
Chapter 1503: Chijinguo

"Who controls you if you die Ba Ling Nong Shui streamer? Even if I can kill the Fire Demon Emperor, who will be responsible for picking it?"

"This..." Qi Yue suddenly found that he had nothing to say, but he looked at Tang Tiandu and blushed: "We may not immediately encounter the Fire Demon Emperor, and the Spirit Hunter may not necessarily Can't stand it, 10% chance..."

"The probability of 10% is already very high." Tang Tiandu interrupted directly, turned to look at Fang Duan, and said lightly: "Trouble Brother Fang."

"You, you are because Brother Fang speaks for Brother Lin, you are targeting Brother Fang!" Qi Yue was angry, turned to look at Lin Fei, and asked for help: "Brother Lin, you said something!"

At this moment Lin Fei seemed to be indifferent. After frowning and contemplating something, after hearing Qi Yue's help, it seemed to be a reaction, as if to have something to say.

However, before waiting for Lin Fei to speak, I saw that Fang Duan was not forced. He just nodded with a smile and said with ease: "Sister Tang said politely, only me here is the most suitable, and Brother Qi doesn't have to say more. , I'm walking in front to find a way..."

Speaking of which, Fang Duan raised his feet, stepped out, and walked in front of the crowd.

Tang Tian was in Qi Yue's somewhat angry eyes, but he didn't notice it until Fang Duan walked out in front of him for a while and could only see his back before stepping up.

"Brother Lin, you said this..." Qi Yue was still a little unwilling, and looked at Lin Fei, a little bit unbearable.

Lin Fei glanced at the stone wall beside him, as if thinking of something there, as if suddenly awakened by Qi Yue, shaking his head and saying, "Relax, it won't happen."

After talking, it didn't mean much to talk about, followed Qi Yue with him.

I didn’t know how long I had left like this. The stone wall in front had gradually changed from dull black to red...

It seems that it is just a magma wave, ebb tide from here, footsteps, the stone is a dazzling Mars, just walking through, behind a few people, is left a long list of roads to Mars.

Suddenly, Fang Duan's voice was a little pleasantly heard from the front: "Brother Lin, come on!"


As Lin Fei rushed over, I saw a gap in the front tunnel. There was a magma rushing through the gap, and the waves burst from time to time, causing the steam above to evaporate.

At this time, in the wave of magma, there was a small tree standing, how tall a person was. It looked like a golden tree was put in the flame and burned for thousands of years. The whole body was red and golden, with a dazzling luster.

The trunk is split with layers of scales, and it seems to have grown for countless years, showing a strong and energetic momentum.

Only the leaves are green, as if carved from jasper, swaying gently in the lava fire waves, showing a kind of vigorous vitality.

At the top of the small tree, between the large green leaves, there was a golden-red fruit, the size of a fist, heavy, and depressed the metal-like branches.

"Senior Fang, it is Chi Jinguo, you have been saved!"

Whether it is Lin Fei or others, they all have broad insights, and the moment they see this scene, they recognize this fruit.

Chijinguo grows only in places where the yang is extremely strong, using magma as nutrients and ground veins as the roots. It takes thousands of years to grow a fruit

Although it takes a long time, once it grows, that piece of red gold fruit can be very heavy. Once it naturally falls off, it will directly fall down to the bottom of the ground, and it will never be found again. If this fruit can meet a deep yang again The ground can flower again.

Whether it is alchemy or alchemy, this red gold fruit, which is condensed with yang, is a very rare spiritual material...

Qi Yue saw this Chi Jinguo for the first time, but was pleasantly surprised.

The reason why Fang Duan's injury is difficult to heal is that most of the Qingshuang Master's exercises are too strange, and an ice-cold force is entrenched in Fang Duan's body, which is difficult to get rid of.

However, this Chijinguo is a rare vigorous thing between heaven and earth. The panacea made from Chijinguo has a miraculous effect on dissolving the cold force in Fangduan.

Nowadays, it happens to be this golden fruit, it can really be said that Fang Duan's creation...

"Oh, it looks like good luck..." Fang Duan also smiled, and the injury that caused a state of law to fall down was far known, and this red gold fruit can at least slightly ease the injury.


The voice just fell, and only saw a sword disc spinning past, chopping the red gold fruit.

I saw that Jianguang swept the red gold fruit, circled in the air, and finally fell into the hands of Tang Tiandu, showing a long sword, and the red gold fruit was picked above the tip of the sword.

Qi Yue was shocked when she saw the red gold fruit disappear at first, but when she finally fell into the hands of Tang Tiandu, she was relieved. When she faced Tang Tiandu, she looked a little slower. He said with a good voice: "Senior Brother Tang has taken action. With this Chi Jinguo's ability to suppress the ice cold, Brother Fang will also enjoy a lot..."

"I want to use it." Tang Tiandu said blankly, and then put the red gold fruit into the Qiankun bag.

"Ah?" Qi Yue was surprised for a moment, and seemed to think that he had heard it wrong: "Brother Tang smiled and laughed. This red gold fruit was discovered by Brother Fang first, and let him be injured..."

"There are many other things in the extreme sun, but the red gold fruit is of great use to my indestructible sword." Tang Tiandu just said this lightly, and then looked at Fang Duandao: "Brother Fang Even if I get this red gold fruit, the injury will not be cured for a while. This thing is for me. It will be more useful to deal with the fire demon emperor, and it will be more beneficial to ask Jianzong. Brother Fang, what do you say?"

Fang Duan was obviously stunned, but after a while, he smiled and shook his head: "It is indeed not there for the time being, please, please, Brother Tang."

"You deceive people too much!" Qi Yue was unbearable: "Brother Fang's injury was originally due to the sect, is it not worthy of a red golden fruit? Brother Lin, what do you say..."

Speaking of which, Qi Yue turned her head to look at Lin Fei, hoping that he would do justice.

After all, this small team came to assist Lin Fei. As long as Lin Fei insisted, even Tang Tian would have to give in.

What's more, the reason why Fang Duan was successively targeted by Tang Tiandu was probably because he helped Lin Fei to speak before.

Yu Gong is private, Lin Fei should help to speak is...


Lin Fei did not speak at this time, but looked back and forth at Tang Tian and Fang Duan, seeming to be thinking there.

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