Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 233 The dust has settled

When the huge ball of lightning slowly dissipated, Hong Zhishan's figure appeared in it. The neatly dressed Xuanyi became tattered, and the high crown on his head was tilted to the side, looking very embarrassed.

"Junior brother Shi is indeed a master of swordsmanship, and senior brother is not as good as him." Hong Zhishan said perfunctorily, with an ugly expression on his face and a stiff tone. In any case, being defeated in such an embarrassing manner by Shi Xuan made him very angry. After all, not everyone is Someone with a big heart.

Shi Xuan didn't care about his attitude. Winners don't mind this. He smiled and said: "Senior brother, I accept. I wonder which uncle will compete with the disciple next?" He looked at Ling Qing, who was standing aside. Yue Yinxin.

Ling Qing was the first to speak: "I'm here to learn your swordsmanship from Master Nephew Shi. However, Master Shi, you have two fights in a row, so you should rest first." Just now, Shi Xuan defeated Gu Xinxuan and Hong Zhishan in a row, showing off his swordsmanship. Ling Qing understood that Shi Xuan's title as the number one swordsman below Jindan was not given in vain, but his tone was firm and contained strong self-confidence, and he seemed to have the means to restrain Shi Xuan's swordsmanship.

Shi Xuan also felt Ling Qing's confidence, so he made up his mind to wait for his full strength to avoid being accidentally defeated. In fact, even if Ling Qing didn't show that confidence, Shi Xuan would still use his full strength. After all, Lingqing has been practicing Taoism for nearly 300 years. He is a master of the Soul Stage for many years. He has more or less concealment methods or magic weapons and spiritual weapons. He is also rich in experience. Therefore, Shi Xuan has already decided to start the battle with him. He resorted to Tai Chi to ensure a quick victory and prevent him from having a chance to come back.

After a while, Shi Xuan opened his eyes and said respectfully: "Uncle Lingqing, please enlighten me."

Ling Qing nodded, released his natal magic weapon, the Thunder Fire Treasure Mirror, and floated it behind his head, and put the protective spiritual weapon Taiyi Purple Smoke Ring around his body, emitting a thick purple light to protect his whole body, and then he said: "Master Shi Nephew please."

Shi Xuan stopped answering and turned the Heavenly Thunder Conquering Demon Sword into lightning and slashed towards Lingqing as usual. At the same time, the Tai Chi diagram in his dantian turned into a golden bridge and flew towards Lingqing.

Lingqing saw the cyan thunder light transformed by the Tianlei Fu Demon Sword, his face remained calm, and he threw an object in his hand. It lengthened in the wind and became bigger, but it was a large net shining with silvery white light. , shrouding the Heavenly Thunder Demon Sword, the runes on it shining, locking the surrounding space, and falling downwards with an unstoppable force. But it was the same method that Gu Yizhen used to deal with Lu Lingxiao. It can be seen from this that this is one of the effective methods to deal with sword energy, thunder and sound swordsmanship summarized in ancient times.

Seeing that this big net was about to cover the Sky Thunder Demon Sword, even a well-informed and experienced monk like Ling Qing showed a hint of joy. After all, Shi Xuan only had a flying sword, a spiritual weapon, and his magical weapon was not flying. Sword, if you use the flying sword, the magic weapon of the Eighth Heavenly Perfection, to use the sword energy thunder sound, it can't do anything to the Taiyi Purple Smoke Ring, the spiritual weapon on your body.

But at this moment, an all-encompassing, sacred and majestic golden bridge flew from Shi Xuan and landed on Ling Qing's head. All the fluctuations of spiritual energy in the air calmed down. It seemed that space and time were slightly stagnant. The silver-white light was The big net inevitably paused, and the Heavenly Thunder Demon Sword took advantage of this gap to pass under it. In the blink of an eye, it passed through the Taiyi Purple Smoke Ring and stopped next to Ling Qing.

When the Golden Bridge on the other side spanned the void and fell between Lingqing and Shi Xuan, as soon as Lingqing saw the vast and mysterious Golden Bridge, he felt that the surroundings suddenly became quiet, the Thunder Demon Sword disappeared, and the silver-white big sword disappeared. The net disappeared, the vast starry sky disappeared... The whole soul stagnated slightly, the movement of the true energy stopped for a moment, and the movement of the natal magical weapon Thunder Fire Treasure Mirror and the protective spiritual weapon Taiyi Purple Smoke Ring also stopped for a moment.

When Ling Qing woke up from this stagnation, he saw the cyan lightning floating in front of his eyes, and the sword light was slightly hesitant. This startled Ling Qing. When he looked around him again, he saw that the Taiyi Purple Smoke Ring and the Thunder Fire Treasure Mirror were intact, and the imperial emissary was normal. When he recalled what had just happened, he became deeply aware of the mystery and terror of the mighty Golden Bridge.

Just now, I just regarded this golden bridge as Shi Xuan's defensive magic weapon. I was still laughing secretly in my heart that Shi Shi was so timid. He chose this kind of defensive magic weapon for all his life magic weapons. Although it was very powerful, its use was too single. Unexpectedly But it is so mysterious and terrifying that it can actually stabilize the vitality, the soul, the magic weapon and the spiritual weapon...

Shi Xuan saw that Ling Qing's face turned pale and blue, green and red, red and black, changing continuously. After a long time, he sighed: "There are really talented people in the world. The waves behind push the waves ahead. I am getting old, not as good as Shi You are a great nephew."

"Master Nephew, thank you, Master Uncle Lingqing, for your advice." Shi Xuan replied in a decent manner. He originally wanted to give the other party a small compliment by saying, "It's also because of Master's advanced cultivation that Master Nephew tried his best." But, Then I thought about how it looked like I didn't take Gu Xinxuan and Hong Zhishan seriously, so I chose this watertight but not brilliant answer.

Ling Qing nodded and said with some sigh: "However, our monks still have to focus on the realm of cultivation. As the realm of cultivation goes up, the strength will naturally increase. If you don't achieve the golden elixir in one day, my nephew, what will others do to you? I have been coveting your position as the leader every day. I am almost 300 years old. Although I have taken life-extending pills, my time is short. Maybe I won’t be able to survive in a few years. The liquid god elixir has become a middle-grade golden elixir. If my nephew fails to achieve the golden elixir by then, don't blame me for being rude. After all, if I can be reincarnated, these accumulated insights can be brought to the next life."

Shi Xuan could only smile bitterly. It had only been a few years since he had perfected his soul. It was a bit far away to achieve the golden elixir. If a soul elder really gave up the path of the soul and turned to achieve the middle-grade golden elixir, there was nothing he could do. He would do whatever he could to achieve the best. There is no guarantee of escaping with one's life from the middle-grade Golden Pill Master, especially when one is only at the level of cultivation.

Ling Qing stopped talking and retreated to Gu Xinxuan's side. Seeing this, Shi Xuan asked Yue Yinxin respectfully: "Is Master Yue referring to the teacher's nephew next?"

Hearing this, Yue Yinxin was silent for a moment, and after a long time she said quietly: "Let's forget it. I am convinced that you are the leader, nephew." But it was she who saw the cultivation and methods of Shi Xuan's three consecutive winners, and weighed them. I can still resist with my swordsmanship, but the mysterious Golden Bridge is difficult to predict. Without the talismans and secret treasures accumulated over the years, there is no chance of winning, so I don't plan to end up in embarrassment.

Mo Yuan said calmly: "Since you guys have no objections, then Shi Xuan will be the leader of our peak. The ceremony will be held at the Jie Tian Hall tomorrow." Because this matter has been informed to the leader a long time ago, so I don't worry about whether it will be too late, let's talk about the immortal way. My dear, how can a ceremony be held like in the secular world, where one needs to prepare for ten or twenty days, and then just a few spells can get everything done. Moreover, Penglai sect's ceremonies have always been solemn, not gorgeous, or even very simple.

Seeing that Ling Qing and the other four were silent and had no objection, Mo Yuan pointed his hand, and the vast starry sky disappeared without a trace. Everyone was still standing in Mo Yuan's cave. There were no stone tables, stone benches, futons, tea cups, etc. inside. It was strange, especially since the tea in the tea cup was still so full, without spilling a bit, as if the powerful battles just now were just illusions, which were the mystery of the void illusion.

Moreover, when I use the Void Illusion to fight with others, I can dominate the home field. I increase my strength by more than 10%, and weaken the opponent's strength by more than 10%. For example, the Golden elixir master who knows the Void Illusion and the Jindan who does not know the Void Illusion. In a grandmaster battle, even if the former is slightly weaker than the latter, if the latter does not have the corresponding means, he will definitely lose.


The next day. Tianshu Peak is connected to Tiandian.

Outside the hall, hundreds of outer sect disciples and nearly a hundred inner sect disciples were waiting for Inner Power, whispering at the same time.

"What's going on? Do we need to be summoned here?" A young man with tanned skin asked his companions in a low voice.

His companion was extremely tall, about nine feet tall, but his face was a little childish and he looked young. His voice was low: "Could something big happen?"

"Zhou Banyu, I also know something big happened. What big thing are you asking about?" The bronze boy looked at his companion angrily. Although Zhou Banyu was tall and heavy, he didn't seem very smart and didn't know how he passed four years ago. Recruiting disciples for the Dharma Conference.

"Bingnan, what are you talking about?" Chi Zhengde walked over, his baby face looking more mature than a few years ago.

When Li Bingnan saw Chi Zhengde and Chi Caibo who had followed him, his face showed excitement at first, then hesitation, and finally he saluted gloomily: "Reporting to Uncle Chi, the nephews are discussing why we have gathered everyone today." It turns out. Two years ago, that is, two years after starting, Chi Zhengde and Chi Caibo successively broke through to the entrainment stage and entered the inner sect of the Penglai sect.

"Bingnan, we are all acquaintances, why should we be so reserved." Chi Zhengde said with a sigh. Zhou Banyu and Li Bingnan both entered the Penglai sect with them, did tasks together, and played tricks together. The disciples of a certain domineering family had endured each other's counterattacks together, and they thought they would become good friends for many years. Unexpectedly, since the two of them entered the Qi-entraining period, the two sides began to drift apart.

One reason is that after the two of them entered the Qi-entraining period, they were busy in retreat to transform their inner energy into the True Qi of Little All Heavens Ten Thousand Thunders. They rarely interacted with a few friends. Even today was a break in the retreat. Seeing Zong The door summoned everyone to the Jietian Hall to participate in the ceremony, so I stopped by to take a look. After all, they are not as good as Shi Xuan. They can completely adjust their mentality after the first long-term retreat. If they can remain in retreat until the true energy is achieved, they still need to slowly grasp it. It is inevitable to take a few days of rest in the middle, which is also a normal process in monks' practice. , is a kind of practice of mentality transformation.

This is the meaning of the dual cultivation of life and life in the Taoist sect. If you have no grasp of power and a mentality that is not adapted to immortality, then you will not be able to gain strength or immortality. Even if you get it by chance, it will be the coming of suffering and pain, not freedom and ease. start.

The immortals who have been cultivating Taoism for thousands of years and only feel loneliness in the secular world are all speculating with the mentality of ordinary people. It is impossible for such monks who only feel loneliness to cultivate powerful Strength, not to mention grasp, they should have either gone crazy and self-destructed, or gone crazy and self-destructed during their long and lonely monastic life.

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