Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 349 This is too wasteful

Boya officially joined the Xuanfeng Alliance.

As Yasna went to work in the Wind City, the Xuanfeng Alliance also sent a group of senior executives including Chen Bo to Boya to take up positions, leading the establishment of Huimeng Wine and Xuanfeng Branch Factory, the recruitment of employees, the acquisition of materials and the construction of a natural harbor.

Everything went smoothly. Boya joined the Xuanfeng Alliance, and the registration of the people was also smooth without any waves.

With the joining of Boya, the population of the Xuanfeng Alliance has also increased significantly.

But compared to this area, the population is still too small.

If there is a chance, we still have to look at other countries.

There was no trouble, and everything was calm. Lu Feng also became a hands-off boss again.

In the Wind Manor.


Lu Feng frowned and looked at the game screen, and then began to move the perspective to check the situation in various parts of Tianhai City.

Since the last time Chen Lin led people to lure monsters, those monsters inexplicably turned around and rushed into the forest. The zombies in the whole Tianhai City seemed to have become fewer in a short time.

Chen Lin wanted to lead people to continue to check the places where zombies were densely concentrated and lure monsters again.

But several times when he led people to the places where zombies should have gathered, he found few zombies.

Those zombies seemed to have disappeared and hidden.

Not only zombies, but also those mutant beasts, seemed to have decreased in number.

This made many people think that the suffering of Tianhai City was over, and some even called for the end of the world.

Lu Feng knew the background of the story and knew that this was the calm before the storm. The more so, it meant that the violent zombie tide caused by the hexagonal beast was getting closer.

The people on the side of the East City Alliance obviously felt that this was abnormal, so the Yan Emperor had also sent a lot of people to investigate this matter.

He entered the game and got the news, so he didn't toss it, but asked Lin Jiao to send people to pay more attention to the situation of the East City Alliance.

If there is any problem with Emperor Yan, if he finds that the zombie tide has broken out, he will definitely notify him and the East Suburb Fortress.

After all, a master with the second-stage ability unlocked and a person with the ability of the East Suburb Fortress will not be ignored by the other party.

Lu Feng then looked at his attribute panel again.

The zombies disappeared and the zombie tide could not be found, resulting in the traps he set up in the Red Leaf Base becoming ineffective.

Therefore, he has not gained experience for some time.

Level: 20

Strength: 31 (ordinary person 5)

Agility: 39 (ordinary person 5)

Stamina: 31 (ordinary person 5)

Mental strength: 40 (second-stage ability unlocked!)

Combat skills: basic fighting skills, old-fashioned gun proficiency!

Special abilities: energy barrier, speed ability, Canghu beast ability, summoned beast ability

Energy: 400

Experience: 22235676/104857602

After the orc turmoil, a small nuclear bomb solved the orc army's continuous upgrades, and it took 100 million experience points to upgrade again.

Now he only has 22.23 million experience points, and it is a long way to reach 100 million experience points.

With this leveling experience requirement, if he finds zombies or mutant beasts to kill by himself, he will not know how long it will take to level up even if he does not sleep or rest.

Now he is also looking forward to the violent zombie tide.

At that time, he still has a small nuclear bomb in his backpack space that can be used.

This should give him a chance to level up again.

As for the timing of using this small nuclear bomb, he should think about it carefully.

There is also the problem of Emperor Yan. .

If Emperor Yan does not die, the East City Alliance will not be divided, and there will be no chaos among the princes. Then he should not have the opportunity to completely control the East City Alliance.

Lu Feng retracted his gaze and simply did not think about this problem.

Then, he also left the lobby of Wind Manor.

As soon as he got outside, Black Snake respectfully stepped forward and asked: "Sir, where are you going?"

Lu Feng smiled and said: "To the Nutritional Medicine Factory, Yasna is there too, right?"

Yasna is indeed the kind of person who can do things very well if he is guided and given orders.

After Baguda handed over the management of several products to him, he got started in a short time.

The key is that he can endure hardships.

When the production of nutritional medicine began, he stayed at the factory these days to supervise the production. He did not return to his residence and personally controlled any details, fearing that something would go wrong.

"Okay, I'll arrange it now." Black Snake nodded and immediately took out the walkie-talkie to make arrangements.

A moment later, a car stopped in front of Lu Feng and took him out of the Wind Manor.

The nutritional medicine factory is in the suburbs. It takes an hour to drive out of the city. The car stopped at the door of the nutritional medicine production factory.

After Lu Feng and Black Snake got off the car, they walked into the factory and were stopped by the factory guards.

The guards were special warriors arranged by Red Lizard, and no one could cause trouble under their noses.

Naturally, they were loyal to Lu Feng, so they recognized Lu Feng immediately and immediately welcomed Lu Feng in respectfully.

However, Black Snake was different. He was stopped and had to be tested.

Because the alliance has regulations that everyone entering and leaving the factory must undergo facial verification and pupil verification. This equipment is the most advanced one purchased from Dragon Country.

Lu Feng is the governor, so they can rest assured, but Black Snake is not, even if he came with the governor.

Black Snake had no choice but to go over and let the machine scan and complete the identity verification.

It seems that he can hijack the governor. If you don't trust him, you have to believe in the governor's power.

Who can hijack him?

But rules are rules. Except for one person in the Xuanfeng Alliance, no one is exempt.

After verifying his identity, the special soldiers on guard saluted him and stepped aside respectfully.

Entering the factory, Lu Feng saw Yasna hurried out: "Mr. Governor, you are here?"

"Come and see." Lu Feng nodded, and then asked: "Yasna, how many nutrients have we produced?"

Yasna explained: "A total of 50,000 boxes. Although the experimenter found by Baguda is very effective, I still dare not produce too much before promoting sales."

"50,000 boxes are far from enough." Lu Feng shook his head.

This nutrient, one box is about 200 sticks, 50,000 is only 10 million sticks. After distributing to various countries, it would be good for a country to get hundreds of thousands of sticks, three sticks a day, 90 sticks a month.

How many people can use it after dividing this?

Moreover, only 10 million units are produced. Even if one unit is calculated at 1,000 Xuanfeng coins, it is only 10 billion Xuanfeng coins, only 1 billion Longguo coins.

It's really stingy.

There are more than 2.1 billion fat people in the world. With such a huge potential market and the effect of the nutrient supplement is so good, this is enough to fill the gap.

Therefore, Lu Feng also ordered: "Increase the production efforts. Even if the production capacity is insufficient, expand the factory. If the workers in Feng City are saturated, expand outward. Similarly, Boya can also add a nutrient supplement factory."

"As for the lack of funds during this period, you can go to Xuanfeng Bank for a loan. I will sign for you and let the bank approve it for you."

"Governor, I'm afraid I can't sell so many." Yasna has seen the governor's swiftness.

But even if he knew the effect of this nutrient supplement, he was a little panicked when he heard the value of 100 times.

"Yasuna, don't worry, someone will rush to buy it. Let's not talk about the credibility of our Xuanfeng Alliance's products. No one can resist the effect alone." Lu Feng said nonchalantly, and then he ordered: "By the way, you have already produced 50,000 boxes, give them all to people, come to Fengzhi Manor tomorrow, I will give you the list of gifts."

"Give it to people?" Yasuna was shocked when he heard this.

This batch of goods is worth more than 10 billion Xuanfeng coins. If you put this money in Boya, you can build a lot of things.

Now the governor wants to give it all to people?

This is too wasteful...

"Yes, give it to people." Lu Feng nodded. Although the nutrient can lose weight, the effect of this product is different from Huimeng Wine and Xuanfeng Mask. It is not an immediate effect.

Therefore, we can only think of other ways and use different publicity methods.

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