
Chapter 1340: Variety

As for the other party's intolerance...

After receiving such a wicked soul, it would not be able to control that much.

Big deal, when the time comes to forcefully open the door of the realm and open up a space channel to escape, this old man should not risk the confrontation with the force of space, to forcefully capture his own?

It is just such a rush to open, and it is impossible to accurately set the spatial coordinates. Which world do you fall into?

Destiny depends on fate, anyway, it is better than no life.

When Lin Fei made a decision now, without any hesitation, he directly opened the realm of life and death to the extreme. In a flash, the tearing force once again became stronger.

Under the force of this tearing, the Soul Souls gradually floated away, and soon after they fell into the domain of the sword of life and death, as soon as they entered, it was like a giant stone falling and quickly sinking into the depths of the sword lake...

At this time, Lin Fei did not relax, but became more careful.

According to the previous agreement, at this time, you should gather the life and death sword territory to ensure that this magic weapon will not break away, and then you should do it, even if it is completed.

But now, Lin Fei does not do this, but instead urges the sword of life and death to the extreme...

The tearing force emanating from the domain of life and death sword continued to climb upwards one after another, and a violent wave rushed out of the lake of life and death sword.

Even faintly, in the sword lake of life and death, there is already a vague view of the galaxy

Lin Fei knew that his opportunity was only momentary. If he didn’t seize the opportunity and was reacted by the old man, not only would he not be able to get his free hand, even he himself would have to be caught, and then he was fully urged again. Qiyuan.


Under the frantic tear from the sword domain of life and death, the speed at which he transformed into a free array suddenly flew.

Not long after Wanhunzhu fell in the domain of life and death sword, this piece of stone finally fell into the domain of sword of life and death. Following that, he quickly immersed in the depths of the lake of life and death sword.

However, Lin Fei not only did not relax, but also raised a few points in his heart.

Because Lin Fei knew, then, I am afraid to face the anger of the guardian of the ancestral palace.

Lin Fei clasped the door of the realm in his hand while looking at the old man. He had no choice but the old man was not right. Lin Fei didn't care so much, he was ready to force open the space channel.

However, to Lin Fei's surprise, the old man didn't seem to be in a hurry...

I saw that in the center of the stone platform, a circle of treasures was suspended in silence, surrounding the old man, but the difference was that there were two vacancies in this circle of treasures.

This suddenly caused a loophole in this circle of siege, which was like two big holes in the prison. The feeling of tight airtight pressure suddenly disappeared...

"Oh, this cage, after all, is broken..."

The old man was still sitting in the middle of the stone platform, and with a kind smile on his face, there was some disintegration. The rickety body slowly stood up...

As the old man stood up, the magical fragments suspended in the circle around it seemed to be under great force, and they were also trembling slightly, and collided with each other, and a clanging sound rang.

After a while, the collision sound became louder and louder, and became a fine broken sound...

While a circle of magic weapons kept shaking, cracks appeared on the surface, as if it could not withstand that force completely.

When this trembling reached its extreme, this circle of magic weapons, with a bang, completely shattered into countless pieces and lased towards the surroundings...

"The taste of relief is not bad..."

The old man was quite rickety, and he looked old and had little time, but at this time, it seemed that every move affected the space!

He just moved a little, and a powerful wave suddenly came out, making the whole space very depressed.


Lin Fei looked at the old man, and suddenly felt something was wrong. When he was about to speak, the old man seemed not to hear it and ignored it.

That strong coercion was getting stronger and stronger. For a moment, even Lin Fei could not stand on this stone platform and had to retreat under it.

However, at this time, Lin Fei could not care about himself, but just under the powerful pressure, barely stabilized his body, while looking at the old man on the stone platform...

At this moment, after seeing that the old man stood up, he suddenly roared upward in the sky, the sound was loud and deep, not like human voice, but like some kind of beast awakened from ancient times.

The violent roar in this space echoes endlessly...

With the screams, the old man's body was twisted violently, as if there was some power to break free from the old man's body.

"Ancestor is out of trouble!"

The two demon on the side were pleasantly surprised, and they couldn't care about collecting any treasures, they just came forward to meet...

"and many more…"

Just as the two stepped forward, Lin Fei suddenly stopped.

Unfortunately, it is too late.

At the moment when the two stepped forward, there was a strong wave, which was surging from the stone platform. The two people who were ushering up had no resistance at all and were directly flew into the air.

Before he landed, he spit out a big mouth of blood and his face was pale...

"It's going so smoothly, it really is a problem..."

At this time, looking at the old man standing on the stone platform, wrapped in red gold light, Lin Fei suddenly scolded.

The man standing there at this time is no longer a kind old man.

His body was still rickety, but the body under the white robe was already covered with scales, and the surface was shimmering with red gold. With breathing and breathing, it seemed that the whole body scales were relaxing.

Above the head, there appeared two long horns cast like red gold, and they were sharp and sharp, rising into the sky as if to tear the space.

And in the position of the pupil, it seems to contain a red golden ocean, and in the middle of the ocean, there is a pair of complex symbols, which looks mysterious and strange...

All the elders of the fairy wind disappeared, replaced by a terrifying monster!

To be more precise...

This monster is exactly the same as the ghost image of the outside world...

at the same time…

A group of people holding an oil lamp and marching hard, not far ahead, is the top of the mountain.

In fact, all the people in the group are the top powerhouses in the world. They can be crossed in a short distance.

But now, for some reason, on this road, it seems that there is an invisible force that is constantly obstructing their progress.

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