
Chapter 1482: Careful calculation

The entire Yu Hengfeng was only left symbolically by Zong Yang, and guarded by Qiuyuehua who was not too afraid to assign.

As a result, Qiu Yuehua was now locked in the nine-story town demon tower. Only Yu Feifeng could breathe, and only Lin Fei and Zong Yang were left.

"No problem! For these chores assignments, Zong Yang is very skilled in accepting. After all, the old Taoist is not a person in charge. Zong Yang has long lived as a steward of Yu Hengfeng, but it is still the reason for the old Taoist. Yang's life as a country is also quite sad.

As I took it, I started to learn how to do it.

"Our damage to Yu Hengfeng is actually only on the surface, and even a lot of spiritual plants are even under the mountain. As long as we transplant some of the insignificant spiritual plants below, we will be able to perfect the seven or eight, and the rest will use some. After the second-level cloud cliff stone, the building can be repaired, and then the formation needs to be rebuilt... This is a large number, but I know some alternatives, up to 50,000 spirit stones, can be done..."

Lin Fei turned his eyes straight and waved, "I still have something to do. You can figure it out for yourself. Then pick a few pieces from the rest that can be used. The rest are put into the treasure house. Okay, I still have things. First gone."

"Ah? But Brother Lin..." Seeing Lin Fei was leaving, Zong Yang suddenly reacted from the careful planning. He quickly stopped Lin Fei and had some words to say.

But at the next moment, Zong Yang's voice suddenly froze...

Because at this time, the Qiankun bag was accidentally pulled by Zong Yang.

For a time, I saw a dazzling brilliance, and it burst out...

Inside is a crystal clear, huge number of top-grade spirit stones, and the rich aura has converged to the extreme. At the moment when the bag of Qiankun was unwrapped, the nearby aura almost condensed into a liquid...

Anyway, at that moment, Zong Yang stayed there, subconsciously squinting before adapting to the dazzling impact.

When I looked back into the Qiankun bag in front of my eyes, I found that the piece of ambilight in front of me was so full that it flowed quietly in the air.

Zong Yang discovered that this piece of light is not just a spirit stone.

The ambulatory liquid, a fast-growing aphrodisiac, is said to be able to give a chance to solve the war under the catastrophe.

All are rare spirit materials, some of which are not even available for spirit stones. They will only appear in the auctions regularly held by the ten major schools. If the chance is not enough, even elders , Have to wait honestly...

But now, these treasures, which can attract a **** storm, are just placed in front of them like this?

Looking at the treasures in front of him, Zong Yang swallowed hard, and it was really hard and very hard. Before turning away from the above, he began to count carefully...

However, the more counted, the more Zong Yang felt frightened.

Many of these treasures are not produced by Luofu Realm. Only in some bizarre worlds or spaces can this sporadic appearance appear. Even some medium-sized treasure chests may not have this storage bag. The things in the category are complete.

The most excessive thing is that there are some treasures that are still stained with Dao Dao blood stains. I don’t know how many years have passed. The blood stains on it have not dissipated. The masters of these bloodstains are all kind of roaring beasts...

Zong Yang became more and more flustered, and could hardly imagine how Lin Fei did it, but disappeared for only a few years. How could he save so many things?

Even if he was killing more people and looting the martial arts, Lin Fei was afraid that he would have to sleep all day long, so he could save so many things by working ten or eight times a day?

In fact, Zong Yang really misunderstood Lin Fei...

Lin Fei really doesn't do this kind of thing like killing more people, but at best it's just smooth.

These things have nothing to do with Lin Fei. It was all sent by the ancestor of the Fulri from the beginning when he left Fulri from the realm. At that time, he just casually said that these are the spoils he collected smoothly when he was young. …

In fact, with Lin Fei's knowledge, when I first saw these things, I was a little shocked.

Lin Feiguang felt the coercion above carefully and could tell that the masters of those bloodstains were at least found to have started, and were really capped.

And they are all in their own realm, and their combat power is extremely powerful.

This is just the spoils of the young ancestors of the world.

It can be imagined how violent the ancestor existed. The moment I saw these things, Lin Fei's impression of the old ancestor of Fuli was completely changed.

Can lead the people through the catastrophe, find a place to reproduce and rebirth, and indeed no one will be a simple character.

At first, I was able to be taken in by the ancestor, and to achieve cooperation, most of the reasons are just because the ancestor is really old.

If the opponent is younger for thousands of years, then Lin Fei feels that the Demon Emperor has no chance to initiate calculations, and will be directly broken by the ancestor of Fuli.

Now I just picked some things that I can't use, and stayed...

The problem is, Zong Yang doesn't know this...

Luo Yuzhen reacts

"Brother Lin, this and this..." Zong Yang slammed his bag in his hand and shook his head, seeming to try to keep himself awake. When he looked at Lin Fei, he stuttered and seemed to speak. incomplete.

Holding the Qiankun bag tightly with both hands, I couldn't help but tremble a little. This blessed the space circle. The paper-thin Qiankun bag, in Zongyang's hands, felt like it was holding a burning red catkin of coal. stable.

"What's this?" Lin Fei was just about to leave, but was forcibly stopped by Zong Yang, frowning angrily: "Use what you can use, put it in the treasure chest if you can't, and repair the mountain guard. Array, lest people move up the mountain without moving, it’s not shameful enough, I still have things, just like this..."

"Myself..." Zong Yang was not very confident when he heard to protect these treasures. After hesitating for a while, he suddenly remembered something and quickly asked: "Yes, Brother Lin, where are you going..."

"Nine storey town demon tower."

Tianquan Peak, on the nine-story refining demon tower, sent Tang Tiandu back into the retreat, and the elder Tianquanfeng closed his eyes and fell into cultivation again...

Because of the relationship between refining countless demons and ghosts, around the nine-layer refining demon tower, there is yin and ghost spirits. If it is usually here, there is nothing, but once again all the year round, it is easy to get yin and ghost spirits. Erosion, unconsciously affected, in practice, it is easy to get caught in the devil, more serious, and even fall into madness...

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