
Chapter 1550: Little Five Elements Gold Body

Jian Zhu's flesh is almost to the point where King Kong is not bad. After each sword is cut, it seems to be cut on the gold iron.

Before asking the great array of Jianzong Mountain Gate, I saw Dao Dao Jianguang blooming, countless Mars erupted, and the sound of chopping and striking was endless.

Whether it was the disciples of Yu Hengfeng who was guarding the mountain gate on the side, or the elders who were watching the battle, they were completely attracted by the fighting between the two.

This fierce confrontation between the Fas is really rare in a century...

One is a genius disciple who was born in the top sword repair school like Wen Jianzong. A sword Dao Xiu is doing his best for ascending the mountain. All kinds of swordsmanship tricks are all pinched.

One person who practiced is the five-body golden body, and he took a path that few people took.

The physical strength is incredible, comparable to King Kong is not bad.

Between hands and feet, you can explode thousands of tricks, and any sword you make is just a punch.

For a short while, the two sides come and go.


At this time, Wang Lingguan, who stood at the forefront of the disciples, looked at this scene, but frowned.

Because he knew that if he continued to fight like this, he would definitely lose money to ask Jianzong.

No way, on my own side, it is really a bit weak...

In addition to Luo Yuzhen, the whole question of Jianzong, only himself and the two elders of Tianquan.

Even if Tang Tiandu, who is unstable, is only three and a half.

Of course, apart from a few of them, there is Lin Fei...


Wang Lingguan couldn't help but glance at the depth of Zhu Jianfeng, and could not help sighing secretly.

These days have passed, Lin Fei has not been able to come out...

At present, there are only a few people who can rely on the fighting power of the French phase.

In other places, three or four phases may be enough to reverse a situation, but now, it is facing the nine major schools...

The reason why Gu Yin and others are still watching the battle is not to continue to shoot, it is just waiting for the arrival of the rest of the family.

When the Nine Fas meet, the balance will be broken. Obviously, they will not take into account so much, and will directly shoot to help Jian Zhu defeat Luo Yuzhen.

Waiting for yourself will be helpless...

However, when the battle situation was stuck, I only heard that a "ding" sound suddenly came from this battle situation...

For a time, I saw the sword in Luo Yuzhen's hands. After tens of thousands of slashes, he finally couldn't withstand the fighting of this intensity.

After slashing down on Jian Zhu again, it broke suddenly and turned into debris.

"Master nephew, it seems that you can't bear the responsibility of asking the head of Jianzong."

The colorful light on the body gradually faded away, and there was no anger on Jian Zhu's face. He still had a little meaning: "However, it is extraordinary that the teacher and nephew can fight me for so long at a young age. Unfortunately, it is still not enough. "

The people present were also well-informed people, and naturally understood the meaning of Jian Zhu.

As a sword repair, the sword in his hand is broken, and then in front of Jian Zhu, who is indestructible, is equivalent to losing all his advantages.

As long as Jian Zhu continues this offensive, Luo Yuzhen will have no power to fight back and be torn directly...

Today, Jian Zhu obviously has not adopted this kind of life-and-death play...

Just stopping, it is equivalent to let Luo Yuzhen once...

"Master Luo's nephew, I'll give you another chance this time, but you shouldn't be mistaken. Just let me wait to ask Jianzong and conduct a comprehensive search. This time, it is considered to have passed..."

Jian Zhuruo looked at Luo Yuzhen deeply and said.

"Who said I need your chance?"

Luo Yuzhen threw away the hilt in his hand, but his face did not change, and he did not mean to concede...

This time, not only did Jian Zhu frown, but even the disciples who asked Jianzong beside him nervously couldn't help but show their worries.

The battle just now was really a difficult one, and Luo Yu really can fight against the old method.

But no matter how good it is, it is a bit brave to say such things now...

Especially in this kind of scene now, this bravery is more or less sad...

"Oh, is that nephew going to compare again?"

Jian Zhu's smile was slightly despised.

As the voice fell, the whole body again showed a faint light of five elements.

"Just this time, I'm afraid I won't keep my hands anymore. It's best to think about it. If you ask Jianzong to lose his head, when the elders return, I'm afraid the scene will be a bit ugly..."

"You're right..." Luo Yuzhen glanced at Jian Zhu: "You are an elder and lost to me as a junior. The scene is indeed a bit ugly."

At the same time the words fell, a sword gas burst out suddenly.

All of a sudden, I saw a gigantic sword qi that was almost a hundred feet, and I cut straight into it in the direction of Jian Zhu.

The same as before, fighting with Jane Bamboo!

But this time, the offensive is endless, and the true element seems to be endless...

This fell in the eyes of several elders, and immediately reflected, Luo Yuzhen exploded from the outset with all his strength, and blocked Jianzhu with the infinite sword rain, so that the other party’s small five elements golden body could not be approached at all. Torture each other...

"A bit brave..."

However, seeing this scene, several elders all showed a disapproving look.

As Jian Zhu said, this Luo Yuzhen, at this age, can have such strength, it is very good.

But it is a pity that it seems a little too self-confident to fail.

In the case of losing once, I dare to take such a risk and fight against Jian Zhu with such a continuous offensive.

It seems that it has temporarily gained the upper hand, but you must know that such offensives are also extremely huge for the consumption of true yuan.

Even if the monk of Faxiang can communicate Aura from heaven and earth, he can't bear this consumption.

In comparison, Jian Zhu is too advantageous.

He is an old-fashioned physiognomy, and he is very powerful, and the five-element gold body is offensive and defensive. It is really difficult to break the gold body.

At the beginning of this battle, he was almost invincible. Do nothing, as long as you wait quietly, Luo Yu will die.

It was simply a battle without any suspense...

Luo Yuzhen's brave tactics will only make him lose even worse...


In the cold eyes of several elders and the worried eyes of the disciples who asked Jianzong, the battle situation was a bit unexpected...

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