Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 315 Qingfeng Mountain is a world of its own!

Chen Li's pupils obviously dilated when he looked at Guo Lin's number.

Gu Hanyang was thinking about Qingfeng Mountain, but he didn't expect that Daochang Guo would call him.

What a coincidence, right?

"I'll answer the call!" Chen Li immediately stood up, walked to the side and pressed the answer button, and said respectfully: "Daozhang Guo!"

These three words also attracted the attention of Gu Hanyang and Mr. Chu, and they looked towards him.

But Chen Li heard incredible words on the phone at this time: "Mr. Chen, are you being picked up in Mingshi now? Bring that Gu Hanyang to Youcheng!"

"Ah?" Chen Li exclaimed inwardly. Thinking that something was wrong, he immediately covered it up.

Daochang Guo actually knew what happened to him here?

This is incredible.

You must know that Daochang Guo is in Qingfeng Mountain, Youcheng, nearly 100 kilometers away from this place.

After thinking about it, he and Sun Xian had long known about Guo Daozhang's magic, and they didn't seem to find it strange.

He even looked at Gu Hanyang with some sympathy.

The other party had just thought about it. Daochang Guo already knew about it and asked him to take the other party there. He was afraid that he would have to deal with the richest man in Ming City.

"Both, I'm sorry!" Chen Li hung up the phone and returned to his seat apologetically.

"Chen Li, was that Taoist Master Guo from Qingfeng Temple just now?" Mr. Chu asked curiously.

Chen Li nodded and said, "Yes, it's that Taoist priest!"

Gu Hanyang asked curiously: "Mr. Chen, I wonder who the Taoist priest is looking for you?"

"Of course it's for you!" Chen Li said secretly in his heart, but he also covered it up: "It's about Qingfeng Mountain. There is already news on the Internet. The clouds and mist on the mountain have become a bit magical."

This was all nonsense, but he had muted his cell phone during the meeting just now and was filled with surprise when he secretly watched the news.

It’s not surprising that the clouds and mist are rolling.

You can often see this scene when flying.

But it is very magical on a mountain like Qingfeng Mountain, especially the regular rolling and collision of the clouds and mist in Qingfeng Mountain, which is simply spectacular.

Even those scenes that have been photographed and rated as one of the top ten most spectacular clouds and mist scenes are incomparable.

After hearing his words, Gu Hanyang spoke: "I also saw the news video on the news. The spectacle was really incredible, but the noisy scene affected the scenery too much."

“I feel that ordinary people should not be allowed to enter this kind of place. They are not qualified to enter such a place. If it can be developed effectively and correctly, it can become a place where rich people and high-ranking gentlemen are willing to go. "

"At that time, not only will Qingfeng Mountain's status be unique in the country, but the reputation of Guo Daozhang and Qingfeng Temple will also reach a height that no one in the entire Taoist sect can reach."

"So, Mr. Chen, if you have the chance, you and I will give you some advice!"

"Uh!" Chen Li was stunned when he heard this.

Why is there something wrong with the tone and tone of the richest man in Ming City?

It seems that the other party has nothing to do with Qingfengshan and Guo Daochang, right? Why do you think you are the master?

The key point is that the other party's position is wrong. What does it mean that ordinary people are not qualified and only rich people and upper-class gentlemen are qualified?

The other party seems to have forgotten how he started his business, and has forgotten all the embarrassing things about himself, right?

The key point is that if these words are photographed and uploaded to the Internet, given the identities of the other party and Mr. Chu, it will definitely arouse public opinion and both of them will be in trouble.

Mr. Chu agreed appropriately at this time: "Chen Li, since Mr. Gu intends to invest in Youcheng, I still want to ask you to introduce him!"

When Chen Li heard this, he was glad that Master Guo had given the order, otherwise he really wouldn't know how to respond.

However, even if Taoist Guo had given instructions, he could not agree too decisively to avoid arousing suspicion.

Therefore, he pretended to be hesitant for a long time before nodding and agreeing.

This naturally made Gu Hanyang look happy.


The cloud and fog conditions in Qingfeng Mountain naturally became explosive at the fastest speed. The scene of cloud waves rolling and hitting the mountain top was so spectacular.

However, there will soon be a special situation in Qingfeng Mountain that will become even more popular, because the Meteorological Bureau predicts that a super cold air will sweep across the coastal areas.

Moreover, this time the weather forecast was very accurate. The next day, the super cold air swept across the coastal and inland areas.

It's rare for the Meteorological Bureau to be so accurate, but this caught people on the southern coast off guard.

November and a half in the south is a very popular weather for everyone. You can wear long sleeves and it won’t be too cold or too hot.

Suddenly, I had to add a coat, but when I went out, the cold air blew in my face, but it was still like a knife cutting my face.

This caused many people who originally planned to travel to Qingfengguan to cancel their plans.

However, those who still chose to go to Qingfeng Temple were once again pleasantly surprised by Qingfeng Temple.

Several cars slowly drove out of Youcheng. Chen Li and Gu Hanyang sat in the cars, feeling secretly sighing in their hearts.

The richest man in Ming City in front of me is really in a hurry. He only saw him yesterday and rushed here today.

"Mr. Chen, I would like to thank you for the introduction when I see Daoist Guo!" Gu Hanyang did not forget to express his thanks.

He is such a person. As long as others do as he wants, he is a very polite gentleman. If anyone dares to go against him, it will be embarrassing.

"Mr. Gu, you're welcome." Chen Li responded. After all, it was Taoist Guo who asked him to bring him here.

Gu Hanyang blew his nose at this time, and said with some annoyance: "You said that the cold air came at any time, but you really didn't have any precautions. Rhinitis patients like me really suffered."

Chen Li agreed when he heard this.

No one was prepared for this super cold air, and the cold and humid wind from the south was even more like a knife.

The car passed a mountain, and you could see a project being carried out at the foot of the mountain from a distance. Gu Hanyang's eyes suddenly lit up: "Mr. Chen, is that the Qingfengguan Health Manor Project?"

"Yeah!" Chen Li nodded.

This project is jointly carried out by Qingfengguan, the Fujian Chamber of Commerce, and the county, and the property rights naturally belong to Qingfengguan.

Originally, President Wu wanted to make the scale larger, but finally gave up because considering that it was a Taoist temple, Taoist Master Guo was not a true practitioner like those elders of the Xuanmen Holy Land, so he should not imagine the Taoist temple. , Shaolin Temple and other places have the same recuperation projects, they are too tacky.

Therefore, the scale of the sanatorium is not large, and it is enough to focus on one. However, it will be more difficult for anyone who wants to live in it in the future. Even if they are rich, they may not be able to live in it.

Gu Hanyang shook his head and said: "It's too petty. We should make full use of resources and expand the scale at least 10 times. With this condition, we can even build villa areas and sell them only to those powerful bosses. Then we can organize them Go to a Taoist temple to offer incense, that’s the style.”

"..." Chen Li had to admit this, but it was a pity that the other party didn't understand Daochang Guo.

The car quickly arrived at the foot of Qingfeng Mountain. Before the car was ready, Chen Li and Gu Hanyang were stunned.

Something's wrong with the situation outside. Why are everyone wearing short-sleeves?

"Aren't they cold?" Gu Hanyang was surprised.

It was too cold when they came, so they specially put on a coat, but it was still a bit cold.

Chen Li was also surprised, but when he got out of the car, his face was full of surprise.

It's not cold at all here.

Are you kidding me? It's super cold outside, so I'm wearing a coat.

"Is it so warm?" Gu Hanyang was also full of surprise.

Surprised voices also came from all around:

"Really, it won't feel cold once we reach Qingfeng Mountain."

"Someone has experimented. It's affected by the cold air outside, and it doesn't get cold as soon as you get here."

"It's like going to Asia in the middle of winter. It's warm in winter and cool in summer!"


Gu Hanyang had already taken off his coat, and he was even more happy to hear this. Qingfeng Temple already has beautiful scenery and spectacular clouds and mist. If it has this attribute, it will be even more meaningful and incredible.

When Chen Li heard what the tourists around him said, he immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Sun County's number.

As soon as the call came through, he asked Sun County: "Sun County, are you feeling cold now?"

Sun Xian said angrily: "Old Chen, aren't you talking nonsense? I have put on my coat and turned on the heater."

Chen Li received the reply and said hurriedly: "Sun County, I am wearing short sleeves now, and it is very warm here in Qingfeng Mountain. It seems not to be affected by the cold air outside!"

"What?" Sun Xian's voice rose a few degrees.

He naturally knows how incredible this is. Winter is coming soon, and the tourism industry will also be affected in many places in the south.

If Qingfeng Mountain has such a magical environment again, what will happen when winter really comes?

He did not doubt Chen Li's words.

Firstly, he knew that Chen Li would not joke about this matter. Secondly, he knew that Daochang Guo was a strange person, so there was no need to find it strange what happened in Qingfeng Temple.

Such an unusual scene in Qingfeng Temple naturally quickly spread to the Internet, causing even greater excitement once again.

This time it seemed even more incredible than the spectacular clouds and mist.

After all, this is an anomaly of the entire climate within Qingfeng Mountain.

It seems to be a world of its own within the scope of Qingfeng Temple. No matter how cold the air is outside, it is as warm as spring inside.

Coupled with the scenery and spectacular clouds of Qingfengguan, as well as the fresh air of Qingfeng Mountain and the refreshing feeling described by tourists, this is not a fairyland, right?

That’s right, it’s Wonderland.

Many people can only think of this word.

Therefore, this attracted countless people, who expressed their intention to go to Qingfeng Temple.

In the Qingfeng Viewing Room.

When Guo Lin saw the news, he was sure that Qingfeng Mountain would soon receive a wave of tourists.

This sudden super cold air also made him know what the attribute of 'not affected by the external environment +2' means.

Because of the four seasons of spring +2, warm winter and cool +2 attributes, the climate within Qingfengguan is different from other places.

But this kind of climate is only within this range.

Normally speaking, if the super cold air hits this time, it will definitely have an impact on Qingfeng View. Even if it is warm in winter and cool in summer, it will be useless.

Just like one year, the famous * Asia was warm enough in winter and cool in summer, right? It’s not just that it’s extremely cold, but the entire tourism industry has been greatly affected.

After all, this is the influence of natural power.

Now, even the natural power cannot affect the scope of Qingfeng Temple, as if it has its own regular power within the scope of Qingfeng Temple.

This is the power of the ‘not affected by external environment +2’ attribute.

Guo Lin thought about it and took out his mobile phone to play "Leisure Shushan". Not long after playing, he heard Xuanyang's report: "Brother, Mr. Chen has brought someone to see you. He is over there in the reception room. !”

"I know." Guo Lin smiled. This was the late stage of cancer.

He also left the waiting room and went to the reception room.

As soon as he entered, he saw Gu Hanyang, who was exactly the same as in the evolution picture. He was a rich businessman who was unscrupulous and even did many illegal things.

Or, he cannot be considered the real richest man, because his wealth is very fictitious and involves financial violations. He is not as good as those who are engaged in industry or even Internet companies.

Gu Hanyang also saw Guo Lin.

The person he had investigated was not long ago even a college student who needed a part-time job to make ends meet.

His people even approached classmates from the other university, and many of them had great opinions and disdain for this person.

From various descriptions, it became clear that this person did not have the mysterious abilities that were reported online when he was in college.

Only Hui Guowu is true.

After all, the other party pinned the then president of the Taekwondo Club to the ground and rubbed him, making him a famous figure.

Others are yet to be verified.

He was curious, what kind of method would the other party use to deceive him when he told him his identity and then proposed his purpose?

But don't pretend that he is sick or anything like that.

This happened to him before, when a temple master wanted to trick him into donating money.

In the end, the master was put in a sack by his younger brother to educate him, and then he cried and begged for mercy and admitted his mistake.

If Taoist Guo also plays this trick, it will be disappointing.

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