Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 219 Goodbye Xie Fangwei

Chi Caibo and Chi Zhengde were dumbfounded when they heard that the little Taoist boy named Cang Wu clearly told them the relationship between the Small Thousand World and the Big Thousand World. At the same time, he also told them about the recruitment of disciples for the Dharma Conference three years later. After telling them in detail, these things seemed incredible to them.

This is actually not a fairyland? But what is the Great Thousand World, and the place where I came from is called the Small Thousand World of Lei Mansion. The two siblings couldn't accept it, but soon they understood this statement. Isn't this just another name for the mortal world and the fairy world? In the Small Thousand World, the laws are not perfect, so it is difficult to advance. Only after being introduced to the Great Thousand World can you achieve higher achievements. Anyway, Chi Caibo and Chi Zhengde already equated the Great Thousand World with the Immortal World in their hearts.

As for the matter of recruiting disciples for the Dharma Conference, both of them were full of confidence that they could be favored by Senior Shi, an unpredictable immortal. Chi Caibo and Chi Zhengde did not think that they would be unable to pass, especially three years later, they It is very likely that he has advanced to the qi-entraining stage and can become an inner disciple in this immortal sect called "Penglai Sect"!

"Senior Cangwu, I don't know how realms are divided in the immortal, uh, world?" Chi Caibo was very curious about this question, so he asked Taoist Cangwu with a smile. Although he was only in the out-of-body stage, as a stone It is polite for a Taoist who is a senior master to call you "senior". When she was in the Yunxiao Sect, she could only rely on imagination to guess the realm after the golden elixir. Now that she was in the fairy world, figuring out the goals she might achieve in the future could not only serve as motivation, but also prevent her from going astray during her practice.

Cangwu was very satisfied with Chi Caibo and Chi Zhengde's modest and courteous performance, and was very happy to introduce them to them: "You all know until the golden elixir stage, behind is the Yin Shen, and after the Yin Shen is the Yuan Shen, reaching this stage is considered an achievement. Immortal."

It turns out that there is another realm before immortality called Yin Shen. Chi Zhengde nodded thoughtfully and continued to listen to Cang Wu's introduction.

"After the Yuanshen, there will be heavenly tribulations, four times in total. Depending on the cultivation level of the real people, it will happen once every few hundred to thousands of years. However, there are also some real Yuanshen who choose the environment and arrange the formations. Or practicing special skills can even postpone the catastrophe for ten to twenty thousand years. Because the primordial spirit has removed the yin energy and transformed into pure yang, it is also called the yangshen immortal. After that, I only know that there are three realms: Heaven and Man, Hedao, and Creation. I don’t know what the specific situation is. "Cangwu is only in the out-of-body stage, and many classics cannot be exchanged for reading.

Chi Caibo followed Cang Wu's words and asked another question that he was very curious and concerned about: "I wonder what senior Shi's cultivation level is now?"

Cang Wu knew that she was asking about Uncle Shi, so he answered simply: "Uncle Shi is in the Soul Stage, I don't know if he has reached Consummation or not."

"Soul stage?!" Chi Caibo didn't believe it at all. Although he came from Xiaoqian World and had little knowledge, he couldn't fool himself with such words, right? ! I have met many masters of the Divine Soul stage, so can the sword reaching the sky be a method of the Divine Soul stage? Could the feeling of oneness between people that day be a manifestation of the soul stage?

Cangwu heard the disbelief in Chi Caibo's words, but he understood another aspect and said with pride: "Yes, even though Uncle Shi is young and young, he is still thirty years old when he enters the soul stage. It has been many years, and other people at his age may not even be able to achieve the perfection of inducing qi in six years and soul in 20 years. These are the top cultivation speeds in the sect. Maybe Uncle Shi can. Here’s the fifty-year golden elixir.”

Chi Caibo was about to refute, but Chi Zhengde gently pulled her back and told her not to dwell on this issue with his eyes. So the two of them continued to ask Cang Wu about other things in the world of cultivation, until Cang Wu asked them He was arranged to stay in a cave in Kaiyang Peak and said goodbye.

"Brother, why didn't you let me continue asking just now? How could Senior Shi be in the divine soul stage?!" Chi Caibo was a little angry and a little confused. Cang Wu seemed to be a pretty nice person, how could he be fooled by someone like this at just one glance? To deceive himself by seeing through the lies, he has to make them more perfect no matter what. Doesn’t he look down on his own wisdom?

Chi Zhengde shook his head and said, "Senior Cangwu's expression, attitude, and tone don't seem like he is telling lies."

"Do you also think that Senior Shi is in the Soul Stage?!" Chi Caibo glared at his younger brother.

Chi Zhengde also shook his head: "Based on Senior Shi's performance, how can he be in the Soul Stage? Second sister, do you think Senior Shi who can show the realm of the unity of nature and man will be in the Soul Stage?" With the same conviction.

"What do you mean?" Chi Caibo was confused.

Chi Zhengde smiled confidently: "Since both of them are true, it means that Senior Shi concealed his cultivation in front of Senior Cangwu and others. I heard that many senior masters often hide their cultivation and act like ordinary people. Senior Shi must be in one of these situations when he is training in the world of mortals. Didn’t Senior Shi also tell us not to tell anyone about his demonstration of the unity of heaven and man?”

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Why did I forget this? And maybe Senior Shi is practicing some supreme immortal method, and he needs to go through all the realms of cultivation from the beginning. Didn't Senior Cangwu just say that Senior Shi has been practicing for six years? Entraining Qi, twenty years of soul, this just shows that Senior Shi has a lot of accumulation!" Chi Caibo's thoughts began to diverge.

Chi Zhengde nodded: "That's right. Even though we have to go through it all over again, our previous vision, knowledge, and Taoist cultivation are definitely still there. It is not difficult to show the realm of the unity of nature and man. Second sister, do you think Senior Shi is really What is the realm of cultivation?”

"Little brother, you are so stupid. Didn't Senior Cangwu just mention that there is a realm called heaven and man? Heaven and man are one, what is it if it is not heaven and man?" Chi Caibo said proudly.

"Yeah. That's true."


Shi Xuan didn't know that he had two admirers who had figured out the idea of ​​the unity of heaven and man, making the whole thing make sense. Although there were many loopholes, they believed it. At this time, Shi Xuan happened to walk into his cave. Two Taoist boys, Qingfeng and Mingyue, came up to him and handed Shi Xuan the messages left by others in the cave over the years. Among them were notes, jade slips, and letters. There were even invitations. Black Dragon Aogu, on the other hand, was basking in the sun leisurely outside the cave.

Among the several notes, two were left by Zhou Dielan. She returned to the sect after her travels fourteen years ago and came to visit Shi Xuan. As a result, she met Shi Xuan and entered the Small Thousand World to practice, so she left one behind. Zhang Liuyin, at that time she was great at entraining qi. Five more years later, after completing many good deeds and achieving perfection in Qi-entraining, she decided to follow Yu Ruoshui's footsteps and return home to live a peaceful family life while looking for a breakthrough to the Soul Stage. opportunity. But Shi Xuan was still in Xiaoqian World at that time, so she left a note again and invited Shi Xuan to visit Yaoguang Island when he was free.

The other notes were left by fellow disciples who came to Shi Xuan to discuss Taoism. Whether Shi Xuancheng admitted it or not, in the minds of other disciples, he was an out-and-out Taoist genius and a swordsman master. Therefore, many inner disciples, including several true disciples, wanted to exchange their cultivation experiences with Shi Xuan so that each other could benefit.

That jade slip was sent by Yu Ruoshui two years ago. It roughly recorded her life at home over the years, her insights on it, her experience in cultivation, and some difficult questions. It could also be regarded as an exchange of cultivation with Shi Xuan. Their experiences confirmed each other's path. According to her, after seventeen years of practicing at home, she had already touched the threshold of the Soul Stage, and maybe she would be able to break through in another ten years.

As for the letters and invitations, they were a bit messy. Some were written by casual cultivators and other sect disciples who wanted to challenge themselves, some invited themselves to participate in a small gathering among several swordsman masters, and some asked themselves to participate in a discussion. Sword Conference, but without exception, the time set by them has long passed. I wonder if the image of arrogance, arrogance, arrogance, arrogance, arrogance, and fear of accepting challenges has begun to spread among the monks.

Seeing this, Shi Xuan could only smile and shake his head. If someone challenges him and accepts it, there will be no time to practice. However, if the other party really has real materials, he doesn't mind gaining some fighting skills experience. By the way, Even though he had realized Taoism, Shi Xuan did not see in these letters and invitations any of the strongest ones in the Soul Stage, or those who had already practiced sword energy and thunder sounds, so even if Shi Xuan did not retreat at that time, he would not Pay attention.

After resting for a day, Shi Xuan set up his escape light and flew to Tianshu Peak, preparing to go to the Foreign Affairs Hall. He asked their deacon in Xihuang to help him pay attention to whether several materials would appear in the underground auction, because Shi Xuan didn't want to After arriving in the Western Wilderness, it would be a waste of time and inefficient to blindly search for or foolishly wait for an auction to show up the materials you want. To this end, Shi Xuan prepared a list, which was full of genius-level treasures. Of course, there are many materials that Shi Xuan does not need in order to confuse others.

"Junior Brother Shi, it's been a long time." Shi Xuan had just landed on Tianshu Peak when he heard a familiar and peaceful voice. It was Xie Fangwei who was wearing a moon-white Taoist robe. The root is a dark brown wooden hairpin, the whole person is refreshing, and the breath seems more profound than before.

Shi Xuan chuckled, cupped his hands and said, "Junior brother just came out of seclusion yesterday, and I haven't had time to congratulate him for achieving a top-grade golden elixir."

Xie Fangwei's attitude remained the same, and he did not put on airs because he was already a master of the golden elixir. He smiled slightly: "Thank you, Junior Brother Shi. I will just accept your congratulations. Otherwise, I would be really sorry for the suffering and struggle during the Soul Stage. Looking back now, I don’t know how I managed to hold on to the past.” His tone was filled with emotion.

I smoked for a long time at Qidian. .

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