Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 365 Either die or die!

Boya has a large central prison.

There are so many criminals here that the whole prison is almost crowded.

Because Boya was too chaotic before.

Naix took a car to the outside of the central prison.

The car was a special car, specially prepared for him by Baguda.

When he was about to enter the prison, the car was stopped by the prison guard.

Seeing this, Naix handed a certificate in his hand to the guard.

The guard took the certificate, put the verification information on it on an instrument and swiped it, and then they saluted Naix with respect on their faces, and hurriedly opened the door to let him in.

This scene made Naix feel complicated.


The reason why he came to this prison was naturally because his men were arrested and locked up in this place.

The prison was dark.

In a cell in a corner of the prison, a group of pirates who had just been captured attracted the attention of the entire prison.

Prisons generally talk about power.

There are various forces.

These forces sometimes fight each other, just to fight for the special benefits above the prisoners in the prison.

But when this group of pirates came in, no one dared to provoke them, even across the iron fence, no one provoked them.

First of all, there are really a lot of people on the other side, and secondly, these people are obviously not ordinary, and they are escorted by soldiers with real guns and live ammunition.

The members of the Sar Pirate Organization are still a little confused now.

The plan of the leader of Naix is ​​obviously not like this, but now they have directly got into the pocket of the other side while carrying out the mission, and now they are all locked up here.

Now, let alone retirement, they have to work hard here for the rest of their lives.

They know very well how black-hearted and oppressive the prisons of small countries are. .

These pirates couldn't help but sigh.

"I don't know what happened to the leader of Naix."

"He should have escaped, right?"

"That's good, and he can still keep a fire."

"Yes, it's good that the leader can escape."


Obviously, these people are not simply convinced by Naix.

This can also show a person's quality.

If a person has personality problems, it is impossible to attract the respect of so many pirates.

Just when these pirates were sighing, a pirate suddenly pointed to the entrance of the prison: "Who do you see coming in?"

All the other pirates looked over and were stunned.

Then a man in a military uniform and with his hair combed meticulously walked in.

A middle-aged man next to him followed respectfully, as if he was afraid of offending the other party and making the other party unhappy.

These pirates recognized that the middle-aged man was the warden.

When they came in, the other party also told them to be honest, otherwise they would be in trouble.

But they were not concerned about the warden, but the man who came in was not their leader, Nex.

"What's the matter? Am I seeing it right?"

"If you are not seeing it wrong, I am not seeing it wrong either."

"He is the boss of Nex? What's wrong with him?"


All the pirates were confused.

The leader they were still worried about has now changed his attitude, making the warden of this prison so respectful.

This seems to be a joke.

Naix walked to the prison and looked at the pirates inside. Seeing that most of the familiar faces were there, he was slightly relieved.

But all the pirates looked at him as if they had seen a ghost.

"What's wrong? You don't recognize me after such a short time?" Naix snorted unhappily.

This completely made the pirates explode.

"It's really Leader Naix!"

"What happened?"


When the pirates were surprised, Naix also said to the warden: "Open the door and let them out."

"Yes, yes, General." The warden nodded without hesitation and asked someone to open the cell. At the same time, he waved his hand to let the armed guards around point their guns at the pirates.

If these pirates dared to move around and hurt the general, he would decisively let people shoot.

The pirates were released and stood there for a while, not understanding the situation.

"Let's go!" Naix said directly and walked out.

Seeing this, the pirates hurried to follow.

This scene attracted the curiosity of all the prisoners in the cell. They had no idea who this person was. How could he take so many prisoners out so easily?

Not long after, in a temporary base.

Naix and the pirates had already appeared here.

When they got here, the pirates finally couldn't help but asked:

"Captain Naix, what's going on?"

"Yes, Captain Naix!"


Naix sighed and explained: "The plan has changed. Now we may have to join the Xuanfeng Alliance."

Then, he also told the Xuanfeng Alliance about the recruitment and the situation he encountered, and regarded himself as a general, as well as the conditions agreed by the Xuanfeng Alliance.

When he finished, the pirates felt a little shocked.

What the hell?

The Xuanfeng Alliance knew their detailed plan early on, so they were caught in one fell swoop as soon as they arrived at the designated location.

And the Xuanfeng Alliance did so much just to recruit Leader Nex and make him the head of the navy?

Why is it so weird?

How did the Xuanfeng Alliance know their detailed plan?

Several pirates looked at Nex with a weird look.

"Boss Nex, this is not something you and the Xuanfeng Alliance have discussed. You did this on purpose to get us to join?"

"Yes, Boss Nex, you didn't design this with them to get us to join the Xuanfeng Alliance, did you?"

"That's right, otherwise how would the Xuanfeng Alliance know the detailed plan of Leader Nex."

"Yes, Leader Nex, you have become the general of the other side."


"????" Nex was stunned when he heard these words.

He thought of saving these guys at the first time, but they actually doubted him?


But he did become the navy general of the Xuanfeng Alliance, and he had no way to explain it.

He himself didn't expect the Xuanfeng Alliance to do this.

However, the pirates soon smiled:

"Captain Nex, you should have said it earlier. With the conditions of the Xuanfeng Alliance, we will just follow you and join in."

"Yes, the Xuanfeng Alliance is not bad. Anyway, we don't have to be pirates."

"Yes, I have been a pirate all my life, and it is also good for me to be a navy."

"I don't want to be a soldier. I want to be a boss and open a small shop. Chief Nex, didn't the Xuanfeng Alliance say that we can deposit the money in the Xuanfeng Bank and not let people investigate?"

"Yes, we can use the money. Chief Nex, you can just take us to the Xuanfeng Alliance."

"There is really no need to play this part."


"..."Nex was dumbfounded. What are these people thinking? How can they have so many associations for something that doesn't exist?

This made him very confused.

But the only thing to be thankful for is that although these subordinates have rich associations, they don't seem to have much objection to joining the Xuanfeng Alliance.

After all, they have long been tired of being pirates.

The most important thing is the money.

That was left over from the Sori pirate period, and a large sum of money was the ransom of his enemy, the big boss of the consortium. It was a huge sum of money.

The other party cherished his life very much, but he didn't know that his death was imminent.

The money was monitored by the FBI of the United States. If it was moved, the other party would definitely know, and then they would cause trouble for them again.

If they continued to be pirates, the other party might send a fleet.

The consortium had always wanted revenge and had been operating.

Therefore, they didn't dare to use the money, so they thought about retiring in the end, but this made their situation so embarrassing.

But everyone was right about one thing.

The money could be used, and everyone could live a very comfortable life by joining the Xuanfeng Alliance with that money alone, which was not much different from the original plan.

"Go to Xuanfeng Bank." Nax said directly.

This was also the time to see the sincerity of the Xuanfeng Alliance. If the other party could do what they said, it would be okay for him to work for the other party.

If the other party couldn't do it, and the FBI came to the door, then it was his fate.

Similarly, that also proves that the Xuanfeng Alliance has no sincerity at all, and his ending will not be good in the end.

It's the same, it doesn't make any difference if it's earlier or later.

As he spoke, the pirates stood up one after another and expressed their willingness to go to the Xuanfeng Bank with him.

"Everyone else stays here, just follow me." After saying this, Nax led a few people out of the temporary base with a firm look in his eyes.

In his heart, this is a gamble.

There are only two results, either losing your life quickly or working for the Xuanfeng Alliance!

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