
Chapter 1545: condition

But now, when looking at Manjur, his face was somewhat surprised and puzzled.

For a moment, Lei Chen just asked, "Ask Jian Jianzong...Is there such a person?"

"Brother Lei..." Manzhuer glanced at Lei Chen, but sighed: "You should haven't seen the experience file I wrote after I returned to the mountain?"

"This...I'm busy with Zongmen affairs during this time, and I really haven't had time..." Lei Chen scratched his head: "Anyway, haven't you all returned, what else can you do? Wait, you are saying, this is about Jianzongzhi People, are you missing with you?"

"That's right..."

Seeing himself as a fellow, with a look of coercion, Manzhuer had no choice but to talk about his experience in this trip again...

With that story more and more, Lei Chen's expression became a little more exciting.

He didn’t even pay any attention to what Manzhuer said at last, because he heard that the disciple who helped Manzhuer come back had an experience of confrontation with Dhamma and the real body, and he couldn’t go back. Here comes the god...

Manzhuer has finished speaking for a while, but Lei Chen is still immersed in this amazing news...

What is the concept of the mysterious dharma powerhouse, the horrible existence of real body running in the stars?

Among Luofujie’s organic records, it was only more than 3,000 years ago that there was a trace of a dharma body...

This is just a trace, and attracted the monks in the south of the sea to go to visit Ye, hoping to get a chance

As a result, everyone came back empty-handed, and no one could meet with that Dharma existence...

Today, Lin Fei in the mouth of this sister seems to have had a positive conversation with a dignified body, and in the later return of the starry sky, he also escaped from a real body level...

Suddenly, Lei Chen felt that his brain was a bit insufficient.

"So, our approach seems a bit reckless?"

Lei Chen suddenly reacted. During this time, Bu Laoshan has not exerted pressure on Wen Jianzong. After one or two visits, the relationship has become somewhat bad.

It used to be the case, a force in the wind and rain, the relationship with it is bad.

But now it's a little different...

Following Man Zhuer's statement, this Lin Fei is a proper first person of his peers, and even Luo Yuzhen may be inferior, and he and Luo Yuzhen were originally between five and five.

I am so hurried up, I am afraid that it may really be planted in the other party's hands.

At that time, even if he was not injured, he might not be able to raise his head in front of the other major schools...

Wait, other schools?

"Right..." Thinking about it, Lei Chen suddenly remembered one thing and felt enlightened: "We have nothing to worry about, even if Lin Fei is strong, can it still be stronger than the nine major schools? When he shoots together, he also has to fight."

"This is also a way, just..." Manzhuer glanced at Lei Chen: "But what if he didn't choose to confront, but fled directly?"

"Escaped?" Lei Chen stunned slightly: "How could that be possible, but the Nine Gates sent together..."

"Brother Lei... Have you forgotten again, that he had taken us with us and escaped from the existence of the real body level..."

"This one…"

Thinking of this, Lei Chen was afraid to pack the ticket.

If this were to be someone else, Lei Chen really didn't believe that he could escape from the siege of the nine major schools.

But this Lin Fei has some conviction...

A real-life horror beast, compared with the masters of the Nine Gate School, which is stronger and weaker, it is really not easy to say.

"Damn, why is it so troublesome?"

For a time, Lei Chen had a headache. Damn, before he came, didn't the elders say it all right? Is this a very simple task?

Why is it so troublesome when you really want to get started...

The problem is that at this point, I really can't fail...

I know my own situation, don't look at my status as if it is high and the scenery is infinite, but the higher you stand, the harder you fall. The following group of endless teachers and even the nephews are staring at themselves.

In the eyes of others, the task of demolition and interrogation of Jianzong this time can be said to be extremely simple. If you have not dealt with this matter beautifully, I am afraid that you will be questioned about your ability...

After all, in a big school like Laoshan, choosing a leader is not entirely about strength. Wrists are also a very important consideration.

In the past, he was superior in strength and suppressed his peers, but he was eventually rushed to Houshan to become a new generation of mountain-watchers. In the Houshan, he has been with him for thousands of years.

This Lin Fei is tantamount to a variable, a bit bad...

and many more…

Thinking of this, Lei Chen blinked suddenly, turned his head and looked at Manzhuer, and said with a smile: "Sister, since you told me this, is there any way to deal with this Lin Fei?"


However, Manzhuer didn't speak, but just glanced at Lei Chen.

Lei Chen was stunned for a while, followed by a smile, and said with a smile: "Oh, do you still believe in Brother Me? Today, I will surely bear in mind, I think the sister has just achieved the Fa, the foundation is not stable, and I still have There is a Bulao Dan, it is a must to replenish the essence, as long as the sister speaks..."

"Bulao Dan doesn't have to. I only want one thing." Manzhuer shook his head.

"Ah?" Lei Chen froze for a moment, and after thinking about it, he said a little cautiously: "Let's listen."

"I only ask this time, you can help Jianzong to ease the situation within your ability. If Lin Fei can owe us a favor, it would be better..."

"This..." Lei Chen hesitated when he heard this, and frowned. "Sister, this requirement is not that I did not agree. It is really asking Jianzong to face too many opponents now. I can only guarantee at most." We don’t push too much..."

However, this time Manzhuer cut the railroad: "This must be done, even if it is this time, it has to be done with some cost. If you miss this opportunity, how many opportunities will you have to let the future monks owe humanity? "

"Dharma body?"

Hearing this, Lei Chen was startled: "Are you too worthy of Lin Fei, although you can escape from the dharma, but after all it is the dharma..."

In fact, no wonder Lei Chen will be surprised.

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