Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 683 The finale!

Guo Lin was a little surprised when he saw the last mission. After all, he didn't expect it to be the last mission so soon.

And what surprised him was that the last mission was actually Li Xiaoyao fighting against the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult.

In the game world, he has already solved Li Xiaoyao's problem with the Moon Worshiping Leader and changed the ending, which can be regarded as making up for the regrets of playing the game before.

It's just a pity that in the game, he has no way to change this last mission.

Because this mission still follows the plot.

He could only control the game character to follow the mission requirements, help Li Xiaoyao collect various materials, overcome various difficulties, and then face the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult.

Just like in the game, the Moon Worshiping Cult Leader is easy to solve, but when the Moon Worshiping Cult Leader merges with the Water Monster, it is no longer something they can solve.

Therefore, the final ending is no different from the old version of the game. Even if Zhao Ling'er dies, the ending will not change.

It's just that the last scene is that the game characters accompany Li Xiaoyao out of Nanzhao Kingdom, and then they meet Lin Yueru holding an umbrella.

The ending has not changed. Maybe when he completed the task, the game prompted him to be surprised.

[Congratulations on completing the final mission and receiving a special reward: a scroll to open up a new fairyland! 】

"????" Guo Lin was really shocked when he saw this reward, his face full of disbelief.

The term "New Immortal World" is not unfamiliar to people in Immortal Sword.

The place where Demon Zunlou and Feipeng fight is the New Immortal World.

This place has not been discovered at all, and is not occupied by any cultivating race. It is completely an ownerless world.

If it can be called a realm, it cannot be compared to Dongtian Paradise. It is a higher level than Shushan Sect and Xitian Buddhism.

It can be said that it is the same existence as the Six Realms.

In other words, this scroll can now open up such a place.

Isn’t this too awesome?

If an advanced world were to be opened up on this planet, it would simply give all humans on this planet a chance to transcend racial levels.

In other words, if the people on this planet can cultivate to a certain level of strength, they can ascend to the new immortal world.

Thinking of this, Guo Lin hurriedly entered the Game Garden and saw the floating scroll.

Then there were very mysterious runes wrapped around the scroll. Those runes flashed with ripples that he couldn't understand, let alone what he could decipher now.

Just by looking at it, he knew it was his untouchable rule.

He immediately ran over to see if it was what he thought.

After he caught it, he immediately saw the message on the scroll:

[New Immortal Realm Opening Scroll: This is a special scroll. After using it, you can open up a new Immortal Realm. The Immortal Realm comes with the Immortal Sword, Divine Realm and Heavenly Palace, and it has rich aura!

Conditions: It needs to be transformed from a Cave Heaven Paradise!

Functions: 1. The spiritual energy is 1000 times that of Cave Heaven Paradise. 2. Possess the function of consecrating the priesthood. 3. It has the function of guiding cultivators within the sect’s residence to ascend! 4. Have perfect rules and regulations. 】

When Guo Lin saw the note information, his face was filled with disbelief.

This is simply shocking.

He finally understood that there was no need to upgrade this Cave Heaven Paradise, just convert it directly to the New Immortal Realm.

That is directly a world, and he can also obtain the Heavenly Palace of the Immortal Sword and God Realm, which is equivalent to saying that he has directly found a Heavenly Palace!

Moreover, he happened to have so many divine cards in his Qingfeng Sect that he could be granted the priesthood.

He can even build a real heaven.

The key is that human cultivators, when they are strong enough, can ascend to the Immortal Realm to practice in the future. After that, cultivation will become more popular, and the legend of ascending to the Immortal Realm will be passed down, allowing more people to continue practicing.

The key is to mix the spiritual energy 1000 times, this is awesome.

It can be said that practicing here is completely different from practicing outside.

Thinking of this, Guo Lin couldn't wait to bring out the New Immortal Realm Opening Scroll. After arriving in the Qingfeng Sect, he chose to use it without hesitation.

At that moment, the opening scroll of the new immortal world turned into star points of light that spread around, and then countless mysterious rules of power burst out, directly integrating into the paradise of Qingfeng Sect.

The next moment, the entire Cave Heaven Paradise began to tremble.

The Queen Mother of the West, Zhong Kui, and Erlang Shen sensed the movement and ran out one after another, looking at the changes that had taken place in the Qingfeng Sect with surprise on their faces.

The entire Qingfeng Sect was surrounded by the surging air, and countless rules and powers were flying and blending in, adding rules that had never been seen before in the Qingfeng Sect.

"What happened?" Zhong Kui asked with surprise on his face.

Queen Mother Xi trembled and said: "This seems to be a more advanced power of rules. Sanqing wants to improve this world in order to give birth to a more advanced power of rules in this world, or to find a more advanced power of rules, so that they can You can continue to break through and reach higher levels.”

"It's just that they didn't succeed. Now this higher level of rule power appears in front of us. This must be done by His Holiness, right?"

At this time, outside the Qingfeng Sect, countless believers also looked up in surprise, because the Qingfeng Sect suddenly appeared in front of everyone, and the entire Qingfeng Sect was surrounded by a layer of colorful glow, looking very sacred. .

This made all the believers curious and didn't understand what was going on:

"What happened to that floating mountain?"

"There's obviously something going on up there."

"Look, how is that possible..."

With an exclamation, everyone looked in disbelief.

Among the Qingfeng Sect, the faces of the Queen Mother of the West also showed disbelief, because they found that the Cave Heaven Paradise in front of them was actually expanding. Yes, in the dense air, inch by inch new space appeared and expanded outward. increase.

It is indeed getting bigger, and all the divine cards can be identified.

"Not only has the area become larger, but the spiritual energy has also become more intense!" Queen Mother Xi said again.

The God Cards naturally felt it too, it was indeed the case.

While they were talking, the area of ​​Cave Heaven Paradise had increased a lot, becoming wider and wider.

This shocked them and directly found Guo Lin.

"Your Majesty, if such a change happened here, what will happen in the end?" Queen Mother Xi couldn't help but ask.

She knew that this change must have something to do with this Venerable, so it would not be wrong to ask this Venerable.

Guo Lin did not hide anything and said: "This Cave Heaven Paradise will eventually become a new world. I call it Qingfeng Immortal World. Moreover, the spiritual energy in this Qingfeng Immortal World is 1,000 times that of Dongtian Paradise."

"In the future, the New Immortal Realm will become its own world, and you will be the priests and gods of the New Immortal Realm. From now on, only those who practice this week will be able to be taken to the Immortal Realm after reaching a certain level of strength. Naturally, if you encounter other planets with Life, we can conquer that place and turn it into the realm of the Qingfeng Sect, and then the cultivators there can also ascend to the Qingfeng Immortal Realm."

These words surprised those magic cards, and they even looked forward to such a scene.

What Sanqing had been unable to do, the Venerable was able to do it in this way.

The ability of the Venerable is truly astonishing.

As time goes by, the area of ​​Qingfeng Sect becomes wider and wider. The area of ​​a fairy world is very large, and this is just the beginning.

But it can also be found in all the magic cards that as time goes by, the area grows faster and faster.

This scene was also seen by outsiders.

The people in Qingfeng City soon discovered the anomaly.

Zheng Kai was dealing with matters at the training school when his nephew hurried in to report: "Uncle, look in the direction of Qingfeng City."

Zheng Kai looked in the direction of Qingfengguan doubtfully, and then his eyes widened in disbelief.

The suspended peaks of Qingfeng Temple were getting bigger and wider, and soon enveloped the entire Qingfeng Mountain, and that area was spreading towards Qingfeng City.

"What...what happened?" Zheng Kai looked confused.

time flies.

Training schools in various countries are proceeding in an orderly manner.

After the detection talisman balls were shipped back to various countries, training schools in various countries immediately put on display.

In China, Mr. Chu was personally responsible for this matter. On the first day of the opening of those training schools, he went directly to one of the training schools.

Mr. Chu arrived at the school's testing hall under the escort of Cheng Jianxin.

At this time, you can see countless students gathered outside the hall, and children lining up inside the hall.

This is still the first batch. There are 58 batches of primary school students in this school who have been tested.

The primary school students were still playing around while waiting in line, not knowing what the test meant to them, but the parents outside were already nervous.

Because they know exactly what this means.

As long as you pass the test, you can enter the training school to practice.

This is definitely an opportunity to transcend classes. In the future, cultivators will be superior to ordinary people, at least in terms of certain privileges.

Soon, the first student stepped forward and, under the guidance of the on-site host, put his hand on the detection ball.

You can see that as the talisman ball is triggered to move, the runes on it condense and light up, and then wrap around the talisman ball and the child's palm. This is exactly what is being detected.

After a while, I saw a spiritual pattern floating on the talisman ball.

Seeing this scene, the host shook his head and put an X on the first child's information.

In other words, this child is not suitable for cultivation.

"It's shining, it's beautiful." The child was full of surprise when he saw the floating rune pattern, and even clapped, not knowing that he was already eliminated.

Only his parents saw this scene outside, with faces full of regret and heartache. They could send their children here. Naturally, they had read the information about the talisman ball in the documents and knew what it took to be admitted to the training school.

Soon, the second child went up, but the result was the same.

It wasn't until the third child had five spiritual patterns floating around that he was barely suitable for cultivation and could be recruited.

Mr. Chu has been watching the scene and counting.

The detection of this talisman ball is indeed incredible, and there is basically nothing wrong with it, because they have already tested it. Children with higher basic detection talents will be stronger and faster in practicing the ability to sense spiritual energy.

As for himself, he also tried to detect it, and only one spiritual pattern appeared. Obviously, he didn't have the talent to practice. Cheng Jianxin was better than him and had two spiritual positions floating around, but he also didn't have the talent to repair it.

If they are still young, they will be abandoned by the times.

Fortunately, they are already old now, so they can use the residual energy of their good intentions to complete the training school.

An exclamation also sounded at this time: "Ah, he floated 10 spiritual patterns!"

"He's so awesome!"

"A genius with 10 spiritual patterns!"


"What's this child's name?" Mr. Chu couldn't help but ask.

"Long Yutian!" someone reported.

Mr. Chu nodded, 10 detection runes, that is a genius, in the future, this person will also be able to join the Qingfeng Sect.

At this moment, Mr. Chu suddenly received a call. Seeing that it was Cheng Jianxin, he immediately answered: "What's wrong?"

Cheng Jianxin immediately reported: "Mr. Chu, look at the sky, it's incredible!"

Mr. Chu was confused, walked out and looked at the sky, and then his face showed a look of disbelief.

He saw that a world seemed to appear in the sky, and this appearance became wider and wider, seeming to cover the entire sky above his head.

"What's going on?" Mr. Chu looked shocked.

Cheng Jianxin hurriedly explained: "This seems to have started at Qingfengguan. The world has been expanding, and now it covers more than half of our country's area, and it hasn't stopped yet."

"The key and most amazing thing is that we can see that world, but we can't touch it. It doesn't seem to be in the same space as us. It's a bit like the floating mountains above Qingfeng Temple."

"So, even if the world is blocked above our heads, it will not affect the sunlight entering the earth at all. Moreover, our people's monitoring seems to be that the source of the driver's expansion is over at Qingfengguan."

Mr. Chu was indeed a little surprised. Just as he was talking to Cheng Jianxin, the world had completely covered the area above him.

After all, Mr. Chu saw what happened in the sky. Countless people discovered it, and people from all over the world also discovered it one after another. They were all curious about what was going on in this world that suddenly appeared.

Moreover, many people discovered that the growth of this world did not stop, and soon covered the entire earth area, and then continued to expand outwards, covering other areas in the galaxy.

This is what many astronomers have seen using telescopes that are still available.

No one knows how long or how much this world has expanded. Until the training school is established, the first batch of students enroll, and the first batch of students graduate from elementary school, the world is still expanding.

At this time, no one can see the end of the world, even with astronomical telescopes.

Until one day, this world suddenly disappeared in front of everyone and was never seen again.

Then, the legend about Qingfeng Fairyland began to spread in this world.

(Complete book)

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