
Chapter 1560: Voodoo seal

He knew that Lin Fei was the biggest stumbling block in the battle today.

Kick him away, the next thing will be simple!

"Forcing me to shoot? Can you afford this price?"

As the voice fell, the banned aura around the giant also rotated.

An extremely powerful aura immediately burst away. If measured by monks, this giant is already the top strong in the later phase of the Fa.

In terms of the step-by-step law, such a leap in strength is simply unimaginable...


In the next moment, the giant, under the control of Jian Zhu, roared, slammed, and flew out.

For a time, it was like a huge beast that came into the world out of nowhere, carrying a kind of unmatched power and crashing towards Lin Fei.

When that huge figure swept through the space, it even caused the space to tremble...

But Lin Fei only had a little dignified eyes. Among the sword stars, seven natal sword spirits suddenly rose into the sky.

At the next moment, he had a hard touch with the giant.


The violent aftermath raged in all directions.

Lin Fei's violent meal seemed to be hit by a huge force.

The whole person was actually shocked to step back in the air a few steps, has been in the void, passing a few hundred feet, only to finally stabilize his body...

no way…

The giant himself was the hard work of Jane Bamboo, forcibly used with the witch pattern, plus the blessing of the ban on heaven, the combat power was too terrifying.

Even Lin Fei, under this great power, has to take a few steps backwards...

Seeing Lin Fei fall in the wind, the three gates sent a party, and finally he was out of breath.

Everyone can see that the entire disciples of Wenjianzong are in their respective positions, protecting Wenzongzong, not to come out easily. Those who can really help are Lin Fei and Luo Yuzhen...

"Really as a three-door school, can one of your juniors resist?!"

A vicious look emerged from Jian Zhu's red eyes.

"Today, you have to pay for your arrogance!"

As the voice fell, Jane Bamboo's hands snapped together, and the lines on his body suddenly burst out...


Under his control, the giant also made a sudden move.

With the movement of Jane Bamboo, the giant also formed a strange handprint.

Suddenly, the surging aura rolled up and poured into the handprint. There was a huge handprint hidden in it, and there was a roaring sound, as if it contained the power of heaven.

"Sorcerer's Seal?"

Lin Fei was a little surprised. What Jian Zhu is now showing is a mark of Wu Ling.

This is a bit unexpected...

You should know that the Wuling Seal itself is a secret skill of the Wu people. The power is indeed huge, but when it is displayed, the burden on the body is extremely heavy. Generally speaking, only the Wu people who have the blood of the ancestors and witches will be Cast this secret technique.

Unexpectedly, Jian Zhu is now able to force out.

There are only two possibilities...

Either Jian Zhu was dead, or he had a deep research on this voodoo seal, and found a way to weaken that side effect...

The first one is of course not possible. An elder elder in the hall can’t commit any fate here.

That only shows that this elder Jian Zhu, in the area of ​​Wu people, has a profound knowledge of research...

"Witch Seal! Suppression!"

While Lin Fei was thinking about these, Jian Zhu had already slammed.

Suddenly, that voodoo seal was completely formed.

In the next moment, the giant raised his hand and waved, Wu Ling Yin directly broke through the void, with an unstoppable momentum, and fell from the sky. Before it arrived, a huge shadow covered Lin Fei Lin Fei...

Although this is not a true Matriarch release, the power is slightly worse than normal.

But this is the help of the other two elders. Under the infusion of the three auras together, this magic mark is extremely powerful.

When this momentum spread, the monks on both sides were changed.

While Lin Fei looked at the repressed Wuling Seal, his face also appeared the first time he valued it.

This mysterious technique, once in the hands of the ancestors and wanderings, showing a world-destroying situation, is indeed extraordinary...


It's just extraordinary...


At this time, the Soul Seal was also roaring down, directly under Lin Yi's eyes that were moving.


At the moment of the collision, Lin Fei's entire person, in fact, had no resistance at all, and was directly slammed out.

It has been hitting the distant mountain wall, and a burst of smoke erupted, which was actually smashed into the mountain by this giant seal, leaving a large humanoid hole...

But the violent amount of this giant seal is still venting, and the whole space is stirred upside down.

For a time, countless eyes were cast with tension, to the place where Lin Fei was smashed into the mountain.

Asked the Jianzong side, there were a lot of exclamations.

But at this time, Jian Zhu seemed to be a little out of control, and was different from the past. His face was ugly, his eyes red, and his face appeared a violent color.

"Today, I will refine you, a junior who knows nothing about life or death!"


When the words fell, the huge French seal also exploded in utter exhaustion, slamming toward the bottom, bursting into a powerful burst of might.

It seems that he really intends to smash Lin Fei, who was smashed into the mountain, to give life to life.

"It's worthy of Elder Jane Bamboo, these methods are earth-shattering!"

"I said this kid is weird, it turned out to be bluff!"

"Ask Jianzonghe to be destroyed!"

"It's better to catch this kid alive..."

For a time, the disciples of the three major schools saw this scene, and they were all very excited. Some of them respected the elders, and some felt that they were right. They analyzed that Lin Fei was bluffing...

When asked about Jianzong's side, Luo Yuzhen looked at the Witch Spirit Seal's authority, his face was slightly silent, and suddenly said: "Ready to start, save Lin Fei, and unblock the nine-story demon tower!"

The rest of them waited and heard this, but they were not surprised. They just nodded with a heavy face.

Tang Tian was already prepared, without any hesitation, he immediately prepared to leave...


At the next moment, Tang Tiandu's footsteps stopped...

Turning his head, he looked at the place where Lin Fei disappeared with some suspense, his face revealing incredible.

At this moment, the place where Lin Fei disappeared suddenly came out, a few looming voices...

"He is a free figure."

"Xinghe Sword Field."

"Thousands of swords..."

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