
Chapter 1446: Shunt

Manzhuer's ruddy lips opened slightly, looking at the sky as a weak but seemingly mastered figure, his face full of incredible.

Even if Lin Fei has been seen in front, it is almost unobstructed on this mountain road, and I did not expect that Lin Fei would actually appear now.

Originally in Man Zhuer's mind, there was not much estimate about how strong Lin Fei was. I just thought it might be similar to Li Qingshan's today...

You know, this is already a very high evaluation.

Today's Li Qingyi Jian's deflection is actually accompanied by some sequelae, which may even affect the future path, only to get all this now.

It is really pretty good at the same height as Li Qingshan.

But now...

As soon as Lin Fei appeared, it was as if he had mastered Tianwei, and Li Qingshan was directly suppressed...

Perhaps it was too much shock. At this time, looking at the figure in the center of the vortex, Manzhuer was almost numb.

This Lin Fei, how many things are still hidden, has not been revealed until now, it is really a bit scary.

To be honest, Lin Fei does not want to be so terrible...

No way, they are forced...

After being possessed by the strange stone sword, Lin Fei was reduced to the situation of the body of the demon at that time, a body of flesh and blood, was constantly sucked by the blood.

If it weren’t for Lin Fei’s wealth, all kinds of ganoderma lucidum medicine, don’t eat it to make up for the essence, and supply the stone sword to **** up, maybe it will be explained here...

But this has always been the case, it is not the way...

The stone sword looks like a bottomless hole, the speed of swallowing is getting faster and faster, but Lin Fei's own blood is getting less and less...

Lin Fei was really a bit desperate...

In this way, you have to pay a big price, for example, in the sacrifice of the underworld, those subordinate ghosts that are easy to accumulate.

Fortunately, soon after, the body of the demon appeared...

For Lin Fei, who is extremely hungry, the body of the heavenly demon, which is a mixture of many demon emperors and ghost emperors, is simply a treasure trove of endless spirits and a natural supply point.

If I didn’t bite hard, I’m sorry for my unlucky encounter...

So Lin Fei no matter who the target is, at that time it was forced to transfer the target.


The effect is very good

That stone sword is a refusal by any comer for any kind of blood and spirit, constantly swallowing up and earning itself.

Lin Fei also benefited from it, and only retained a small part. After refining, it was enough to make up for his shortfall.

At this time, the breath of the stone sword became stronger and stronger. In a short moment, on Lin Fei's arm, a simple stone sword pattern was formed.

The stone sword was very realistic, and the strange golden lines on the surface also exuded a faint light, rising and shrinking as if breathing.

"I rely on..."

At this time, Lin Fei continued to flow, but Lin Fei was a little uneasy.

This blood gas seems to be a little too much, and the stone sword seems to be a bit full, and the blood gas consumed seems to be getting older and less...

This time, as the medium between the stone sword and the blood, Lin Fei had a feeling of being out of control.

Lin Fei tried to run the Ten Thousand Sword Skills, and wanted to stabilize this surging blood.

However, it is a bit unsustainable...

This force of sucking was originally derived from the stone sword. Lin Fei only contributed to it, and its impact was not great. Moreover, in the face of this violent blood, no matter how Lin Fei urged the heavens and swords, In front of this tide-like blood, it looks like a mantis as a car...

I don’t know how many monster beasts Li Qingshang was on this day’s demon body. At this time, under the constant swallowing, there was no sign of stopping. Instead, there was more and more influx. Ferocious...

Lin Feiguang was in the middle, and he had to accept the spilled blood, which directly supported the whole person.

In the early phase of Fa, it was already a faint feeling of breakthrough.

Between Lin Fei's breaths, the exhaled gas was extremely hot, and his forehead was covered with sweat.

At the beginning of the breakthrough phase, it was a good thing for ordinary monks.

Unfortunately, Lin Fei is not an ordinary monk...

Zhu Tian Wan Jian Jue is a brand-new way. Before Lin Fei, no one ever walked. Although Lin Fei entered the country extremely fast, in fact, every step was taken with care.

Along the way, I experienced a lot of ups and downs in the middle before I came to this step, which can be said to be a step by step calculation.

Even if he wants to break through the state of law, Lin Fei must carefully plan every change in it.

To break through in such a hurry, if there is something wrong in the middle, it is simply called the sky should not be called, the ground is not working...

But now, Lin Fei is caught in a difficult situation...

If you want to withstand a stronger and stronger blood, you can only broaden your own realm, otherwise, the blood will be like a tide of uncontrollable tide, directly washing your own wide river channel to life...

By the way, river!

While struggling in this blood, Lin Fei thought of this. In my mind, a thought suddenly appeared.

Since my own channel is not wide enough, can I find another channel to divert?

It’s just a bit difficult to say whether it will succeed...

"Try it!"

After a little hesitation, Lin Fei gritted his teeth and made a decision.

Regardless of whether he can succeed, it is better than risking the loss of control of the Ten Thousand Swords and Tricks by himself. It is at this point to attack the state of the law. It is impossible not to take risks...

"Come out, I found you a supplement..."

Lin Fei directly awakened the Soul Pearl from the underworld.

"Ah? What tonic?" Wan Soul Pearl is in the process of being awakened, suddenly awkward, and as soon as he came out, when he saw the blood, he was instantly frightened: "This, this, this is what…"

However, at this time, Lin Fei had ignored it.

After finishing the speech, Lin Fei gave up the block directly, let the infinite blood flow, and madly poured in...

Originally extremely violent, it almost urged Lin Fei's advanced blood, and after losing the barrier, he was suddenly unscrupulous, like a runaway torrent, rushing into Lin Fei's body, irresistible.

In an instant, Lin Fei felt that he was the whole person, as if he was about to be propped up.

Fortunately, at this time, Wanhunzhu appeared.

A part of the blood energies, toward the unknown soul beads, kept pouring in.

This time, it seemed that there was an extra river channel, directly to Lin Fei, reducing most of the pressure.

However, even with the Soul Pearl as a share, the blood gas that poured into Lin Fei's body only consumed 30% to 40%.

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