Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 297 Can’t be cracked! The most useless collection of spells!

Xuan Yang naturally saw the fiery gazes of Director Wang and others. Obviously, they wanted this Hundred Flowers Fairy Dew very much.

He originally worked in the shopping mall, how could he not guess the purpose of these people?

Director Wang was impatient and said: "Old Taoist Master, this liquid can benefit many people and can save many lives at critical moments, just like this child. Therefore, we need this liquid very much."

Obviously, this is a moral kidnapping in the name of justice.

People who can play this kind of trick are usually very scheming.

Xuan Yang didn't take this trick, and joked: "Guys, you guys want to crack this thing, and then make a name for yourself and get honors, right?"

As someone who has been in shopping malls, I can directly express the thoughts of people like Director Wang.

Director Wang and others were immediately embarrassed.

Xuan Yang continued: "It's very simple for you to get this thing, that is, donate 1 million merit in the Taoist temple, and this medicine will be yours. Naturally, it all depends on your own volition, and we don't force it!"

Director Wang frowned when he heard the number 1 million.

After all, it was 1 million.

This old Taoist priest actually said he wouldn't force himself?

Since you don’t force it, don’t mention 1 million.

But they also know very well that this is the condition.

Now it's up to them whether they want the liquid or not.

Director Wang quickly pulled a few people aside and said: "The situation is already like this. We have to spend 1 million to get this thing. The seven of us will share it equally. As long as we get the thing, we can get it in the future." It’s far more than this 1 million, naturally, if you don’t want to take it, you don’t need to participate in subsequent testing studies.”

Now that these words have been said, why are those doctors hesitating? Fortunately, they have a lot of income and can afford the money.

Shared among 7 people, it’s only a few tens of thousands per person.

After several people discussed it, they decided on it, and then made the transfer donation according to Xuan Yang's instructions.

Natural transfers must be noted as a free donation to Qingfeng Temple to provide free incense candles to tourists.

To put it simply, this is donated to Qingfeng Temple to provide free incense candles to tourists.

Even if the other party regrets it, there is no way to go back.

Even if there is a fight, it is the other party who will be embarrassed in the end.

People like Director Wang didn't think about this. After donating the money, Director Wang asked anxiously: "Old Taoist Master, can you give us the things now?"

"Now this thing belongs to you." Xuan Yang naturally handed over the share of Baihua Xianlu in his hand to Director Wang and others.

Seeing the excitement of Director Wang and others, he could only shake his head. Some people will always think that they are smart and others are fools.

But sometimes people who think they are smart turn out to be stupid.

Then, he turned around and walked towards the Taoist temple.

Director Wang and others were full of excitement. After getting the things, they hurried down the mountain:

"Fortunately, the other party is a monk. Even if he sees through our purpose, he still doesn't know the true value of this thing."

"Yes, you are greedy for that 1 million. If this thing is cracked, it will be more than just 1 million?"

"Anyway, the most important thing is getting the stuff!"

Several people went down the mountain excitedly, closely guarding the flowers in their hands along the way, for fear of touching even a little bit.

But when they arrived at the foot of Qingfeng Mountain, they saw a tourist couple carrying two bottles and putting them on a car.

The bottle seemed to be exactly the same as the flower nectar in their hands.

Director Wang and others were immediately confused, something seemed wrong.

At this time, the discussion of the tourist couple also came.

Husband: “This flower fairy dew can really detoxify?”

Wife: "Detoxification is not important. What is important is whether skin whitening is real. Do you know that what women care about most is skin?"

Husband: "Yeah, my wife's skin is the most important. Anyway, it's only 2,000 per serving, so my husband doesn't care."

"????" Director Wang and others suddenly felt confused.

What's the meaning?

2,000 yuan a serving?

They spent 1 million on this.

For a moment, they felt uncomfortable at all.

Just now they thought it was someone from Qingfengguan who was seeking 1 million, but now they saw that the other party had actually put it up for sale for only 2,000 yuan.

Their ideas obviously don't hold water.

A doctor said subconsciously: "Director Wang, does the Taoist priest of Qingfeng Temple know our thoughts and teach us a lesson?"

This made another person say: "Yes, the other party obviously knew that we were coming from the beginning, and also knew that we planned to find an excuse to cheat the liquid."

The words of the two made Director Wang and the others swallow their saliva.

It seems so.

"Anyway, we got the stuff, let's go back and check it quickly." Director Wang said, hurriedly getting in the car.

The group quickly returned to the hospital's testing room and began testing in earnest.

Regardless of whether he was taught a lesson by the Taoist priest of Qingfengguan or not, once you get something, you can't have nothing more to gain, right?

But as they retested, each one of them was completely dumbfounded.

"Why is it still water??" Director Wang's face showed surprise again.

Several other doctors couldn't believe it either.

This so-called Hundred Flowers Fairy Dew, no matter how they tested it, it was still water.

They all wondered if the old Taoist priest had brought water to deal with them.

It would be too abominable if that was the case, after all, they donated 1 million.

"Damn it!" Director Wang was a little angry.

But thinking of the strangeness of the old Taoist priest Qingfengguan, they didn't dare to have any thoughts. People are still afraid of unknown things.

Especially the Taoist priest Guo has not shown up yet.

I heard that Taoist Master Guo is the most powerful.

"Go to the foot of Qingfeng Mountain and buy a copy of Baihua Xianlu." Director Wang could only order.

A doctor went immediately to do it.

It didn't take long for the doctor to come back and buy another bottle of Flower Fairy Dew.

They immediately began to test the Baihua Xianlu again.

But after a while, they were dumbfounded again.

It's still water.

How could it be all water?

If the old Taoist priest wants to teach them a lesson, give them some understanding.

But what the other party sells for 2,000 is still water, won’t the other party’s conscience feel pain?

"Water again? Is Qingfeng Guan crazy? When I went to buy it, they said it could detoxify hundreds of poisons."

"I'm so angry. The other party dares to sell water like this. We can definitely expose them."

"Well, otherwise this would be too frustrating."

Director Wang was obviously more thoughtful. Although his brows were furrowed, he ordered: "Take a copy and go to a patient to try it!"

Seeing Director Wang being so cautious, several doctors also nodded.

There are still many patients with virology poisoning. Since this Baihua Xianlu is said to be able to detoxify hundreds of poisons, they will randomly choose a patient to experiment.

Soon, Director Wang led people to a ward.

This is a patient who was just brought in and bitten by a snake.

It looked like the situation was very serious. One of his legs had turned completely black, and thick fluid was still flowing from the two snake teeth.

The patient was also affected by the snake venom and fell into a fever and coma.

Director Wang immediately asked someone to give the patient a portion of flower dew water.

Not long after, something happened that left them stunned.

Not long after this patient took Baihua Xianlu, thick black blood began to drain from the place where he was bitten, and the blackened leg unexpectedly began to regain its color.

"Ah...snake..." The patient also jumped up in surprise, apparently still stuck at the moment of being bitten by the snake.

"Why does water have such an effect?" Director Wang felt like his brain was going to burn out, but he just couldn't figure it out.

The same goes for those doctors.

They tested it over and over again in person, and it was clearly water!

After confirming that the patient's poison was really cured, he immediately took the doctors back to the examination room.

"Re-test, there must be something we didn't detect." Director Wang immediately ordered.

Several doctors did not dare to hesitate and immediately began to perform repeated tests.

But after testing again and again, they only got one result, that is, it was all water.

Even the other portion of Baihua Xianlu was quickly tested, but nothing else was detected.

Director Wang and others only felt more and more frightened.

Is it possible that the Taoist priest of Qingfengguan is really able to make this water have such a terrifying detoxification effect?

If this is the case, then I'm afraid it's not a magical method.

The more I thought about it, there was an inexplicable look of fear on the faces of Director Wang and others.

But if it's true as they think, it's not because the thing can't be cracked and researched, so they donated 1 million in vain?

Suddenly my heart hurts.

"Go to Qingfeng Mountain to buy Baihua Xianlu!" Director Wang ordered through gritted teeth.


Guo Lin walked out of the study room.

He has been playing "Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan" for a long time, but he has gained nothing.

After the main plot of Snow Mountain Old Charming was completed, he thought there would be a main quest about Mount Emei, although he knew it was a main quest about the left side of the road.

Anyway, it is probably the Emei sect that has become very popular recently, and their behavior has become more and more domineering. They have begun to say that treasures are destined to them. When others get it, if they don't take out all the destined treasures, they will kill them at every turn. .

Even people from the leftist sect began to be treated as members of the Demon Cult by the Emei Sect, and many people died unjustly.

The Emei Sect's approach naturally applies to those who adhere to or join it.

Therefore, people from the leftist side sect were in danger, so they began to unite and convene a conference of the leftist side sect. Among them, they also had the support of Qingcheng, Wutai and other major sects who could not stand the Emei sect.

When Guo Lin controlled the game character to take on this mission, he even had to choose a camp, Emei or the Left Alliance.

As a modern Taoist, he naturally chose the opposite of the Emei Sect.

Although the Emei sect is decent, to the modern perspective, their methods of doing things are really explosive, and sometimes it feels like they are more villains than villains.

Perhaps because of this choice, there were a lot of side missions in the Zuodaomen Alliance incident, but there was no reward for completing them consecutively.

In the novel, those people from the leftist sect are indeed much poorer than the Emei sect.

Therefore, after a long time with no results, he had no choice but to accept the task of "Sending Letters", then hung up and left the room.

When passing by the Marriage Hall and the Demon-Subduing Hall, he saw a surprised figure.

That is Chu Yanhe.

She was currently offering incense and praying respectfully in front of the statue of Zhong Kui.

Xuan Yang was still watching. When he saw Guo Lin coming, he reported: "Brother, after this Taoist friend Chu came, she asked to join our Qingfeng Temple practice. I can see that she seems to have collapsed. Now she is a little I am confused and want to find a sense of belonging!"

Guo Lin looked at Chu Yanhe and sighed.

He felt that this fellow Taoist was indeed a bit pitiful.

Just because of a quarrel, my daughter disappeared. After searching hard, I finally got the news of her death.

In fact, when she learned about her daughter's death, she had already collapsed, right?

When I went to *country, I could feel that she was already like a zombie.

Moreover, he knew what sense of belonging the other party wanted, and it should be this statue of Zhong Kui. After all, it was the inheritance of the other party's family and was her ancestor.

Her daughter is dead, this cultivation, this inheritance should be all she has.

For the sake of her daughter, she dedicated this statue to Qingfeng Temple, which meant that her Tao and her inheritance were gone.

If that were the case, he would really have nothing.

That's why she wanted to enter Qingfeng Temple. Even if she could come to burn incense and pray for the statue of Zhong Kui every day, it would be a sense of belonging that would support her survival.

Guo Lin walked into the Demon Subduing Hall.

Zhong Kui in the statue obviously felt that he was coming, and there was another wave of fawning.

The meaning cannot be expressed, but the meaning that can be conveyed in this way is very accurate.

Guo Lin didn't pay attention to this kind of flattery. Instead, Chu Yanhe knew that he was coming, looked at him, and hurriedly performed the Taoist's most respectful ceremony of bowing to the elder: "Taoist Master Guo, please let me enter the Qingfeng Temple. I am willing to practice Taoism diligently and devote the rest of my life to Taoism!"

Guo Lin looked at her, thought for a while and then said: "Well, I will allow you to enter the Taoist temple, as a member of the Xuan family."

"From now on, you will be Qingfeng Guanxuanhe. After Xuanyang helps you perform the initiation ceremony, you will be responsible for the Demon-Suppressing Hall from now on."

"Thank you, Taoist Master!" Chu Yanhe heard Guo Lin's words without hesitation, and kowtowed to Guo Lin crazily. His face was full of excitement, and he obviously had the courage to survive.

Guo Lin later also handed Chu Yanhe over to Xuan Yang.

In fact, it would be good for Chu Yanhe to join the inner sect.

First of all, the other party is the inheritor of the Taoist family. ,

Secondly, the other party's piety level is also 5.

Thirdly, Zhong Kui's Taoist cards are indeed closely related to him.

Fourthly, Qingfengguan is indeed short of people, and it is rare to find someone suitable for joining the inner sect.

Especially suitable for people of Xuanzi generation!

Guo Lin also left the Taoist temple and inspected the surroundings, especially in the direction of Butterfly Valley. The suddenly opened Butterfly Valley had obviously attracted many tourists. Now Huang Bin and Wang Yang had a lot to deal with.

Just maintaining order in Butterfly Valley requires a lot of effort on their part.

Guo Lin was about to go back to his room to continue playing "Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan" when the task of sending letters to the left side door and running around was also completed.

What surprised him was that after submitting anything, a reward prompt from the game system appeared:

[Congratulations on getting the third collection of Shushan Swordsman’s most useless spells! 】

"What?" Guo Lin was a little confused when he saw this reward.

The most useless collection of spells, what the hell?

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