Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 386: Died at the hands of his own hero!

Conference site.

Duoduoli has already picked up the microphone and told the people around him: "Everyone should have a lot of misunderstandings about me recently, saying that I massacred the people."

"That's actually slander. Those I killed were all killers. They are people who want to subvert Myanmar*. Moreover, not only those killers, even now, those with ulterior motives have sent killers around to kill me."

This remark aroused the waves of the people around.

Although Duoduoli's words are far-fetched, there will always be people who wonder if it is true.

Many people don't have their own independent thoughts and are very easy to be led.

Moreover, fortunately, those killers seem to cooperate with Duoduoli. When they heard Duoduoli's words, they knew that someone on their side might be exposed and had to take action.

In an instant, gunshots were heard at the scene.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

As soon as these killers came out, they shot wildly at the guards around.

In an instant, the people around were all in chaos.

It seems that there are really killers.

When Duoduoli saw those killers coming out, he also stepped back with a smile on his face.

In fact, he didn't need to say much at this press conference.

He just needed to show up, say what he just said, and then lead out the killer, which would be the best proof.

Tomorrow, he could carry out the next plan and completely reverse the situation.

"Report, the target in Alley No. 2 has been solved!"

"Report, the target in Position No. 3 has been solved."

"Position No. 5 has been controlled."


Duoduoli heard the report from the headset with a deep smile on his face.

These killers will all come and go without returning.

Those killers were already panicking at this time.

They also knew that they were exposed, and the other party seemed to know their situation completely. Someone had betrayed them.

Damn it!

They didn't realize that several traces of the killer team had disappeared long ago. They had already arrived outside the central building, waiting for Duoduoli to go back.

After Duoduoli was protected by the guards and returned to the inner building of the square, he also took out his mobile phone and called the secretary: "Did the person receive the call?"

The secretary's voice sounded immediately: "Mr. Duoduoli, it has been received, and the other party has been arranged in the multimedia conference room. You can see him when you come back."

"Okay." Duoduoli hung up the phone with a smile.

He was going to see the hero who helped him turn the tide. As for those killers, he had made enough arrangements and they were all dead.

On the other side.

Biling had already appeared in a meeting room in the center building of Myanmar*.

As a member of the special forces around the governor, he already had special abilities.

This task was actually not difficult for him. After all, if several special warriors attacked together, even if Duoduoli had many people to protect him, they could still solve the opponent by dying together.

For the governor and the Xuanfeng Alliance, they were willing to sacrifice their lives.

But they wanted to make Myanmar* chaotic and let other people in Myanmar* take the blame, so they made it so troublesome.

However, as long as he could see Duoduoli, he was sure that he could kill the opponent with one blow.

Just as he was thinking, a man came in and said to him: "Mr. Killer, Mr. Duoduoli wants to see you."

Piling knew the identity of this man, the other party was Duoduoli's secretary.

But what he didn't expect was that he wanted to kill Duoduoli, but Duoduoli actually wanted to see him and sent himself to him.

The most important thing was that when he came in, the other party seemed to know him, which was very magical.

He could be sure that he had never had any intersection with these people.

It seemed that the alliance had made very incredible arrangements.

He didn't explore these things, there was no need to explore, he just had to complete the task.

Soon, Piling was brought to Duoduoli.

It turned out to be the other party.

Duoduoli looked at him, seemed to appreciate him, and even had a special look.

This look made him frown, what was going on?

Duoduoli looked at Piling with a happy face.

This is his killer hero. If it weren't for the other party's tip-off, he wouldn't be able to catch all the killers now, and he wouldn't have the opportunity to turn the tide.

Tomorrow he will release the identities and crimes of those killers. By then, the people who were slaughtered by him are also killers.

It doesn't matter whether the outside world believes it or not. He already has a reason to pull it over. Before long, the people will forget about it.

As long as a matter is not hammered to death, but a 50-50 debate, it is impossible to tell who is right and who is wrong, and the end is always like this.

"Mr. Duoduoli, the killers have been dealt with. Now, according to your instructions, let those reporters take pictures of these bodies and give them the information of these killers."

Another report came from the headset.

After hearing this report, Duoduoli said to Piling with a happy face: "Thank you very much, because of your help, I easily dealt with those killers. Next, I will prove to you that I will make Myanmar better, even surpass the Xuanfeng Alliance."

"Tsk!" Piling couldn't help but spit out a word when he heard this.

This word made Duoduoli stunned, looking at Piling in surprise.

Piling also looked embarrassed, knowing that he didn't control his complaints for a while and aroused the other party's vigilance.

But can he be blamed for this?

Didn't he know what was going on with the other party? He actually dreamed of surpassing the Xuanfeng Alliance. How dare he think so.

Seeing this, he did not hesitate, and a dagger appeared in his hand.

Now just kill Duoduoli.

This scene shocked Duoduoli, and his guards also changed their faces.

But the scene that frightened them happened. The killer turned into a shadow and appeared in front of Mr. Duoduoli at an incredible speed.

The dagger in the other party's hand had already pierced Mr. Duoduoli's heart.

Duoduoli couldn't believe it was true. Before he died, he didn't react to the other party's speed.

What made him even more unbelievable was that he died in the hands of his hero.

The guards were angry and shot at Piling frantically, but Piling had squatted down and leaned against the desk to avoid bullets.

The guards wanted to get closer, but suddenly found a shadow flashing by. Before they could react, they found that their necks had been cut by a sharp blade, and they all fell down with pale faces.

The secretary was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that the guards he thought he could rely on were killed so easily.

The secretary wanted to escape, but before he could take two steps, he was pierced by a sharp blade and fell straight down.

Piling did all this indifferently, and then took out the communicator to report.

Almost at the same time, in the Wind Manor.

Lu Feng also smiled, and Xiaozhi informed him in real time that Duoduoli was finished.

Xiaozhi continued: "Master, Duoduoli is dead, so we can continue to absorb the people of Myanmar."

Lu Feng nodded, it was true.

At this time, Weisen came to the Wind Manor and brought him good news.

It was really a double happiness!

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