Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 228 Succeed

These principles are found in some profound Taoist classics. Shi Xuan said it casually and seemed very convincing, making many monks present nod frequently and thoughtfully.

Of course, Shi Xuan himself practices Yin Yang Dao. Whether other people's Yin skills can produce a trace of pure Yang, and whether it will be good after neutralizing the pure Yang, Shi Xuan has not personally experienced it, so he is not sure. Anyway, he is not the one who wants to try it. , However, judging from the cultivation conditions of some people Shi Xuan has seen and some cultivation experience notes within the Penglai sect, it is indeed beneficial. Whether the Phoenix Blood Master has the courage to try it is his own business.

The owner of Phoenix Blood was skeptical at first, but when Shi Xuan mentioned that Lonely Yin does not last long and there are always many difficulties when breaking through the pass, he suddenly became silent, straightened his back, and looked at Shi Xuan intently. Xuan, I think this sentence touched my heart.

"Fellow Taoist, is what you said true?" the owner of Phoenix Blood asked solemnly with a hoarse voice.

Shi Xuan said calmly: "What I practice is not Yin Kung Fu, but these principles are recorded in many Taoist classics. I think you, Taoist friends, have seen it before. Whether what the Taoist sages said is true or not is not true. Please make your own judgment." If you insist on it, it will make the other party have doubts. Let him think for himself and combine it with his own experience and the classics he has seen before, so as to strengthen his belief.

As soon as he said it, the monks present casually exchanged a few words with those around them, such as: "It is indeed in the Taoist scriptures." "I also had such an experience when I was practicing before."...

The owner of the Phoenix Blood was silent for a long time, probably engaged in a fierce ideological struggle. Finally, he looked at the monk who took out the Tiansha Yin Silk and said: "Fellow Taoist, I'm really sorry. I still want to try the Yin pole." The Way of Yangsheng.”

For him, there is a 30% chance of the Nine-turn Nine-Returning Jade Liquid Divine Pill. Even if Yin Yang Jade Gui is worse than Tiansha Yinsi in the end, it can still increase the possibility by half to 35%. But if what the monk just said is true, the possibility of achieving a middle-grade golden elixir will be more than 50%. It is clear at a glance whether to gamble or not.

The monk who took out the Heavenly Evil Yin Silk sighed and said: "If a poor Taoist were to choose, he would also choose the Yin Yang Jade Gui."

The Phoenix Blood Master then turned to Shi Xuan: "Please come up, fellow Taoist, and bring out the Yin Yang Jade Gui."

Shi Xuan first took out the Yin and Yang Jade Gui from the Yin and Yang two gas bottles, held it in his hand, and then walked up slowly. In the process, hundreds of divine consciousness also swept over the Yin and Yang Jade Gui in Shi Xuan's hand, wanting to see Below is a half-piece of jade that emits black and white light, has a simple and mysterious pattern, has a sharp upper end and a straight lower end.

The Phoenix Blood Master carefully examined the Yin-Yang Jade Gui and said with satisfaction: "Sure enough, it is the Yin pole that generates Yang, and the Yang pole that generates Yin. I just used my spiritual sense to feel this genius treasure, and I feel that my true energy has improved a lot. Changes, good, very good." After talking about it, he couldn't suppress the joy in his heart. At the same time, he eagerly handed the small jade bottle containing the Phoenix blood to Shi Xuan with one hand and took the Yin Yang Jade Gui with the other hand.

However, his words aroused the covetousness of others. A monk below shouted: "Wait a minute." When the master of Phoenix Blood glared at him fiercely, he said: "Fellow Taoist, can you give the Yin Yang Jade Gui to the poor man?" Dao, I am willing to give you a spiritual weapon called the Fierce Yang True Fire Sword, which is a perfect spiritual weapon. "This person may be practicing the Pure Yang technique.

As the monk joined the fight, three other people spoke one after another. Some of them had a fire-based spiritual weapon with more than one heaven, some had a treasure of fire elemental genius, the Fire Yuan Jing, and even the last one had a perfect fire weapon with two heavens. Sex Spirit Weapon, but they asked Shi Xuan to use Xirang again. It seemed that they all regarded Shi Xuan as a monk who practiced the fire sex skill.

"Fellow Taoist, we agreed on an exchange. Phoenix blood at the soul level is something you can only meet but cannot ask for." The master of Phoenix blood looked at Shi Xuan nervously, fearing that he would regret it.

Shi Xuan glanced down and let out a hoarse laugh: "I also made a promise. Since I have promised this Taoist friend, I can only say sorry to the other Taoist friends." I can't bring those items myself. , this phoenix blood is related to a magic weapon. If the owner of the phoenix blood knew about it, he would definitely be hit with a huge sum of money, so Shi Xuan used a promise to cover up his urgent need.

The master of Phoenix Blood gratefully handed the small jade bottle to Shi Xuan, and at the same time took Shi Xuan's Yin Yang Jade Gui: "Thank you so much, fellow Taoist, there are five high-grade spiritual stones here, please accept them." He only had twelve on him. For the top-grade spiritual stone, Ouyang Tuo needs to pay six yuan for the rest, leaving one piece for the teleportation array, so he can only get five yuan.

Shi Xuan didn't expect that the master of Phoenix Blood would add five pieces of high-grade spirit stones in the end, which was really an unexpected gain. After checking that the items in the small jade bottle were indeed Phoenix blood, he put it into the Yin and Yang two gas bottles. I was completely relieved. The main purpose of participating in the auction was achieved, so I slowly walked back happily.

At this moment, the old voice spoke again: "Fellow Taoist, are you still willing to sell your Xi soil? What kind of thing do you want to exchange for it?" This monk seems to be determined to get the Xi soil.

Shi Xuan laughed loudly and said: "I'm saving this breath soil to exchange for the invisible magic iron. When it comes to the auction, fellow Taoist will check the situation."

"Okay." The words were concise and to the point. This person had probably made up his mind to auction off the invisible divine iron in exchange for the breath soil. The other monks who wanted the breath soil also had the same idea.


The auction will not always auction the same type of items, so as not to reduce everyone's interest. The following items are a spiritual weapon, a jade slip of a martial art that points directly to the golden elixir, and a set of extremely powerful formation flags. , then the Ruyan Fairy Fang Ximeng said: "The fourteenth item of this auction is the One-Horned Kui Niu Neidan. Please come up, fellow Taoist who holds this item."

The monk who also had no visible physical features walked up and said in the same hoarse voice: "One-horned Kui Niu inner elixir, one hundred high-grade spiritual stones, or one nine-turn nine-returning jade liquid divine elixir. Or an earthy monster inner elixir. The latter two are preferred, the monster inner elixir is the best.”

After he finished speaking, he took out a black wooden box. As soon as he opened the lid, he saw a fist-sized light ball composed of countless tiny cyan thunder snakes, emitting dazzling silver-cyan lightning.

Generally speaking, the demonic beast inner elixir and the nine-turn nine-return jade liquid divine elixir cost about one hundred high-grade spiritual stones. If you encounter the kind of monks who have little confidence, then the demonic beast inner elixir will be more expensive. If you can't get the top-grade golden elixir, then the Nine-turn Nine-Returning Jade Liquid elixir is more expensive.

Of course, because both have a price but no market, the actual auction price is much more than a hundred high-grade spiritual stones.

"A nine-turn nine-return jade liquid magic pill." A slightly excited and incompletely concealed voice shouted. Shi Xuan heard his identity from his omissions. It was An Wang, the head of the Foreign Affairs Hall of our sect. It turns out that he returned to the sect these days to sell off items, exchange those items to the sect, and then add his good deeds over the years to exchange them for a nine-turn nine-return jade liquid divine elixir from the sect. After all, within the sect, In addition, except for such high-level auctions, you can't buy the Nine-turn Nine-Returning Jade Liquid Divine Pill.

After he shouted out the Nine-turn Nine-Returning Jade Liquid Divine Pill, the scene suddenly became quiet, because those who wanted to buy it with spiritual stones had no hope. The owner of the One-horned Kui Niu Neidan would definitely prefer to choose the One-horned Kui. Niu Neidan, lest you get the spiritual stone, you won’t be able to buy it.

"If no Taoist friend comes up with the earthy monster inner elixir, then I will exchange it with this fellow Taoist." The owner of the One-horned Kui Niu Inner Alchemy is quite satisfied. With the combination of other items, he has hope. It hits the middle-grade golden elixir.

An Wang also looked around nervously, fearing that someone would jump out and snatch the One-Horned Kui Niu inner elixir. Unfortunately, God did not follow his wishes, and a monk shouted in a hoarse and gloomy voice: "I have a mountain-moving beast inner elixir." Taoist friend, you will be satisfied if you take a look at it." He said as he took out a dark brown stone ball-like object, which exuded a terrifying and ferocious aura, especially the yellow sand under his feet that was slowly flowing towards the stone ball. Go and pile up a big yellow sandbag at the monk's feet.

The owner of the One-Horned Kui Niu inner elixir spoke eagerly as soon as he saw the mountain-moving beast inner elixir: "Okay, fellow Taoist, let's exchange the inner elixir."

An Wang shouted angrily: "Fellow Taoist, you have to think clearly. If you use the mountain-moving beast inner elixir to become a Taoist, you cannot advance to Yin Shen. This nine-turn nine-returning jade liquid elixir is the best choice."

The monk hesitated for a moment and then said: "I don't have any great ambitions. I will be satisfied if I can obtain the low-grade golden elixir."

An Wang still refused to give up: "Fellow Taoist, don't be fooled by the immediate benefits. After you achieve the low-grade golden elixir, and watch your longevity approaching 600 day by day, you will regret today's choice. There will be no regrets after you achieve the elixir!" These words have a profound impact on Anwang himself is different. If he achieves a low-grade golden elixir and has more than three hundred years of life, he might have some adventures, get a reincarnation treasure, or train a good apprentice. No matter what happens, he can still pin his hopes on Jiang. Real person, I hope he can deduce the secret of reincarnation within three hundred years, which is much better than dying after thirty or forty years.

The owner of the One-Horned Kui Niu Neidan was silent for a long time, and finally sighed and said firmly: "I still choose the Mountain-moving Beast Neidan."

An Wang seemed unable to bear the blow, and took a step back, shouting hysterically: "Which fellow Taoist has the inner elixir of earth-type monsters, I will exchange it for the divine elixir of nine turns and nine rejuvenation jade liquid." Seeing the hope of life. , but being unable to grasp it is the most shocking thing.

It's a pity that the monster inner elixir itself is a rare thing, let alone specifying a certain type. The owner of the one-horned Kui Niu inner elixir is extremely lucky if he can encounter the mountain-moving beast inner elixir. Where can An Wang find it? An earth-type monster inner elixir was obtained. Among the monks present, there might be one or two people who had the monster beast inner elixir, but none of them were earth-type monster inner elixirs.

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