
Chapter 1359: Optical tape

Not to mention these resources, even if you are asking Jianzong, there is no such reckless investment.

After all, some resources are extremely precious, and the role they play may only shorten Lin Fei's time by ten days and a half months. In order to save this time, he will invest in regardless of the consequences, and some of them will be worthless.

However, under the order of the ancestor of the Phaeus Boundary, the treasure house of the seven major schools opened the supply almost unlimitedly.

It has to be said that although the old ancestor of the Fo Lijie is a heart of stone, but when necessary, it is also extremely observing the promise.

In the past six months, the resources invested for Lin Fei have already been quite a huge number, and they have some momentum at no cost...

"Oh, the old man is not welcome, but the next time you come, I don’t know if I can see the old man. If you need it, even if you can come here to find the little devil, I will be in the future. All the accumulated resources are kept by him..."

"Little Devil?" Lin Fei was shocked when he heard this.

In the past six months, the little devil is also brought here, but no matter who is in his eyes, it is just a humanoid treasure prepared by the ancestor for himself.

When the time comes, it will be refined into its life extension.

Why doesn't it sound right now?

Not only did this ancestor of Fulli not regard it as a reserve medicine, but a tone of heir?

At this moment, when I saw Lin Fei's suspicion, the old ancestor of Fo Lijie didn't seem to be surprised, but just smiled and said: "In fact, this is not so strange. The old man has a problem. In the future, the old man will not Use younger disciples to extend Shouyuan."


"You should also know that Shou Yuan can be extended, but it can't be extended without limit. The act of forcibly extending life is originally against the sky. The old man, who has been reluctant to make up for Shou Yuan for thousands of years, is actually just an expedient measure. Now, the effect of this expedient measure is almost at the end..."

"It turns out this way..."

Lin Fei heard this and immediately understood the difficulty of the other party.

This is a kind of limitation in the world. There are many ways to prolong life in the world, but there are also restrictions on its use.

Once used too often, or prolonged life span is too long, then what is your legendary treasure medicine, life extension effect can only be worse than once.

At the end, not to mention nothing, but almost nothing...

"Then there is no other way?" Lin Fei frowned.

"Oh, life and death, life and death, everything in the world, nothing is possible, the old man is just to protect Ful from the boundary, only barely procrastinating for thousands of years, since now things can't be done, it is better to train a successor as soon as possible..." There is a sense of indifference and free and easy.

"So you chose the little devil?"

"Yes, in fact, the one who betrayed Fu from the boundary is nothing but Gu Yue. His apprentice is just confused by his mind. In fact, his talent is not bad. There is no room for the old man to choose. The rest of this period of time, probably It’s just training this..."

"Alright..." Lin Fei nodded when he heard this.

Because of the existence of the demon emperor, in the past six months, Lin Fei and this old ancestor from Fuli also established a solid cooperation tacit understanding.

If the ancestor really passed away halfway through the world, it would undoubtedly lose a lot of help for Lin Fei. Now that the other party has prepared ahead of time, that’s not bad...


This little devil is now in an awkward position in Fo Lijie, and was left by the ancestor of Fu Lijie, which is probably his best destination...

"By the way, there is this one for you..." The voice of Fo Lijie ancestor sounded again.

As the voice fell, a jade simple came out and was lifted to Lin Fei by an invisible force.

"This is the map of the Dragon Bone World you mentioned...The old man thought that you just asked about it. Who knows this investigation, but found that the chaos in the Dragon Bone World has a great relationship with a young monk. That person is probably you. ?"

"Oh, I happened to pass by..." Lin Fei touched his nose and gave a haha.

"Coincidentally?" Speaking here, Fu Lijie's ancestors showed a little helplessness: "If the old man knew that you had caused so many incidents, the cooperation must definitely be considered again... Fire Phoenix is ​​not a good thing to provoke, you'd better be careful, otherwise the old man's investment, but it is all drifting."

"Oh, rest assured, I will naturally not take the initiative to find death..."

At this time, Lin Fei was too late to care about the old man, but just put away the jade jade.

After that, I simply chatted with the old man for a few future plans, but I got up, turned into a light, and left here...

As soon as he came into the void, Lin Fei summoned a small spaceship, flew through the gust of wind, and headed towards the extreme north of Fuli...

After reaching cooperation with the ancestors, Lin Fei's position in Fuli's realm is already in a very special position.

This trip learned that Lin Fei was going to the Dragon Bone Realm to save people, and the ancestor of Nafu Lijie no longer asked much, and arranged Lin Fei directly, through the space channel located in the north of Fo Lijie.

As for Yu Hua, he was awake as early as a month ago and was sent to the Dragon Bone World to collect information about Wang Lingguan for Lin Fei.

Lin Fei is quite attentive to this brother who cares for himself but is implicated in himself...

After entering the spaceship, Lin Fei did not practice, but just meditated for a moment, then suddenly opened his eyes, his hands gently stroked in the space, and suddenly, a strange breath radiated out...

All of a sudden, this small spaceship traveling in the high-altitude wind seemed to be wrapped in an endless sword and became a giant flying sword with a sharp edge.

As the small spaceship shuttled, the nearby space made a sharp hiss, as if it had been split.

In the spaceship, Lin Fei has been completely immersed in a strange world...

Endless sword light emerged in the nearby space, like a large group of swimming fish, suddenly gathered together, became a slowly flowing strange galaxy, surrounding Lin Fei.

From a distance, it looks like a strange and dreamy light...

In this bizarre galaxy belt, sparkling, each wave of light represents a star point, with the ultimate gorgeousness in the mist...

"Life and Death Sword Lake..."

Looking at this strange light belt, Lin Fei was a little uncertain about what to call. With Lin Fei's achievement in Fa-Phase, the Life and Death Sword Domain has been further transformed, and he has become a Fa-Phantasy.

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