Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 253 Return

Ning Wuque nodded lightly: "Go and look at the Luofu Sect and see where those Jindan masters are going, especially Dong Yuanzi."

"Yes." The bloody figure also twisted for a while, then turned into a faint blood shadow and disappeared into the air.

After Blood Shadow No. 3 left, Ning Wuque turned around, stretched out his hand to pinch the maid Xiaoze's face, and said with a smile: "Okay, Xiaoze, don't be so frowning. Master, I don't have a backup plan when I do things. If you encounter a trap, there is no problem in saving your life. In that case, why not give it a try? "

Ozawa pouted and said: "Well, Master, you are always right. And even if it is not a trap, you have to be careful. Shi Xuan at least has a master who is already the Yinshen Master, and he has a lot of talismans and secret treasures. , it is easy to suffer a loss if you are not careful.”

Ning Wuque nodded solemnly at this time: "So, sir, I speculate that Shi Xuan should have used himself as bait, using the differentiation of sword light and these foreign objects to drag me there for a while, so that Lou Yizhi and Xu who left before Yu, even Dong Yuanzi can come over and surround me. But let’s not mention Xu Yu, how much price he has to pay to let Lou Yizhi and Dong Yuanzi risk their lives for him. "Since that's the case. When he was really ready to take action, Ning Wuque began to analyze the possibilities very carefully.

Ozawa did not think about this problem at all, but said: "According to the speed of Lou Yizhi and Xu Yu, when Shi Xuan sets off tomorrow, they will be one day away from Shi Xuan, how can they possibly make it here? "

"Haha, this is because Ozawa, you have too little experience. As long as there is a third-level or fourth-level Taoist escape method, the distance is only one hour. For example, although I have not achieved the golden elixir for a long time, young master, if I use my full strength, It will take more than half an hour to arrive. If Lou Yizhi and Xu Yu are determined to use the secret treasure and talisman with a fifth-level escape technique, they may be able to arrive in less than a quarter of an hour. "Ning Wuque. He explained with a chuckle.

"Then Young Master, you need to kill Shi Xuan within a quarter of an hour." Ozawa began to worry again. Shi Xuan had secret treasures, talismans, and practiced sword light differentiation. Although he could not defeat the Golden Pill Grandmaster, he could not defeat him. It is not a problem to hold back the Golden elixir master for a period of time.

Ning Wuque turned to look at the empty sky outside the carriage and said in a deep voice: "I heard that Shi Xuan's sword light can only be divided into two sword lights. Even if he doesn't use all his strength, it can only be three at most. After all, some veteran sword lights can be divided into two sword lights." Only a sword cultivator in the Golden Core stage can distinguish more than four sword lights, so why should I be afraid? Even if I don't have the secret treasure and talisman, it will take less than a quarter of an hour to kill him." This is Ning Wuque's achievement. Jindan has only been a few years old, and apart from the two Taoist skills he obtained when Heaven and Earth interacted, many levels of Taoist skills have not yet been cultivated. He only refined his natal spiritual weapon to the perfection of the first heaven. Otherwise, why would he need to take so much care.


The next morning.

Outside Luofu Mountain, the monks and cultivators from various sects who participated in the Golden Elixir Ceremony were leaving one after another. Some left hand in hand, and some stopped in mid-air to say goodbye.

On the Penglai sect's Baiyun boat, Dong Yuanzi looked at Shi Xuan with a slightly worried face: "Shi Xian's nephew, why don't you wait for the old Taoist to leave together tomorrow. Those of us who have embarked on the path of immortality have never It’s not about the length of a day, but it’s better to take a long-term view.” Dong Yuanzi needed to stay for another day because he had a friend in the Luofu Sect.

Shi Xuan smiled slightly and said: "Senior Dong Yuanzi, there is no need to worry. This junior is always cautious in doing things and will not put himself in great danger." Whatever ideas he has, these seniors who have lived for hundreds of years can basically do it. You can see a thing or two, that's why Dong Yuanzi gave today's advice, but it's okay, the more you can see it, the more likely it is that Ning Wuque will come after weighing it. Even if he doesn't come, he won't lose anything. Favors are just for use.

"Forget it, I won't persuade you anymore. I'm old and can't compare with your generation." Dong Yuanzi sighed softly, turned around and flew to the Luofu Sect.

"Uncle Shi, shall we set off now?" Just as Shi Xuan was looking at the Luofu Sect scenery in the distance, Tang Youqiu's slightly nervous voice came from behind. It seemed that although she had made up her mind, she still had trouble restraining herself. The emotions in the heart.

Shi Xuan nodded: "Well, let's go." In fact, no matter if Tang Youqiu maintained this mood, Ning Wuque might infer that he was bluffing when he spied from a distance.

Tang Youqiu went to motivate Bai Yunzhou with all his heart. As for the other disciples, except for Luo Banshan's vague worries, those disciples in the out-of-body period were all happy and excited. They gained a lot from coming out this time. Not only did they learn A set of sword formations with extraordinary power, and they also defeated powerful opponents like the Blood Demon Sect, which made them stand out.

Ren Shuiyao had already woken up this morning. At this time, she quietly retreated from the group of excited disciples, walked up to Shi Xuan, and saluted with great gratitude: "Shui Yao can have such a transformation today, thanks to Master Shi." It's your gift. In the future, if Uncle Shi wants to do it, Shuiyao can do as he pleases. "Her cultivation and strength are far different from Shi Xuan's, so she can't give her anything in return, she can only show her sincerity.

Shi Xuan looked at Ren Shuiyao and said with satisfaction: "If you can be brave and diligent in cultivating the road in the future, it will be a reward for me." After yesterday's experience, Ren Shuiyao seemed more calm, but not Instead of being introverted before, I am reserved.


During the day on the first day, the weather was calm. Except for Tang Youqiu who became more and more impatient, no one else noticed anything wrong and took it for granted. Shi Xuan, in particular, was even more relaxed and content, as if he didn't seem to be worried at all.

In the evening, the out-of-body disciples were on the deck admiring the scenery along the way and enjoying a delicious dinner served by the stone puppet.

"Uncle Shi, we should be able to arrive at Tianyang City by this time tomorrow. If Ning Wuque wants to take action, tonight is the best chance." Tang Youqiu found Shi Xuan and whispered, because she was anxious inside. The speed of Baiyunzhou was maximized, making it twice as fast as when it came. Although this consumes a lot of spiritual stones, the distance of three days only takes one and a half days, and the possibility of encountering danger is greatly reduced.

Shi Xuan smiled and said: "If Ning Wuque is coming, then he will be waiting now."

"What are you waiting for?" Tang Youqiu asked nervously.

Before Shi Xuan had time to answer, the smell of blood suddenly came from the wind. Under the stimulation, Baiyun Zhou raised a layer of smoke-like light shield.

Tang Youqiu quickly looked around and found that he and others had disappeared from the road to Tianyang City and entered a strange and terrifying place.

The white cloud boat seemed to be traveling on an endless sea of ​​blood. From time to time, blood-colored waves hit the white cloud cover, causing ripples. In the sea of ​​​​blood, there are skinless bloody hands and faceless bloody faces twisting and turning under the waves. They are densely packed like grass under the water. I don’t know how many there are. Just looking at them makes people shudder. Except for the sea of ​​​​blood, the sky above and next to it was a lifeless darkness, without the slightest breath of living people.

Since entering the sea of ​​blood, the Baiyun boat seems to be moving slower and slower. The bottom of the boat is scratched by the skinless bloody hands from time to time, and the faceless bloody face bites it, making a squeaking sound.

"Ning Wuque is here." Tang Youqiu calmed down at this time. He thought that no matter how worried or anxious he was, it would not help. Apart from Uncle Shi's plans, he could only watch from the sidelines in a fight of this level. , no matter what the emotion is, the ending cannot be changed.

"What's going on?!" Those disciples in the out-of-body stage and Luo Banshan discovered something strange at this time. They all rushed around Shi Xuan in panic and asked repeatedly. This kind of environment, you can tell with your toes that it is related to the Blood Demon Sect, and Ning Wuque is a top-level master!

Shi Xuan said calmly: "The Blood Demon Zong Ning Wuque is here. This is his illusion of the void."

After hearing the affirmative answer, even if they had confidence in Shi Xuan, the disciples could not hide the fear in their hearts and showed it on their faces. Being able to be called a master in the Golden Core stage means that it is vastly different from the previous ones. It is an existence that many monks cannot compete with and can only look up to. It is currently the highest combat power in the world of cultivation.

"But where is Ning Wuque? Shouldn't we attack right away without wasting time?" Only Zhou Banyu still didn't feel scared out of habit. Following his question, Ren Shuiyao, Jiang Nianqiao and others remembered that Uncle Shi He has mastered the differentiation of sword light, and he may be able to fight against the master of the golden elixir.

Shi Xuan said calmly: "Maybe he thinks he has a chance to win, so he wants to appreciate our state of fear. In fact, it is through this fear, coupled with the erosion of the illusion of the void, that we unknowingly reduce our strength. ”

"Haha, that's well said. You really know me, fellow Taoist Shi. Ning will definitely let fellow Taoist Shi integrate into Ning's flesh and blood, and live up to this feeling of close confidant." Ning Wuque's voice was leisurely and contented, and then his figure appeared in Baiyunzhou From above, Shi Xuan looked at Shi Xuan with a smile. His snow-white Taoist robe formed a strong contrast with the bright blood river in the background.

"Senior Lou and Fellow Daoist Xu should have entered Tianyang City now, right?" Shi Xuan suddenly asked with a smile.

Ning Wuque was stunned for a moment, then he chuckled and said: "Well, the two of them have just entered Tianyang City not long ago, so I am here. And my men are still waiting outside Tianyang City. If they leave the city, I will You can know it right away. So you don’t have any hope, Brother Daoist Shi. Although my subordinates are only at the Soul Soul stage, their concealment and tracking skills are no less than those of ordinary golden elixirs.”

At the same time, Ning Wuque began to gather bloody thunder balls in his hands. It was not that he wanted to talk nonsense. Naturally, it is best to do this kind of thing at lightning speed. But after all, he took too short time to become a pill, and Shi Xuan's strength was not He could kill him in one blow, and his attitude made him a little suspicious, so while using the void illusion to weaken the opponent, he vigilantly scanned the surroundings with his spiritual consciousness.

Shi Xuan said unhurriedly: "Shi has never placed his hopes on them." A terrifying and ferocious aura suddenly erupted from his body, causing the disciples around him to stop thinking. Fortunately, Shi Xuan was not targeting them, so they were very worried. They quickly came back to their senses and looked at each other, could it be that Uncle Shi had achieved the golden elixir? ! This, this is really incredible! No wonder Uncle Shi is so confident!

"Could it be that your trump card, Fellow Daoist Shi, is this outer elixir? That really makes me a little surprised and a little disappointed." Ning Wuque said with a dumb smile.

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