
Chapter 1337: Send a chance

For a moment, the bones on Lin Fei's body were squeezed and clicked, and even the internal organs were squeezed into a mass, falling into a feeling of suffocation. Buried alive...

Lin Fei only felt that his eyes were black, and the whole person fell into the pressure of this day.

However, just when Lin Fei was almost forced to pass out, the pressure around him slowly receded...

"I rely on..."

However, only for a moment, Lin Fei felt a burst of flowers in front of him, and then he felt a body turning over the river and almost coughing up blood...

After a while, it eased.

However, Lin Fei knew that the duration just now was long enough to seriously injure himself...

This is the first time Lin Fei has truly faced the anger of the real body since he came to Fuli

The terrifying momentum, the majestic power, in front of this old man, no matter how strong Jindan is, only a chicken and a dog, with a breath can collapse...

At this time, after a burst of momentum, the old man suddenly calmed down. When he looked at Lin Fei, there was no sharpness in his eyes, but he smiled a little self-deprecatingly and said, "Oh, it seems that the old man has been in these years Before going out, some young people who underestimate today are suddenly broken by you, but they are a bit gaffe."

"Oh, I was just guessing. I was lucky." Lin Fei suppressed the blood and blood in his body. His face was pale, and he smiled reluctantly.

"Luck?" The old man smiled disapprovingly and said, "Although I am not overly concealed, but I am in this state, I am afraid that even the state of law cannot be noticed, but you can find it accurately, and it should be more than luck. Right?"

"This... is indeed a bit of other factors." Lin Fei smiled and smiled: "It is true, the younger people are good at refining medicine, so when I entered this place, I checked the spirit plant under the stone platform. But it found some anomalies."


"Although there are many spiritual plants, the distribution is chaotic, and even some medicine conflicts, they are cultivated together, let them grow freely, although because the growth time is long enough, every spiritual plant is full of energy , But if you spend a little bit of thought management, then the growth of the spiritual plant is undoubtedly more vigorous."

"I think if you have been here for many years, you shouldn't be able to squeeze out this spare time? Maybe it's because of your inconvenience... Ha ha, of course, I just guessed casually, but I didn't expect to be guessed... "

"Actually because of these little things?"

After listening to Lin Fei's words, the old man was stunned. After a laugh, he shook his head...

But anyway, for the explanation of Lin Fei, the old man's eyebrows seemed to have accepted Lin Fei's explanation...

"No wonder you are not far away from the Fa phase. This carefulness is far more than the younger generation from the world." At this point, the old man looked at Lin Fei's eyes with some emotion: "I did not expect this opportunity, Eventually it will be cheaper for outsiders."


"Yeah..." Speaking of this, the old man sighed and waved freely.

Followed, I saw suddenly lit up in this stone platform.

Lin Fei found out that there were countless fine lines intertwined under his feet. At this time, the lights were lit up one after another.

After a while, these lines stirred, and a few things broke free from the stone platform...

They are a longan-sized stone bead, a broken jade Ruyi, and a piece of stone with fracture marks on the surface...

There are a few other things, but the damage is too serious, making it difficult to distinguish what it looks like when it is intact.

At this time, it seems that they are all primitive and unpretentious, quietly suspended around this stone platform, closed together, like a barrier vaguely...

And at the center of this barrier is the old man sitting on the mausoleum...

"Speaking of it, don't say it's you, even a lot of real people can't see this scene..."

Lin Fei did not care what the old man said, but looked at a broken piece of stone in this circle of barriers. It was really difficult to suppress himself, so he did not lose his mind...

He is free to map...

Lin Fei said that he had already collected several pieces of his free array, and he was naturally very familiar with his free array.

At the moment when he saw this stone piece, Lin Fei knew that this was the purpose of his trip. Tianji sent one of the seventy-two arrays, a half-step innate magic weapon, and he turned the remaining fragments of the free array!

Although it is known that this thing is here, when he actually met, Lin Fei took a deep breath in secret, the surface was silent...

The old man looked at the suspended objects in this circle and sighed softly: "This is the chance I told you. You can pick and choose something at will."


After encountering the little devil, Lin Fei suffered many accidents one after another, but what he said in the previous life was that he had experienced heavy winds and heavy rains, and he was generally able to deal with them appropriately.

But now, hearing this, Lin Fei can't calm down...

What do you mean, knowing that you are trying to fight these treasures with stones? Not only do you not blame, but you also open the treasure trove and let yourself choose one at random?

If possible, Lin Fei really wanted to touch the old man's forehead. Ask if you have no fever?

This is more than ridiculous, it is incredible, okay!

No matter how stupid people do this...

And this old man who has lived for many years, obviously has nothing to do with stupidity...

"It seems that you know something more than the old man thought..." The old man glanced at Lin Fei: "If you used to be, you must not be out of this place, but now... you have to say, your kid is really lucky. it is good."

"..." Lin Fei touched his nose, it was not necessarily that he wouldn't go out. There was a door to the realm. If nothing else, at least there was nothing wrong with escape...

"You guessed it right before, the old man is really unable to leave this place, as for the reason, it is these things..." The old man said slowly: "I think you should also know that from ancient times to the present, there are millions of monks, never live forever Destroyer..."

"Yes." Lin Fei is very clear about this. If nothing else, even if he is as strong as Lin Banhu, he is invincible among the powerful players, but even if he does not encounter that big disaster, it is the same. There is also a day when Shou Yuan runs out...

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