
Chapter 1523: Fight

The two of them seem to share the same kind of feelings, they are completely holding the mentality of squeezing themselves.

Even now, they must be deliberately procrastinating.

Maybe it's just trying to let the two of them try to consume the power of the Fire Demon Emperor as much as possible, so that they can benefit the fishermen.


Isn't this the routine along the way?

This must be the case.

As long as you can get the fire demon emperor's natal demon fire, then it is considered to be out, and the sacrifice of the two of them will never be ignored.

Certainly it will be regarded as a normal sacrifice. Even his own master will not be too concerned about this.

After all, it’s not worth paying too much attention to just ordinary disciples...

Thinking of this, Qi Yue was even more miserable and powerless.

And the more I feel powerless, the more I can feel the despair.

Now it seems how ridiculous and naive the previous thoughts of sacrificing Jianzong are...

It was wishful thinking...

"Brother Fang, I will take you out of here!"

Qi Yue suddenly gritted her teeth, Huo Ran got up, no longer cares so much, but also had to escape this mess.


Before waiting to get up, he was suddenly caught by Fang Duan, who was already seriously injured.

"Don't be impulsive, you still have that token!" At this time, it was already a seriously injured Fang Duan, as if knowing what Qi Yue was thinking. Color: "As long as you can get the inheritance of the real people of Kunwu, you will be qualified to compete with some people in the future."

"Fang, Brother Fang, you..." Qi Yue suddenly stunned.

Fang Duan whispered: "Are you going to ask Jianzong to let those despicable villains fail?"

"I..." Qi Yue opened her mouth, speechless, and understood that Fang Duan was going to die...

That's right, as long as it is inherited by the real person of Kunwu, his position is not comparable to the present, and the future will certainly occupy a place in Wen Jianzong.

You can even compete with Lin Fei and Tang Tiandu for the right to speak...

It turned out that Brother Fang Duan was not unclear about anything. He had long seen Lin Fei as a man, but he just kept talking.

But the plans made are all intended for myself...


"Where else do we have a chance..."

Qi Yue grinned, and now the two of them are obviously abandoned.

Even the Fire Demon Emperor is close at hand.

Where do you still have to wait back to ask Jianzong, I am afraid that now, it will fall...

There is no future at all.

"Leave it to me!" Fang Duan didn't hesitate about it, but responded directly.

"Why, what?"

Qi Yue was stunned for a moment, and it was all this way. Is there any way to fail?

Waiting for Qi Yue to think clearly, Fang Duan didn't explain much, and suddenly there was a burst of aura in his body.

In the aura, countless fuzhuan flew, as if they were differentiated from flesh and blood.

At the same time, the numerous seals, gradually combined together, changed into a tiger look...

As the tiger gradually took shape, Fang Duan's breath was declining rapidly.

But strangely, his eyes are brighter...

Just let a burst of aura shine from his body and blend into the tiger...

"Brother Fang, don't be impulsive!"

Qi Yue was so anxious that she couldn't recognize it.

Fang Duan is desperate.

Use your life to show the last power...

It seems that it must be powerful, but after this powerful end, Fang Duan can also be said to be mortal.

However, at this time of life and death, Fang Duan just smiled and just whispered: "Brother Qi, don't forget my words."

When the words fell, the horrible real-element fluctuations, like a volcanic eruption, erupted thinly from Fang Duan.

After saying that, the whole person was wrapped in strong light, and his face disappeared in the light...

Relatively, in a flash, the tiger that condenses countless characters and seals has become very real.

The majestic body, with a fierce air, slowly spread out in mid-air, sprayed from the nose with a basin, and the erupting aura.

And behind it, a pair of double wings were born...

But in a blink of an eye, the tiger had taken shape, and as the wings on its back flapped violently, it suddenly took off.

Between the flapping wings, a low, violent roar came from its throat.

A kind of astonishing coercion that seemed to have come from the ancient times of the flood, spreading out.

For a moment, it seemed like a special space was formed around the side. The flowing magma should be avoided to both sides, and a blank space suddenly appeared around it.

And in that spirit light, Fang Duan's expression was also more difficult, his forehead covered with fine cold sweat.

It seems to be unsustainable at any time.

However, he seemed to have a strong spirit, a scream in his throat, and his forehead twitched.

Suddenly, the tiger seemed to get instructions, and a burst of roaring sound broke out.

The sound is like a substance, sweeping around, and the long river of magma flowing on the ground is shaking, as if this space is shaking.

A pair of tiger eyes resembled spirituality, looking at the fire demon emperor, flicking his wings, the tiger body suddenly turned into a blast, carrying a terrifying momentum, swept toward the other side like a storm.

In an instant, around the Fire Demon Emperor, the sharp claws were in the air, and the wind breaking the wind, as if even the space was torn.

It seems that the next moment, this fire demon emperor will be torn by him.

However, at this time, it can be seen that the fire demon emperor is powerful.

Almost at the same time as the tiger came, a burst of magma erupted around it.

At a glance, the magma on the ground soared into the sky, and there were densely formed around it, a dozen giant columns of magma, protecting the Fire Demon Emperor firmly around...


Suddenly, more than a dozen magma pillars erupted at the same time, enveloping the whole front and back.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, a roar suddenly sounded from the mouth of the Fire Demon Emperor, and a hot demon qi burst out instantly.

With that huge red giant claw, towards the fierce tiger, suddenly fell...

The fierce tiger and the fire demon emperor compete, the entire space is earth-shattering, it seems that an earthquake has erupted, it is almost to be turned over.

The ground was cracked and magma was tumbling.

This is an earth-shattering force. For a moment, Qi Yue couldn't help but see this scene...


Soon, Qi Yue reacted, and it was not time to watch the drama.

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