
Chapter 1313: White tiger

The closer Lin Fei was, the more unreliable the stone was.

"Relax, I'm here, properly, I've been in and out of it many times." The stone is full of confidence. If it is a person, it must be the thump of the chest.

However, before waiting for Lin Fei to ask again, he found out that another deafening roar came...

Unlike the thick and majestic roar in front, this sound came from behind Lin Fei.

There is no such kind of majestic vitality coming from the face, but it is like a blood-stained sharp knife, revealing a brutal and violent, as if the endless **** meaning is hidden in the voice.

Lin Fei was horrified. When he turned around, he saw behind him, in the darkness like a swamp, with a terrifying shadow, struck from the dark swamp.

The scary figure was extremely fast, with a gust of wind, striking like a huge cloud, carrying a sharp roar, rumbling through the entire passage, and instantly blowing through Lin Fei's body.

The most important thing is that Lin Fei felt a familiar and strong power of gold from this gust of wind.

At that moment, it seemed to be thousands of swords, passing by quickly.

"That white tiger!?"

Almost instantly, Lin Fei reacted.

After practicing the ten thousand swordsmanship of the heavens, Lin Fei was naturally familiar with the power of the gold line. At that moment, it was distinguished that the power of the gold line was **** and endless violent, as if carrying infinite The meaning of killing.

This is clearly the white tiger demon emperor I encountered before, and only its unique blood power can manipulate this rich golden power.

However, didn't the White Tiger Demon Emperor fight against the Jiaolong Demon Emperor and fell into the disadvantage?

It should be self-sufficient, how can it come to trouble itself at this time?

Lin Fei's thoughts changed sharply, but he was too late to think too much about it.

Because Lin Fei knows, this is troublesome...

The white tiger is the master of logging, and is naturally proficient in the power of gold. Among the endless floods of all kinds of strange fierce beasts, it also belongs to the top level of combat power.

Although the white tiger demon emperor now only has a part of the blood, it is also terrifying enough, and it is indistinguishable from that of the dragon, not to mention a golden pill...

Once encountered, the other party is afraid to deal with it deliberately, and it is difficult for him to bear it with just one blow.

Lin Fei also wanted to think about countermeasures, but it was too late...

The speed of the white tiger far exceeded Lin Fei.

Almost at the same time Lin Fei thought of this, he saw the tiger roar stronger than it.

Not far behind Lin Fei, a demon's spirit rolled into a thick cloud, and instantly swept through the entire dark passage, and the body of the white tiger finally appeared in the darkness.

The fur was entwined with black and white stripes, shining brilliantly, and it was very strange. At this time, it was stained with blood, with a claw mark on his body, flesh turned up, and even white bones were exposed. Between the roars, there was infinite viciousness. .

Obviously, this bone was a **** battle.

At this time in the darkness, this white tiger seemed to be very anxious, vomiting a sultry demon, forming a demon cloud, and driving it, it seemed to feel that someone was blocking the road in front. Without saying a word, it was shot with a paw...

This tiger claw is just a hit, but when crossing the space and falling, it carries infinite sharpness, as if it were a giant axe in the world, to tear the space.

With one hit, the fighting power of the top demon emperor is undoubtedly revealed...

The strong wind blew across the nearby stone wall, as if it was the tofu, and immediately left a few deep ravines, rolling down the rock, carrying the strong wind, and scattered, hitting the nearby stone wall, and then fell below In the deep darkness.

Suddenly, thousands of people nearby were actually covered by this claw.

Lin Fei is also surrounded by this...

In fact, at this time, Lin Fei was aware of the danger, but realized that the Jindan-level cultivation practice made his body unable to keep up with the conscious response.

In an instant, under this level of suppression, Lin Fei felt that it was difficult to breathe.

"Oh shit…"

This claw hasn't completely fallen down yet. A gust of wind that seems to be composed of countless swords is coming head on. If Lin Fei's flesh surpassed the original realm too much, I am afraid that at this time, the flesh has already appeared scars.

Under this pressure, Lin Fei only felt as if the whole person had been crushed by a big mountain, let alone avoiding it, moving it was very difficult.

"It's awful, you have to get out of this place..."

At this time, the stone was like an ant on a hot pot.

Now it is one with Lin Fei. Seeing that the road ahead is about to arrive, and now encountering such an accident, I don’t know what to do.

"Shut up, I'll block it later! Otherwise, no chance to talk about it."

By the time he said this, Lin Fei had oozed dripping blood all over his body, and his clothes were red, and at the same time, there was a lot of pain in his internal organs.

As the white tiger demon emperor showed his power, the entire space, all around, was in the power of the ubiquitous gold line.

Inhale casually, as if inhaling a large amount of fine iron sand into the internal organs, it seems that countless small swords are wandering around.


Lin Fei gritted his teeth and urged all the days of the sword to the extreme, to refine the power of the gold line that poured into the body.

However, in the past, the ten thousand swordsmanship, which was always in short supply, was somewhat weak and difficult to refine.

No wonder...

In the past, the refining gold qi came from harmless **** iron fine gold, but now the power of these refining gold lines comes from the urge of the white tiger demon emperor.

And because it contains a trace of the power of the White Tiger Demon Emperor, it must be forcibly wiped out before it can be refined.

But how easy is this...

The magical power of the white tiger demon emperor to control the power of the gold line is already close to the world of the law of human monks.

As soon as I thought about it, the surrounding space was turned into its own realm, and all the rest of the laws were suppressed to the limit, leaving only the way of self-cultivation to become the heyday.

Although this white tiger demon emperor is different from humans in the way of practicing the Fa, it does not possess the real world of Fa, but with the blood lineage passed down from the ancient times, it is enough to urge a similar realm of gold.

Now as soon as I thought about it, the power of Jinxing was mobilized to the limit...

After all, Lin Fei is at the level of Jindan, and he can’t contend at all. While urging the powers of Ten Thousand Swords to refine this force, the internal organs are bleeding on the side.

However, at this time, Lin Fei had no time to take care of himself, but held the stone tightly in his hand.

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