
Chapter 1344: kerosene

Now again, it is really powerful. In a moment, the body of the demon emperor has been completely wrapped in the sea of ​​fire...

"Don't be too happy." At this time, the old ghost on the side was looking at the sky, but there was still some worry in that pale face: "The ancestor won't be so easy, the oil in the lamp, Not much left..."

"What? Didn't you say this earlier?" Upon hearing this, the Xuan Yao Sect Master was suddenly anxious.

Not to mention the Xuan Yao Sect Master, the other heads are all changed in face.

Normally, even the real body cannot survive for thousands of years. This is the rule. No one can defy the heavens and the earth. At best, they can only use tricks.

For example, the ancestor who originally suppressed the Ancestral Demon Hall relied on magic weapons to suppress Shouyuan.

And the flesh of the ancestor in this lamp has gone through thousands of years, and it has long since failed to exist, not to mention on the battlefield. Now, although it is coming, it can only save the soul in the lamp to fight this way.

But even if it is the real body, after losing the physical body, it is impossible to retain the true yuan, and the combat power of that body will also be 70% or 80%.

The lamp oil is equal to the existence of the true ancestors.

In this severe battle, every change can determine the final result. At this critical time, there is not much left for the ancestor's lamp oil?

What a joke? !

"How do I know." Hearing the question of Xuan Yao Sect Master, Gui Gui turned his head and looked at the real person of Gu Yue: "The task of supplying the lamp oil was always handed over to the Three Demon Sects. Mozong."

The rest of the heads heard the words and invariably looked at the cold-eyed real people who had never said a word, but only a few of them had different faces. Although they did not ask questions, they were clearly waiting for the explanation.

Gu Yuezheng just looked at them and said lightly: "Yes, the ancestor lamp oil is not much, but my three demons have always been directly responsible to the ancestors, no need to explain to you, this, you should also be very clear."

When the words fell, several heads looked at each other, and their faces were a little unsightly.

Although no one spoke, the atmosphere suddenly froze...

It stands to reason that at this time, even if the Three Demon Sects as the leader of the Ephesus, they have to cooperate fully, otherwise no matter who you are, it is simply the target of the Ephesus.

Even if Gu Yue is a real person, there is absolutely no exception.

But now, the real attitude of Gu Yue is cold, but several heads are looking at each other, but there is no sign of anger. On the contrary, there is something unnatural in the face.

It seems that there is something unspeakable in it that makes everyone feel bad...

In the end, still the most qualified ghost old man, he slowly said: "Gu Yue, everyone just asks, after all, this matter is related to the ancestors, and we need to find out the comparison and more..."

"What's more?"

"This..." At this time, Guilao didn't know what he thought of, and hesitated a moment in his mouth, but it seemed to be a bit bad.

"Besides, my disciple, still a traitor, brought this demon emperor's power into the Ancestral Demon Palace, and he was a man of wickedness, so he also doubted me. Am I right?" Gu Yuezheng sneered. , Then said.

"I didn't mean that." Guilao frowned.

"Gu Yue, we are just asking, you don't have to be so nervous." Xuan Yao Sect Master on the side also persuaded.

"Now the enemy is present, Gu Yue, now is not the time for you to play with prestige." The main voice of Long Guiyu is also somewhat dissatisfied.

Among the seven heads, several of these openings are the deepest ones.

They are now speaking together, pointing directly at the real person of Gu Yue, and the pressure given is not small.

For a while, Gu Yue was actually a bit mean...

However, at this time, Gu Yue real person did not say a word, just glanced at the people one by one, and his eyes were cold and indifferent, as if tit-for-tat.

"I see, you seem to have forgotten..." After a while, the real person of Gu Yue slowly opened his mouth. The expressionless face, with a rare expression, showed a sneer: "Since 10,000 years, my three What did Mozong pay for supplying lamp oil."

The voice fell, and some of them had some aggressive heads just now, and the momentum was weak.

"Gu Yue, we naturally know it, so this is just..." Gui Lao stopped talking.

However, at this time, the real person of Gu Yue was directly ignoring the ghost and the old man, but only looked around the people with cold eyes, and continued to say: "I see, you also have forgotten, in the depths of my three demons, the blood pool passed down from generation to generation. , What is it built for?"

"Oh, right, maybe you haven't forgotten, but you are used to the sacrifices of my three demons, it's no wonder, after all, it is not your elders who lost their consciousness in that blood pool and struggled for eternity... "

"Gu Yue, this matter has long been settled, and that was also agreed by all the ancestors at that time. We just asked, what do you mean by that?" Gui Lao frowned slowly.

"Oh, what do you mean? For the sake of the younger disciples, what do you mean by asking me?" Gu Yue sneered: "If there were my three demon sects to support the blood pool and teach the ancestors with lamp oil, Can you still stand here and question me?"

Speaking of which, when the real person of Gu Yue looked around the crowd, several of the heads all shifted their gaze. No one went to stare at him, silently.

Finally, the ghost and old sighed: "Of course I remember your contribution, but this is, after all, the resolution of the ancestors of that year, but your three demons are too sacrificed, I should not doubt you , And the matter of lamp oil, I didn’t have the right to question, and now we are just anxious. If you don’t want to say it, it’s nothing.”

"There is nothing to hide about this." Gu Yuezheng said indifferently: "It is not my three demons who are afraid of sacrifice, but the ancestor's age is getting older. The light and oil is to maintain the ancestor's life, and it has cost a lot. The production of lamp oil in the blood pool of the Three Demons has not decreased, but the consumption of the ancestors is increasing..."

"So it turns out..."

Guilao heard it, and immediately understood it.

The blood pool in the depths of the Three Demon Sects is one of the biggest secrets of Fulri, which also seems to come from the resolutions of the first generation of ancestors.

The seven martial arts joined forces to concentrate most of their cultivation resources on a Fa monk. The Fa monk would cultivate some kind of skill since he was a child. After achieving the Fa, he was also powerful, but waiting for the life of the Fa monk In the end, it can't calm down and die, but will be thrown into the blood pool.

With all his own, to cook the lamp oil for the ancestor of this lamp to continue life...

For some special reason, every time is the sacrifice of the ancestors of the three demons...

The other party has already made such a heavy sacrifice. Nowadays, the ancestors consume too much, and the lamp oil is insufficient. Even the ghosts and old people feel that they can't open their mouths to ask what...

It's just that the lamp oil is insufficient, and the result of this battle is quite suspenseful...

"Ancestor... I'm afraid it's dangerous..."

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