Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 397 Something is wrong! He is looking for death!

When Lu Feng heard what Lin Jiao and the others said, he immediately realized that this was the outbreak of the hexagonal beast disaster.

The zombie army and mutant beast army controlled by the other party have entered Tianhai City.

The crisis of Tianhai City is coming.

Just at this time, a survivor ran in hurriedly: "Boss, it's not good. A large number of zombies and mutant beasts have gathered outside our East Suburb area. They are approaching the interior of our East Suburb area."

Lu Feng frowned when he heard this.

Something is wrong

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The target of the mutant beasts and zombies should be the East Alliance of the City, not their East Suburb Fortress.

If they are targeted, it will be fun.

"Go and have a look." Lu Feng did not dare to hesitate, and immediately led people out of the hall and let the survivor lead the way.

At the same time, the alarm sounded at the base.

Lin Jiao was quickly gathering the survivors of Qingfeng Base. When Lu Feng left the base, the survivors of Qingfeng Base had basically gathered, gathering behind Lu Feng and moving in one direction.

Not long after, Lu Feng followed the survivor who reported to a building.

Standing on the building, he could clearly see that there was indeed a large army of mutant beasts and zombies in the distance, gathering quickly, and the number was increasing.

Looking at the direction and position of their gathering, there was no doubt that they were heading for the East Suburb Fortress.

However, seeing this scene, he was also slightly relieved, because the number and scale were completely different from those shown in the game, the gap was too big.

In other words, this was not the main force of the mutant beasts and zombies controlled by the hexagonal beast.

It should be just a small force.

Lu Feng understood.

This was the hexagonal beast dividing its troops.

He drove these zombies and mutant beasts to attack, which was forcing other bases.

What would the survivors of these bases do after being attacked?

The biggest possibility was to ask for help from the Shidong Alliance, or directly abandon the base and gather to the Shidong Alliance.

The purpose of the hexagonal beast is to force all the survivors in Tianhai City to gather in one place, and then catch them all in one fell swoop.

This is somewhat different from the story in the background of the game.

In the background of the game, the hexagonal beast is not so smart, but destroys the bases one by one, no matter how many survivors there are in the base.

This undoubtedly wastes a lot of its time.

But now the opponent actually knows to divide the troops and force the people in each base to gather towards the East Alliance of the City, and then they can take them away in one wave.

"Boss, those mutant beasts and zombies are starting to move." Lin Jiao hurriedly reminded.

Lu Feng looked and saw that the zombie tide and mutant beasts were rushing towards the direction of the East Suburb Fortress.

Lu Feng did not hesitate and hurriedly gave an order: "Notify everyone to prepare for battle, block them, and don't let them enter the East Suburb Fortress."

"Yes, boss." Lin Jiao nodded immediately and began to give orders through the communicator.

It can be seen that the people in Qingfeng Base began to quickly go to the road that the zombies must pass through, and began to build a formation through the surrounding buildings and favorable terrain.

Howitzers and anti-aircraft guns... These high-powered weapons were placed in formation, and the operators quickly adjusted the direction to aim at the zombies.

The zombies in the distance gathered quickly and moved quickly towards the ambush of the Qingfeng base. Around the zombies were mutant beasts.

Because of the hexagonal beasts, these mutant beasts did not attack each other, but moved forward to one place in one go.

At this time, the roar of artillery fire sounded.

Howitzers, anti-aircraft guns and many high-powered weapons were fired frantically, falling around the zombies and mutant beasts.

The explosion blasted the ordinary zombies away, their bodies to pieces, and even the mutant beasts were blown away by the impact.

Some weak mutant beasts died directly under the artillery fire.

Some mutant beasts did not suffer any damage, and immediately climbed up and continued to rush forward.

Those powerful mutant beasts had already discovered the ambush location and rushed madly towards the ambush of the people in the Qingfeng base.

Moreover, not only these mutant beasts, but also many zombies actually rushed towards the direction where the people of Qingfeng Base were ambushing at a very fast speed.

At this time, Wang Cheng and Guo Zhen rushed out directly. Both of them were wearing mecha weapons and rushed into the mutant beasts fearlessly.

These mutant beasts were not mutant beast kings, and both of them had two abilities, so they could handle these mutant beasts with ease.

Lin Jiao also led the ability users of Qingfeng Base to rush towards the mutant zombies that rushed over.

Their mission was to prevent these guys from disturbing the floor washing of high-powered weapons such as anti-aircraft guns and howitzers.

As long as the floor was washed well, those zombies would fall in groups, and those zombie tides would be eliminated soon.

Moreover, with the current strength of Qingfeng Base, there was no problem with these mutant zombies and mutant beasts.

The six-horned beast underestimated the power of the East Suburb Fortress.

Lu Feng also walked out and rushed directly towards the mutant beasts and mutant zombies.

After the six-horned beast summoned all the mutant beasts and zombies in Tianhai City, he had not brushed experience for a long time.

I can gain a lot of experience today.

He has unlocked the second-stage gene ability. These mutant zombies and mutant beasts have no way to cause any harm to him. The other party cannot break through the energy barrier alone.

Therefore, the mutant beasts and mutant zombies that besieged him were easily killed by him.

[Congratulations on killing a mutant zombie and gaining 500 experience! ]

[Congratulations on killing a mutant zombie and gaining 600 experience! ]


[Congratulations on killing a mutant beast and gaining 2500 experience! ]

[Congratulations on killing a mutant beast and gaining 3000 experience! ]

The long-lost reminder of increasing experience sounded.





The plowing sound of high-powered weapons still sounded.

Those zombies fell in groups under the ambush of Qingfeng Base, and soon became sparse and visible.

Finally, as those mutant zombies and mutations were all solved. Those zombie tides were also solved by the people of Qingfeng Base, blocking them outside the East Suburb Fortress and not letting them enter. Inside the East Suburb Fortress. Naturally, they couldn't follow the hexagonal beast's idea to escape from the Dongjia Fortress and go to the East City Alliance.

"Boss, what should we do next?" Lin Jiao asked.

"Everyone go back to the East Suburb Fortress for alert. I'm going to take a look around Tianhai City." After Lu Feng instructed Lin Jiao, he took out a motorcycle from his backpack and headed towards Tianhai City.

Not long after, he saw the impact of the hexagonal beast on Tianhai City. Not long after entering Tianhai City, a group of survivors came towards him.

Among the survivors, it seems that someone has set his sights on Lu Feng's motorcycle.

Seeing the motorcycle, he said to the pregnant woman beside him: "Someone has delivered the means of transportation to the door. I'll grab it and take you to the East City Alliance quickly."

Then, he rushed towards Lu Feng at an extremely fast speed. He was actually a speed ability user.

He rushed straight towards Lu Feng.

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