
Chapter 1518: Squeeze clean

At this time, Tang Tiandu took a step forward. Suddenly, aura emerged from his body. Nine dragon shadows emerged loomingly, tangling Tang Tiandu's body, and gave out a faint sound of dragon chanting.

For a time, a powerful might appeared, as if standing here is not Tang Tiandu, but a sharp sword...

"It seems that asking Jianzong is really messy for too long, and it makes you forget the identity of your inner disciple."

Tang Tian all sneered, looking at Qi Yue's eyes, some disdain: "You deserve to talk to me about the conditions?"

The words fell and kicked out...

At this time, you can see the gap between the two sides.

Tang Tiandu was just a casual kick, but Qi Yue was caught off guard. The whole person had no resistance under this blow, as if it were a broken sack, and it just flew out a dozen feet away.

It hit the stone wall until it finally stopped, slammed and landed on the ground.

After getting up hard, he coughed up a big mouth of blood and landed on the hot ground, evaporating into blood gas with a cry.

However, Qi Yue did not care about these things, just looked at Tang Tiandu, all eyes were unbelievable.

Unexpectedly, the other party really ignored any sentiment and shot out at himself.

This is almost a face turning.

In a hurry, Qi Yue glanced at Lin Fei.

But I saw that Lin Fei didn't seem to see this scene. He just looked at it beside him, and didn't mean to stop it at all.

"Lin Fei, what do you really want to do?"

This time, Qi Yue has not called so much, it is completely called its name.

Qi Yue didn't expect that Lin Fei was so desperate.

You know, a few people came here to help Lin Fei to get the fire demon emperor's natal demon fire, and to help Jianzong get rid of it.

It stands to reason that even if Lin Fei is a bit careful, he should focus on the overall situation.

However, in this situation, Lin Fei apparently has not considered the overall situation. In the face of the interests, even the brothers and sisters who came to help can be sacrificed casually.

"I misunderstood you..."

Qi Yue stared fiercely at Lin Fei: "I shouldn't be here to help you..."

Lin Fei just smiled and did not speak.

At this time, Fang Duan, who had been by the side, suddenly sighed and looked at Tang Tiandu and Lin Fei: "Two brothers, I advise you to return this token to Brother Brother Qi..."

This sentence fell, but it made Qi Yue's heart suddenly lifted up, quickly guarded in front of Fang Duan, full of defense looked at Tang Tiandu.

Tang Tiandu seems to be merciless already. If he is on the kick, Fang Duan is not himself, and he will probably scream.

Who knows, Fang Duan just reached out and turned Qi Yue away, and smiled and said: "Don't worry, I have to seduce the fire demon emperor, I think, I should have some use for the two brothers?"

However, Tang Tiandu just looked at him coldly without saying a word. Although Lin Fei was smiling, he didn't seem to say anything.

Fang Duan seemed to be unexpected, but just smiled and said: "The two younger brothers don't know, why have I worked out the completion method of this token, have they really done it until now?"

"Of course, I said before, mainly because I haven't found the right materials?" However, after Fang Duan finished speaking, he suddenly shook his head: "Actually, this is only half of the reason..."

"Huh?" This time, Tang Tian looked at Fang Duan and frowned.

"Oh, Brother Tang doesn't have to doubt. I've got to this point. There is really no need to lie to you." At this time, Fang Duan was surprisingly calm and calm: "After all, he can look at the fire demon emperor's destiny and fire. Although there are not many anode fires, but they are not without them. Why should I wait until the time of injury now, to dig into the veins?"


This time, not only did Tang Tian stop talking to Lin Fei, even Qi Yue was shocked.

Yes, compared with the inheritance of the real people of Kunwu, the innate spirit fire is precious, but it is not difficult to obtain, and it is dragged until now.

It's been so long, why is Fang Duan now determined?

"Because this token is not complete in itself, the real people of Kunwu were not completely completed at that time, just left a prototype..."

"However, the above-mentioned Fuzhuan arrays are all hand-painted by Kunwu real people, but he was specially designed to restrain the black snake. Others want to repair it, and there is no way to repair it."

"These prototypes have a limit of bearing capacity. It is very likely that when they bear the anode fire, they will first crack."

"If you want to complete the process smoothly, you can only wrap the monster fire with your own soul, and under the delicate feeling of mind, you can arrange and adjust the completion process a little bit."

"how can that be!"

Qi Yue could not help but take a breath, the anode fire thing itself is extremely powerful, burning directly on the Yuanshen, it is almost dead.

"Oh, if your Yuanshen is strong enough, then there is no problem..." Fang Duan smiled and said: "I was going to complete this last step when I was going to cultivate further, but unfortunately I was injured by Qingshuang. After that, I knew that I had no hope."

"So I just plan to enter this place and finish the last step..."

"Just after completing this step, serious injuries are inevitable."

"You said, this step, let the two younger brothers do it well, or let me do it?"

Speaking of which, Fang Duan looked at Tang Tiandu and smiled and said: "Of course, if you let me complete, this token should be let me distribute it, it is best to give it to Brother Qi."

Tang Tiandu's eyes flashed, and he held the token in his hand, but he didn't speak or hand over things.

However, at this time, Fang Duan's tone suddenly calmed down: "I would like to persuade one more thing, the two younger brothers should not drill the horns of the horns, and finally the younger brother Qi received that inheritance, and will certainly stay in the Jianjianzong, two younger brother You can read it casually at that time, why do you feel hurt now?"

The voice fell, and the scene suddenly became quiet.

After a while, Tang Tian suddenly snorted lightly, glanced at Qi Yue, and threw the token in his hand back: "This thing is temporarily in your custody. If something goes wrong, I can't spare you."

When the words fell, Tang Tiandu looked at Fang Duan, who had already smiled, and turned away without expression.

Lin Fei seemed to look at Qi Yue and smiled and said, "Then please, Brother Qi, just sooner or later the nine major schools may arrive. Let's hurry up and continue to go."

When Qi Yue looked to Lin Fei, the contempt in his eyes had been dismissed.

Finally, I can see the face of the other party completely, and it is entirely based on my own interests. When I see the situation change, I must first squeeze the value of Brother Fang Duan...

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