early in the morning. Are you attacking feudal superstition again?" Lin Jia said with a frown.

Moreover, the old Taoist priest had a wretched look on his face, as if he knew how to engage in feudal superstition and deceive others.

But when he saw the news headline, he was shocked.

"The old Taoist descends from the mountain, punishes rape and eliminates evil, and sweeps away criminal gangs in the United States. This is the real-life Master of Heaven who turns out to be a real superhero!" 》

what's going on?

Next, this video is the reporter’s self-narration:

"As everyone knows, I have always been a reporter dedicated to anti-fraud. I have reported a lot of anti-fraud news. I have been paying attention to the news in * country a few months ago, and I will report the situation there to everyone in real time every time!"

"This time, as soon as I woke up, I received shocking news. All the gangs there were wiped out by one person in each park overnight."

"Yes, it's an old Taoist priest. When I first received the news, I thought the other party was playing a prank on me. How could such a thing happen?"

"But based on the principle of caution, I still investigated in detail, and then I was completely shocked. It was true. Moreover, I also got a lot of videos and photos about there..."

Next, Lin Jia saw a horrifying scene in his vision. He saw a man hanging in a warehouse, with a hideous wound on his waist, and the organs inside were bloody and bloody.

The reporter's voice also rang out at the same time: "As you can see, these people are exactly a gangster gang over there. They were eliminated by the old Taoist priest overnight and hung on the warehouse."

"After receiving the victim's call for help, people from the hotel rushed there with people and have identified these people."

The video changed again, it was obviously in a park, and in the midst of a year of chaos, we saw a group of people with their limbs mutilated and wailing.

The reporter's voice also sounded: "As you can see in the video, these deposed people are members of a fraud gang in the park, and they were also deposed by the old Taoist priest."

Next, videos appeared one after another, all of which were videos of members of various gangs being destroyed.

In other words, it is indeed certain that all the gangs in the * country were wiped out overnight.

And the person who did all this was an old Taoist priest.

is it possible?

You must know that those gangs have weapons. Even if this old Taoist priest has martial arts, he is still afraid of kitchen knives, let alone blocking those weapons.

Hasn't Taoist Guo from Qingfengguan been confirmed to be a national martial artist? If you ask him to go to those gang lairs to save people, do you think he would dare to go?

Lin Jia felt like he was listening to a fantasy story.

The reporter's voice rang out again: "Now the victims who were deceived have gone to the hotel to ask for help. My colleagues there have interviewed some victims who have escaped. Let's hear what they have to say."

The scene changed again.

This time it was obviously outside the hotel, and a reporter could be seen interviewing some people.

As noted in the video, the interview target is the deceived person who escaped from trouble.

"I was almost desperate, but I never thought I would be saved by an old god!"

"He just appeared like that, surrounded by a long sword, and he swung the sword out with a wave of his hand, harvesting lives."

"You can't believe that they shot at the old god together, but the bullets couldn't do anything to the old god!"


With the scenes of the victims being interviewed, everyone became even more unbelievable. Is it possible that all of this is true?

The world view seems to have been suddenly shocked.

But one of the victims took out the secretly taken photos, and saw the old Taoist priest standing among the wailing people, with blood flowing under his feet.

Is this really the Heavenly Master in reality?

Recently there happened to be another drama about the Heavenly Master being aired.

I'm afraid only a heavenly master like in the drama can do this kind of thing, right?

Lin Jia was shocked and hurriedly sent a message to his wife: "Honey, please read the news. There is an old god. All the gangs in China have been dealt with. Maybe he has avenged your sister."

"Honey, let me tell you, that Celestial Master is so amazing. When I saw his photo, I knew he was definitely a person with an immortal spirit."

It’s not just Lin Jia.

Many people were shocked when they saw the news online and couldn't believe it.

You must know that the problems in the United States have always been difficult to solve, and it is also difficult to save those who have been deceived.

Mainly the issue of law enforcement rights abroad.

But no one thought that such a thing would happen.

There was actually an old Taoist priest who rushed over and killed all those bastards.

So is there really such a terrifying Heavenly Master in the world?

But there are people who know.

Just like Hu Chen.

He personally handled Chu Yanhe's case and knew that Daochang Guo had gone to the * country. It didn't seem difficult to do such a thing with Daochang Guo's ability.

It's just that the old Taoist Priest in the photo is indeed not Taoist Priest Guo.

A Pao also saw the news when he and Li Mengyao were together.

"Besides Taoist Master Guo, are there any other Taoist priests who are so powerful?" A Pao looked surprised.

He had personally experienced the power of Daochang Guo, so he didn't find it strange. .

But he never thought that there was such a powerful old Taoist priest outside. According to what the news said, he was so awesome.

"Perhaps, this old Taoist priest may be Taoist priest Guo." Li Mengyao naturally heard about Taoist priest Guo's power from A Pao.

"It's impossible, right?" A Pao said doubtfully, "The two of them look completely different."

Li Mengyao hurriedly said: "Have you forgotten that Daoist Guo has the elixir that can change his appearance? Moreover, when we went up the mountain, didn't we learn that Daoist Guo also traveled far away recently?"

This guess is reasonable and very possible.

But after a moment, A Pao said: "It's not Taoist Guo. Long*shan has issued an announcement saying that the old Taoist priest may be their previous generation's old master. Now this news has spread all over the Internet."

"Real or false?" Li Mengyao was immediately surprised and hurriedly checked the news online, and it turned out to be true.

Long*shan said that there will be a Celestial Master in every generation on their side, and those who go to the * country may be their old Celestial Master of the previous generation.

"Hey, there was a message from Wu* Mountain, saying that the old Taoist priest might be their uncle who left the mountain twenty years ago and never returned."

A Pao was stunned when he heard this, and went over to take a look, and it was indeed the case.

So whose family does this old Taoist priest belong to?

The two of them looked through the news. In a short period of time, several well-known Taoist holy places came out to identify people, saying that the old Taoist priest from * country came from their side.

This shocked the entire network.

It’s really embarrassing.

I'm afraid the old Taoist priest is not from these places. Are these places taking advantage of the old Taoist priest's popularity?

This is true.

When the online news became more and more popular, Guo Lin had already eliminated the evil spirit from his body in the villa.

This kind of evil spirit may be a good thing for those generals who practice martial arts, but for those who practice Taoism, it may definitely affect their practice. In the future, they may be taken advantage of by the demons.

At the same time, he also found that reminders of special merits began to appear quickly in his mind, and the values ​​were increasing.

Guo Lin looked at the information from the Merit Hall where the sect was stationed. The special merits had reached the level of (3421/10000).

Most of these were gratefully provided by the piggies who had been deceived after last night's continuous raids.

But looking at the crazy reminders in his mind, he guessed the reason. He took out his phone and took a look, and sure enough he saw that there was already news about him on the Internet.

The news did spread so quickly.

Therefore, the next time is when the willingness will grow the fastest. These are not the only people who have been deceived in China. There are still many people who have been deceived in the past.

These people still have relatives in China. Even if they are dead, their relatives are always thinking about this matter. When they see this news, they must have a feeling in their hearts. Even if there are no relatives among the piglets saved, they will still be grateful to him.

Because they really want those villains to die.

As for the piglets saved by Guo Lin, their families will be even more grateful after hearing the news.

Behind a bastard there is a big family.

Therefore, now that the news is spread, it is the time to truly increase special merits.

At this rate, after returning from this trip, the Hall of Merit will have enough special merit to be transformed.

Thinking about it, Guo Lin also took out his mobile phone and planned to play "Leisure Shushan" for a while.

He has basically completed the main mission of Snow Mountain Old Charming, but unfortunately, he did not receive any reward this time.

This seat is directly cleared on the main quest.

Moreover, this is the first time for the main mission whiteboard.

Therefore, he could only continue to complete the main mission of Shangshu Mansion on the other side of the Immortal Sword.

He has completed most of this main mission before, and now it has reached the stage where the Jiujianxian appears and sets up an altar in the Shangshu Mansion to destroy the maze of married women in colorful clothes.

For this task, Guo Lin was responsible for helping Jiujianxian collect materials. To be honest, if he could change the facts, he would rather not help Jiujianxian collect materials.

As long as Jiujianxian doesn't break the maze of wife Caiyi, maybe many things will be different in the future.

Moreover, if Jiujianxian hadn't been too hasty to kill Spider Killer, maybe Caiyi wouldn't have to die.

But it was precisely because of this incident that the Jiujianxian realized that not all demons were bad Taoists.

Just as Guo Lin was thinking about it, his eyes suddenly widened. He submitted the task and a game prompt appeared in his mind.

This was a reward, and he didn't expect Jiujianxian to be so generous and actually gave him such a reward directly.

Villa hall.

President Wu was already checking the news on his mobile phone.

As more and more details were revealed in the news, he became more aware of what Daochang Guo had done.

You must know that those people have existed in this * country for so long and no one can do anything to them. Naturally, there is a reason for their existence.

But he never expected that Daozhang Guo would directly push over and kill all the villains.

Nowadays, there are reporters from the * country, and secretly, I don’t know how many people are inquiring about Daochang Guo, right?

But only they knew that the old Taoist priest in the news was Taoist Guo. His ability to change his body shape and appearance was really shocking.

Everyone is asking about the 60-year-old Taoist priest. Who would have thought that he is actually only in his 20s?

Several of President Wu's bodyguards were also watching the news video. They were all people whom President Wu absolutely trusted, and naturally they knew some things.

They were also very shocked, and even more horrified by the methods of the man upstairs. .

Suddenly, a bodyguard exclaimed: "President, look at this video posted on the dark web, something seems to have happened."

The dark web is a network established by gangs in the United States under the leadership of a big shot.

Most people don’t know about this dark web at all. Only dignitaries and wealthy people know about the existence of this dark web.

Moreover, qualifications are all based on recommendation.

The purpose is naturally simple. Those dignitaries and rich people can buy what they need through this dark network.

For example, piglets, certain organs, etc.

Even if the item is temporarily unavailable and you can afford the money, they will find a way to help you get it.

In short, as long as the dark web and the big man who controls it are there, no matter how many gangs are eliminated, they will soon reappear.

President Wu looked over in confusion and saw the video handed over by the bodyguard, and then his bright color changed instantly.

Damn it!

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