Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 654: No power can affect Qingfengguan!

Xuanyang is very busy now, mainly because after the establishment of several cities of believers, he cannot ignore it and always show the presence of Qingfeng Temple.

Therefore, in the cities of believers in countries such as Taiguo, it is natural to build a Qingfeng Temple and send a disciple to manage it.

Naturally, just choose an outer disciple.

Moreover, every city of believers has teleportation arrays, so it is convenient to return to Qingfeng Temple.

As the responsible elder, he had to inspect the construction of Qingfeng Temple, the city of believers.

On the other hand, he is also responsible for one thing, which is the recruitment of outer disciples.

Now the area of ​​Qingfeng Temple has expanded more than 10 times. Without recruiting more outer disciples, there are not even enough people to clean the Taoist temple.

These days, the outer disciples' time is basically wasted on cleaning, and they have no time to practice. This is not acceptable.

Naturally, since the area has increased tenfold, the number of outer disciples must also be recruited tenfold.

There are almost hundreds of people.

Fortunately, Qingfeng Temple's outer disciples are now easy to recruit.

As soon as the recruitment announcement came out, many people came to take part in the test.

Xuan Yang was supervising the test when he noticed a vibration in the entire Qingfeng Mountain. The source seemed to be within the Qingfeng Sect.

He subconsciously looked towards the sky and saw a terrifying rain of swords flying out.

The sword rain was densely packed with a suffocating momentum.

Fortunately, the sword rain was not directed towards the ground, but towards the sky, cutting through the sky far away and even cutting open the clouds in the sky.

And the sword rain seemed to be endless, and it flew out crazily.

The terrifying momentum carried by that sword, if it hadn't been shot out into the sky, would it have completely shattered the ground?

"How is this going?"

"Many swords flew into the sky."

"It's such a strong sense of oppression. It feels too scary."


Not only those who participated in the assessment of outer disciples discovered this scene, but all countries also discovered it almost at the same time.

After several incidents, all countries knew about the existence of Qingfeng Temple, and they all applied for study abroad places at Qingfeng University, hoping to learn about cultivation from here.

Naturally, various countries have also pointed their satellites here, hoping to know the situation here as quickly as possible.

Otherwise, they have no idea what Qingfeng Guanyi is doing.

Also because there are satellites monitoring at all times, when the sword rain appeared, all satellites sent out alarms.

They all detected the terrifying power appearing in the sky, and it continued to appear.

This made people from all over the world think that there was something going on in Qingfeng Temple, and they all took notice.

This is the case domestically.

Mr. Chu received Cheng Jianxin’s report immediately and asked, “Has Qingfeng Temple taken action again?”

He also came to a multimedia office and saw the pictures played on the LCD video.

The picture was taken by a satellite, but it is obvious that there are streaks of energy flying rapidly in the sky, and the energy is all sword-shaped.

Based on their understanding of Qingfeng Temple, they can probably guess what it is.

Moreover, the sword-shaped energy quickly shot out into the sky as if it was free of charge.

Something that surprised them happened. The dense sword-shaped energy seemed to be free of charge, directly piercing the atmosphere and impacting out of the atmosphere.

This isn't the end yet.

The dense sword-shaped energy flew out of space and directly hit the floating meteorites, space junk and other things floating near the earth, crushing them all.

This scene is too horrific.

"I don't know how long this will last." Mr. Chu looked surprised.

Moreover, this scene did last for a long time, beyond their expectations, and had no intention of ending.

"Are our rockets going to continue launching?" Mr. Chu asked immediately.

Cheng Jianxin said: "We are already preparing, and it will be launched soon."

Mr. Chu nodded and said: "As soon as possible, we can't get benefits from Qingfeng Temple now. Such mysterious things will definitely happen all over the world in the future, and the cultivation techniques will also spread. We must at least have our own The power you can master.”

Cheng Jian frowned and said, "Mr. Chu, I feel a little strange. I have contacted Yue Shangzhang in the past two days. Although I have received responses, there is something wrong."

"Don't think too much." Mr. Chu said.

Naturally, those divine cards paid attention to what was happening in the Qingfeng Sect.

Each of them was also very surprised as they looked at the sword shadows that were shooting out densely.

It's simply not too scary.

I don’t know how long it took, but the dense floating sword shadows finally stopped.

Because Guo Lin had broken through the middle stage of becoming a god again, he could already withstand the energy bursting from the sword.

Therefore, there is no need to pour it out in this way.

But at this moment, Guo Lin suddenly noticed that the entire Qingfeng Sect was shaking, and then a game prompt sounded:

[Congratulations, Cave Heaven Paradise has been upgraded. It is currently Level 4 Cave Heaven Paradise! 】

[Congratulations, Dongtian Paradise has been upgraded. The aura increase multiplier of Dongtian Paradise has been increased to 10 times! 】

[Congratulations, you have been upgraded to Cave Heaven Paradise, and will be rewarded with the Shushan Mountain Guarding Defense Formation, and the Tai Chi Liang Yi Fengchen Formation! 】

Guo Lin received three system prompts in a row.

At that moment, he felt that the spiritual energy in the entire Qingfeng Sect had quickly become extremely rich.

Compared with the previous three-fold increase in the aura of the Cave Heaven Paradise, it is now a full ten-fold increase. I don’t know how much it has increased.

If the amplified spiritual energy of the Cave Heaven Paradise could allow people to break through to the Golden Elixir before, then it is not impossible for people to cultivate to the Nascent Soul stage with this kind of spiritual energy now.

This is already very scary.

You know, in some worlds of immortality novels, many sects have spiritual energy that cannot even be cultivated by golden elixirs.

His Qingfeng sect can cultivate to the point of Nascent Soul.

This made Guo Lin's face beam with joy. If he continues to upgrade, I'm afraid the spiritual energy in the Heavenly Cave Paradise will allow people to directly cultivate and become immortals, right?

What's more important is the Shushan Mountain Guarding Defense Formation and the Tai Chi Liang Yi Fengchen Formation.

This is much more powerful than the previous energy shield. This is also Shushan's mountain guarding formation.

Because there had been incidents where the demon Zhengzhenglou easily entered the Shushan sect and took away the magic sword, and there were evil sword immortals who killed themselves in and out of Shushan at will. After Xu Changqing obtained the power of Zixuan Nuwa's descendants and became immortals, he began to study This formation was laid out.

This mountain guarding formation can even block the attacks of immortals.

I didn't expect that this time when Cave Heaven Paradise was upgraded, I would get such a reward. I was really surprised.

With the existence of this mountain guarding formation, it can be said that this planet should not have any power to affect Qingfeng Temple.

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