Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 544 Learned a new technique! The power of merit!

"Weisit, let's go, let me take you to see the inheritance of our Qingfeng Temple." Seeing that Weisit seemed to be in a daze of shock, Hanyu said.

Only then did Westitt come back to his senses and hurriedly followed Hanyu forward. Moreover, he understood the word inheritance.

Many of their Western myths also pay attention to inheritance.

Arriving in front of the stone wall illusion, Yuyu summoned some outer disciples around him and asked them to sit cross-legged in front of a wall.

"Weisit, you also do what we do." Hanyu ordered.

The outer disciples also looked at Weisit curiously, after all, this was the first foreign disciple.

Although Weisit was confused, he followed the instructions. After sitting down cross-legged, he saw Hanyu and others starting to pray, and he also chanted along.

After a moment, another surprising scene appeared in front of him. It was a patch of fog, but through the fog, he actually saw a very high mountain, which seemed to be connected to the sky and the earth.

He even had a feeling that he was qualified to enter the mountain, all he needed was a thought.

Just when he was thinking this, he found that the scenery in front of him changed, and he appeared in front of the huge mountain.

Westitt couldn't describe how he felt now.

He had already been shocked when he went to the mountain before. This time he joined the Qingfeng Temple, and he knew what real shock was.

Moreover, this kind of shock appears one after another like there is no end.

If not for personal experience, who would have dared to believe that there was such a huge mountain hidden inside that wall?

"Let's go up the mountain!" Hanyu walked up the mountain with a smile.

Westitt followed, all the way to the stone cliff.

Yuyu continued to introduce: "There are exercises inside this stone cliff. You can see it by pressing your palm on it. As long as the exercises are lit up, you can learn them. We outer disciples can still practice many exercises."

Westitt hurriedly pressed his hand on the stone cliff. At that moment, he saw a virtual screen appear in front of him, and there was a catalog of exercises on it.

When he clicked on the "General Outline of Qingfeng Guan Martial Arts" that was lit up, he was dumbfounded when he saw the dense number of exercises that popped up.

You must know that there are only two cultivation methods in Qingfeng University.

There seem to be hundreds of them now, and many of them are bright, which means he can learn some of them.

At this time, Yuyu's voice also sounded: "You can learn one of these techniques first. After all, you can't chew off more than you can chew. Once you have learned one, you can learn the others."

Westitt hurriedly nodded in response, and then excitedly searched among those exercises, wanting to learn another one.

Soon after, he fell in love with the movie "Qi Arrow Finger"!

It means that the energy can be transferred to the fingers to form arrow-like energy to attack the target.

After he made his choice, he began to remember the "Qi Arrow Finger". His Chinese was not very good and he had some difficulty remembering it.

Fortunately, Hanyu had learned the "Air Arrow Finger" and was able to instruct Westitt, who quickly memorized the "Air Arrow Finger".

On the contrary, what shocked Hanyu was that after Westitt learned "Qi Arrow Finger", he was able to quickly activate an arrow with his fingers and pierce a tree.

He couldn't believe it.

You must know that it took him a long time to learn "Qi Arrow Finger", and so did everyone else. It would take a long time just to use energy to impact the luck route.

Obviously, he didn't know that this was because the true energy of Guo Lin's late Nascent Soul had circulated through the meridians in Westitt's body. During the martial arts training stage, his meridians were smooth no matter what technique he practiced.

However, this is also equivalent to defeating the purpose. Westitt can do anything when practicing martial arts. Once his pulse is broken, he will return to normal.

After all, practitioners who can break meridians basically have all the meridians they need unblocked.

When Westitt and Yuyu came out of the stone wall fantasy, they smelled an alluring aroma of rice, which made him couldn't help but say: "It smells so good!"

Hanyu explained with a smile: "It's lunch time. Our outer disciples of Qingfeng Temple can enjoy refined rice once a day. This rice is helpful for cultivation. It's best to practice immediately after eating. Let's go. You just For starters, you can try this spiritual energy rice for the first time.”

Westitt's eyes lit up when he heard this.

He had found out about the refined spiritual energy rice when he came to Qingfeng Mountain before, so he asked for 20 million U.S. dollars from his father in order to wait for the merit palace to have refined spiritual energy rice that could be exchanged, and then find those who could exchange it to buy it.

I didn't expect that after joining Qingfengguan, there would be such a good thing. I could actually enjoy Reiki refined rice once a day.

If that's the case, the spiritual energy rice he purchased can be used to train the people of his godly organization. After all, if an organization wants to grow and even return to the beautiful country to work in the future, he can't do it alone, and other people need to be involved. At least strength is enough.

Apparently, he was thinking about his plan again.

This was the first time Westitt entered the dining hall of Qingfeng Temple and the first time he ate the Reiki rice. He felt that the Reiki rice was very delicious.

Even if his father is a capitalist from a beautiful country, he has never eaten such delicious rice.

Of course, delicious food is not the most important thing. When he ate the Reiki refined rice and followed Hanyu to a place to practice the exercises, he clearly felt the huge benefits of the Reiki refined rice. After the trace of energy appeared, it was introduced into the Dantian, Fused with the energy in his Dantian.

This spiritual energy refined rice can indeed increase energy and help with cultivation.

He immediately asked when he could redeem the spiritual energy rice, which was very important for him to develop the god organization and instigate Matthew's rebellion.

Instead, Yuyu said at this time: "By the way, the spiritual rice refined by our Taoist temple will be mature in two days. At that time, the outer disciples will be needed to help harvest it. You can also come up. Then every outer disciple who participates in the harvest can After getting 2 copies of spiritual energy rice, the Hall of Merit will also exchange some for it."

This news made Hanyu's eyes suddenly light up.

On the way down the mountain, he found Matthew directly.

"Weisit, congratulations on joining Qingfeng Temple." Matthew congratulated immediately after meeting.

"Mr. Matthew, I have something I want you to do." Westitt got straight to the point and said, "I need you to help me exchange 10 million U.S. dollars of Wahan currency. I will need to purchase some things then."

"Can you tell me?" Matthew asked curiously.

10 million US dollars is definitely a big deal for this international student.

Westitt just said: "After this is completed, I will have a way for you to cultivate energy. Otherwise, with the techniques passed down in the school, you will not be able to cultivate energy even if you practice secretly."

While he was speaking, he used his "Qi Arrow Finger" with one finger, and a burst of energy flew out, instantly piercing a huge boulder.

Matthew was dumbfounded. It was more powerful than a gun.

These are definitely not the two exercises from Qingfengfeng University. After the other party joined Qingfeng Temple, he learned the new exercises so quickly.

"Leave it to me!" Matthew said immediately without further explanation.

Westitt smiled. The first step was obviously instant, and then he asked Matthew to send him back to Qingfeng University.

As soon as he returned to the university, he obviously caused a sensation. After all, the students at Qingfeng University already knew that Westitt had joined Qingfeng Guan.

This is definitely breaking news that attracts everyone's attention.

After Westitt entered Qingfeng University, he immediately called several members of the God-believing organization and asked them to recruit international students from the beautiful country. He wanted to recruit members into the God-believing organization in public.

They were also to announce to everyone the founding of the divine organization.

Naturally, the news quickly spread throughout Qingfeng University.

Han Chinese students like Liu Chang also found out soon, and they couldn't help but go.

Regarding this West It, they were really overwhelmed by the other party, and the other party actually joined the Qingfengguan outer sect.

Soon, the international students from Qingfengguan University gathered in one place, whether they were beautiful international students or domestic students watching the excitement.

Even Wang Yu knew the news immediately and came to check it out. Now Weisit was his first target to monitor.

Soon, a large number of beautiful Chinese students gathered.

Westitt also directly shouted at this time: "I have created a godly organization. Everyone can join. Within the organization, I will try my best to help everyone practice and guide everyone."

Naturally, this is his excuse. When enough people are recruited, he can investigate and develop his confidants.

After finishing speaking, he also raised his finger and fired a burst of energy directly at a tree next to him. Almost instantly, a terrifying muffled sound appeared, and the tree was directly penetrated with a penetrating gap.

This scene instantly made everyone shout.

"What kind of skill is this?"

"It's not taught by students."

"Weisit learned a new technique at Qingfeng Temple!"

For a moment, all the international students from the beautiful country looked at Weisit with admiration and expressed their intention to join the organization.

Seeing this, Wang Yu's face became even more ugly. He hurried back to the * embassy, ​​and then called back to the capital to report.

At this time, Mr. Chu and Mr. Li were already in a conference room, and there were many people inside. They were discussing matters regarding Qingfeng Temple. They had reached a consensus that they would cooperate with Qingfeng City and open up various rights and interests.

This is an act of goodwill, but if you don't show goodwill, it will be bad. Someone from the beautiful country has joined Qingfengguan.

At this moment, Wang Yu's communication came in.

Mr. Chu and Mr. Li suddenly looked bad.

Wang Yu's recent returns have been somewhat frequent, and the key returns are not good ones.

But in the end, Mr. Chu pressed the answer button and heard Wang Yu's report: "That Weisit learned a new technique at Qingfeng Temple. I'm afraid I won't be able to match that kind of power."

"..." Mr. Chu.

"..." Mr. Li.

It's really not good news.

"It seems that the goodwill we just discussed is not enough." Mr. Li said immediately.


In the prison of the Demon Locking Tower, Guo Lin's figure appeared out of thin air, but he did appear in a special place.

You can see that there is a huge crystal in the middle of that place.

There were streams of special energy that squirmed like water in the crystal.

And the energy in this crystal is the power of merit gathered from the special prison.

You can see that there is already some merit power above.

However, only a few of these were provided by the criminals in Qingfeng City, and most of them were provided by the demons and demons imprisoned in the Demon Locking Tower.

Guo Lin stretched out his hand towards the crystal, and at the same time scanned it with his spiritual mind, feeling the power of merit.

But as soon as he channeled a little bit of merit power, a sudden change occurred, making him stunned.

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