
Chapter 1331: Explain

Because at this time, after the power of the demon emperor broke out, there was suddenly another force.

Ten thousand auras of light suddenly erupted at the top of the mountain, which gathered like an ocean tide, forming a long river of sturdy auras that swept toward Lin Fei...

All of a sudden, the whole mountain was surrounded by this long river of aura, looking from a distance, there was a more aura of ribbons on the mountain...

Even the might of the demon emperor's phantom was temporarily suppressed by this aura of light.

"this is!"

For a moment, Lin Fei's face was full of consternation, because while the long river of aura surrounded the demon emperor's phantom, he also divided a tributary and swept toward himself...

From Lin Fei's point of view, this scene seems to be that the sluice gate in the sky is suddenly slackened, and the long river of spirit light comes from the sky. Under the strong momentum, it is simply unable to move...

For a moment, Lin Fei could only stand stiffly, seeing that the long river of spirits was getting closer and closer, swept in and swallowed himself in...

Following that, the long river of spiritual light that swept Lin Fei suddenly turned around, to the source of the long river of spiritual light, that is, on the top of the mountain...

All of a sudden, the entire mountain, including the ghost image of the inexhaustible demon emperor, was surrounded by this long river of spiritual power.

From a distance, the top of the whole mountain is surrounded by this long river of aura...

apart from…

Fire Phoenix...

At the moment of being swept out by the long river of spirit light, Huo Fengzi was lifted out by that powerful force, and fell directly all the way all the way, before he barely stopped his body.

After climbing up hard, he was already disgraced and full of embarrassment.

In fact, if it hadn't been protected by the aura shield at the beginning, the Flame Phoenix at this time might be more than just embarrassed.

But now, Huo Fengzi is too late to care about his condition, looking up at the magnificent long river of spiritual power, and the black horror figure looming in the long river, it is almost stupid...

What is this?

It is also the ghost image of the demon emperor, and the long river of spiritual power, shocking wave after wave, incredible things happen one after another, and the Fire Phoenix child can't react.

Wait, little devil...

Huo Fengzi reacted immediately.

Damn, I almost forgot the big thing!

The power of the demon emperor, but was brought in by the little demon head, the future heirs of the three demons, actually took the power of the demon emperor and entered the Holy Land of Fuli.

What does he want to do?

Huo Fengzi thinks more and more, a chill rises from the bottom of his heart, only to feel that the things in front of him are completely beyond his control...

Thinking of this, Huo Fengzi did not dare to hesitate, and quickly took a pendant from his neck. The color of his face was fleeting, and followed, it was cruelly crushed.

In an instant, a burst of black brilliance rippled from the fingers of the fire phoenix...

The Ancestral Demon Hall is in a strict space, and all teleportation circles will be invalid here.

However, this jade was actually a forty-five teleportation magic weapon from the ancestral demon palace when the sect master of the black monster was in the realm of Jindan, and can be arbitrarily transmitted once within a day and within ten miles.

Later, the Sect Master of the Xuan Yao Sect reintegrated into his own blood and sacrificed it for a hundred years, and finally the teleportation distance of this magic weapon was raised to a hundred miles.

Huo Fengzi was able to escape to the mountain before, thanks to the help of this magic weapon.

The most important thing is that if it is crushed, it can also directly lead to the projection of the mysterious Sovereign.

It's just that such a magic weapon that can be handed down to the world is so cruel, but it's a pity that Huofengzi didn't dare to use it before.

However, in this situation, Huo Fengzi can't control so much...

The black brilliance quickly differentiated into countless characters, and the combination of dancing and dancing in the air quickly formed a space law...

A violent and thick voice came from the space circle...

"How can you use this magic circle so fast! You are only one step away from killing the demon general!"


If this sound had been heard before, Huo Fengzi would definitely be worried about what happened next, but now he is not worried at all. He is very excited and quickly steps forward to meet him.

In a faint cold hum, a figure of a middle-aged man stepped out from there.

This is the Xuan Yao Sect Master...

But at this time, the Xuan Yao Sect Master was stained with blood, and he was holding a one-person demon arm. The whole person was extremely fierce, and it seemed that he had just emerged from the battlefield.

"Master, Master, what a big deal!"

"Give me a talk, panic, what does it look like?" Sovereign Xuan Yao stared, seeing that Huo Fengzi was embarrassed, but did not suffer any serious injuries, and suddenly his face was cold: "Aren't you good? , What could be the life and death event?"

"It's not me, it's Lin Fei, wrong, yes, it's the little devil! He summoned the demon emperor!"

"Huh? What demon emperor?" At first, Xuan Yao Sect Master became more and more chaotic, and a little impatient, but when he heard this demon emperor, he suddenly changed his look.

However, just after asking this sentence, he suddenly looked around, suddenly suddenly stunned.

"This mountain... this is the chance I asked you to find?"

"Yes, yes." Huo Fengzi hurriedly said what happened just now...

Not like Huo Fengzi's imagination. After listening to the Sovereign Sect Master, he didn't do anything. He just took out a few golden seals, flashed his fingertips with aura, sketched them on it, and then knocked them into the void. .

After doing all this, the Xuan Yao Sect Master had no other actions. The previous anger completely disappeared, and he no longer ignored the Huo Fengzi, but looked at the long river of spiritual power that surrounded the mountain, frowning, as if What are you observing...

This continued for a while, the Huofengzi could not sit still, but that belonged to the power of the demon emperor. Now that he has invaded the core of the Phaeus, how can Master be so calm?

Finally, Huo Fengzi couldn't help but ask: "Master, what shall we do now..."

"no way."


"If it's a place where Foo left the world, it's easy to say, but the Ancestral Demon Palace... really can't do it." After the frown of the Xuan Yao Sect, he seemed to have no psychological understanding, but when he saw himself, his apprentice looked dazed , But suddenly thought of something, shook his head and sighed: "Anyway, my future demon sect is the head of the future. Sooner or later it is yours. Some secrets about Fo Lijie should also be told to you."

"Master, you..."

Huo Fengzi froze for a moment, and wanted to say how Master's tone is the same as that of Tuo Gu.

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