
Chapter 1566: Stand by

"When the nine major schools gather, I see if you can still block it!"

As the voice fell, the three elders were actually retreating...

First, the three major warships retreated slowly, followed by the three elders, taking advantage of the chain's cover, they were actually retreating.

Faced with this momentary change, even Elder Tianquan and others were too late to react.

I didn't expect that the three elders who had fought back earlier were so clean and retreat...

Just a little stunned, it was too late to chase.

However, just at this time, I found out that I don’t know when, a figure in Tsing Yi was already in front of the three elders...

At a glance, I saw Lin Fei turned into a sword escape, and in the mid-air, the infinite sword light was flying around me, and the surrounding was full of majesty...

At this moment, he seemed to be a demon god, and his momentum was as heavy as a mountain.

Qi Daoqi rushed to the sky, compared with three people, actually showing a pressure...

Jian Zhu and the three people obviously did not expect that Lin Fei would stop it in such a timely manner.

When looking at Lin Fei, his face became somber, revealing a fierce look: "Do you really want to be equal to me?"

However, Lin Fei just smiled and said, "Uncle Shi, I asked Jianzong if this is the place where you want to come and go."

"Since I'm here, I don't want to leave anything, I'm afraid I can't justify it..."

However, at the time of this confrontation, there was a sudden thunder in the distance...

A battleship, carrying a strong momentum, broke through the clouds.

At this time, many people recognized it at a glance and exclaimed again and again.

"That's an old battleship!"

"No, this is for support..." Suddenly, some people looked worried and couldn't help worrying.

After all, in their eyes, Wen Jianzong at this time was considered a public enemy of the Nine Gates.

At this time another sect is joining, which is obviously not good news for them...

But at this time, on the side of the three major schools, they are all excited.

As if seeing the support of allies, they were all excited.

"It's finally here. It shouldn't just be the stars, but the others should also be here."

"I want to ask how arrogant Jianzong can be now."

"Support for a while, and soon the nine major schools will gather, and this Lin Fei also asks for forgiveness!"

At the same time, the atmosphere of Wen Jianzong's side is dignified.


"Strategy, beware!"

The sounds were rang, and they were all waiting in line to wait for the advent of powerful enemies.

Soon, in this tense atmosphere, the distant warship finally arrived...


To the surprise of both parties, although the battleship arrived, it did not mean anything.

Just floating quietly in the distance, there is no movement coming, just like passing by...

For a time, when Jianzong couldn't figure out this way, he didn't dare to relax, and he was still taking precautions.

However, this fell into the eyes of the elders of the three major schools, but it suddenly made them look a little wrong.

Jian Zhu was the first to shout angrily: "Baoshan, what are you waiting for, don't do it yet!"

However, after a long time, a figure emerged from the battleships of Bu Laoshan...

A simple blue robe with a wooden hairpin on his head, his eyes are bright and clear, as if there is no concealment, the whole person has a natural affinity.

After he came out, he first apologized and said: "The younger Lei Chen has seen three uncles, so they have been waiting for a long time."

Now, however, Jian Zhu and the three people obviously have no time to go and deal with him.

Jian Zhu said impatiently on the spot: "Less nonsense, you are not too late, I'm too lazy to investigate, and now I'll do my best to suppress Sword Sect with me."

After finishing speaking, Jian Zhu turned his head and looked at Jianzong's direction, his eyes were extremely bad: "Even if you can do it for a while, I see if you can resist me to join hands..."

As the voice fell, all the disciples were rubbing their hands together. They were too suffocated by the suppression, and now they want to get revenge.

However, the next moment, together with the three elders and many disciples, the scene was a bit frozen.

Because at this time, Lei Chen shook his head and said: "The three teachers and uncles forgive sins. This time I am not a celebrity. I just sent a younger disciple to this prince. I can't take the lead in suppressing similar events. I hope that three Uncle Shi can understand..."

The words fell, and in those stunned eyes, Lei Chen really took a step back, as if he really wanted to stand by.

This time, the audience was quiet.

At this time, no one thought that at this critical moment, among the ten major schools, the not-so-slightly old, actually chose to sit idly by...

Even Lin Fei was a little stunned. When he looked at Lei Chen, he didn't quite understand what it was like.

But at this time, it was obviously not too much time to think, and Lin Fei did not think about it. However, at this time, it was suddenly discovered that behind Lei Chen, a figure appeared again...

That's Manjur...

At this time, Manzhuer seemed to inadvertently sweep the battlefield, but finally looked at Lin Fei, followed, and nodded slightly invisible, then did not say much.

However, Lin Fei did not understand the truth when he saw this.

This is a little seed that I planted earlier, and it began to show effects...

This is a bit unexpected...

It was originally designed for the future catastrophe, but I did not expect that there will be a reward now, and it is also an unintentional gain.

It seems that after coming back this time, the status of Manzhuer and others in their respective sects has improved somewhat beyond their expectations...

At this time, Jian Zhu was completely sullen: "A boy of the star Suzezong, do you really want to stand by? Do you know what the consequences are?"

The Du Wanji beside him also said that his face is not good-looking: I will win this battle. You Sing Su Zong can also get a huge benefit. Do you want to give this benefit to everyone today? "

"You don't have to talk to him more, and when the other houses arrive, this kid naturally knows to regret it."

At this time, Gu Yin snorted.

Regardless of what the three elders said, Lei Chen was that kind of gentleman. He didn’t mean anything at all. Finally, he just bowed apologetically: "It is because the younger generation has limited knowledge and cannot participate in this battle for the time being. , But as long as the three uncles really come to the crisis, even if I violate the rules of the Sect, I will definitely help!"

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