
Chapter 1590: Bad enough

And that refining requires three different acquired spirit fires for quenching, and the various processes add up to a full three or four years to produce a furnace.

In a furnace, there are at most three or four.

The spiritual power contained therein is quintessential and gentle, and is most suitable for cultivating the basic culture. Whether it is used for cultivation or healing, it has an immediate effect.

This kind of spirit pill, even if it is the Fa phase, should be cherished. Only when the situation is broken will that one be used...

As for the common golden pill, even if you sell blood, you can't afford this kind of pill, how could it be exchanged?

"So, we have to find someone who has Telendan to sell it." Lin Fei smiled: "Isn't there a geo-patriarch who likes to accept disciples nearby, just sell them to his disciples, I guess the most Two or three can make your cultivation base stable."


As soon as Lin Fei said this, the scene calmed down.

Li Gang and Ning Xuan, the pair of brothers and sisters, looked at Lin Fei with an expression of silence...

If it is not considered that the cultivation of both sides is really a bit disparate, I am afraid to ask Lin Fei at that time if you have a fever.

Earth Patriarch?

what are you thinking!

In the entire ruins, the ancestor of the earth spirit is no less than the existence of the ancestor of the ghost, and the disciples under the door are the most among several top-level existences.

Those disciples, indeed, may have Telendan, but the question is, are they willing to be the wrongdoers?

And even if you are the wrongdoer, won’t they come to trouble?

Li Gang prepared a few words before saying as gently as possible: "Brother Lin, why don't you think about it again? I think those disciples have no net worth. They are very poor and they may not be able to afford it.

However, Lin Fei didn't care about it.

After speaking, in this moment, two wave formations were formed again, and three sets were used to fix them.

Then, they handed over these three arrays to Ning Xuan: "These three, at least sell two Tai Ling Dan, go."

For a time, Ning Xuan almost cried out

Brother Lin, don’t tell yourself, do you hear what I said?

Going to sell this thing, it will really be killed alive, and it will still be a very miserable kind...

"Just rest assured, as long as you can find the goods to know, not to mention a few talingan, even if it is more expensive, it is possible..."


"If you don't know who to sell it to, you will find a few more beloved disciples under the ancestor of the Earth Spirit, and sell it to him. When there are many people, there are always a few who know the goods..."


"It's nothing, just try it first."

This time, without waiting for Ning Xuan to justify, he was directly bombarded by Lin Fei...


After being forced out, Ning Xuan almost wanted to cry without tears.

Damn, Brother Lin, you are talking about lightness. Find someone and sell it to him.

Why don't you just say, I have practiced well and achieved Dharma all the way?

How can it be so easy...

For a time, Ning Xuanman's mind was all, do you want me to run away...

It's really difficult.

The disciples under the ancestor of the earth spirit, relatively speaking, are more reasonable than those of the ancestors of the ghosts, but they are only relatively speaking.

If you know that you will take this magic circle to foole them, you will not be lenient...

Ning Xuan tangled while walking, where he flew for a long time, but did not go far.

Damn, I can’t just sit back and die like this, I have to find a way to fool the past...

As for how to fool...


Suddenly, Ning Xuan thought of a class of people...

After thinking carefully, Ning Xuan suddenly had an idea, and the speed was accelerated a lot.

Flying north all the way, the surrounding trees became dense, blocking the sunlight above him, and the neighborhood gradually became gloomy.

Ning Xuan remembers very clearly that this forest is within a thousand miles of the place, and the place with the strongest yin qi.

At the same time, this is also the entire desert ruin, where the most various kinds of ghosts, demons and evil things are produced. Many monks have needs for these special products...

The same is true of those top-notch existences, except that they do not need to personally mine, but send out disciples to serve.

It’s just that this is a very heavy place after all. Even if a monk stays here for a long time, it may damage his life. Therefore, it is often the disciples who are sent here, some of them are relatively weak. …

The ruins are not suitable for cultivation, and this place is a terrible place among the ruins. Apart from ghost cultivation, ordinary monks can hardly get a breakthrough here.

As a result, those disadvantaged disciples who were sent could not return, and they could only spend it here for a long time. The cultivation base deteriorated, and even Shouyuan was quickly consumed. Not to mention hands-on, it would be good to live.

And Ning Xuan is going to see now, under the ancestor of the Earth Spirit, a disciple who has been here for more than ten years...

"Even if it is waste wood, it is also under the ancestor of the Earth Spirit. Brother Lin can't discriminate against them? But if these disciples can't afford this picture, it shouldn't matter to me..."

This is the intention in Ning Xuan's heart. When he came here, he randomly found a waste wood disciple and flickered.

Of course, even if the other party is waste wood, then it is impossible to just listen to yourself.

It doesn't matter if you don't listen. Anyway, this kind of person is stationed here for a long time, and the cultivation base has long been lost, even if you do it, you can't hurt yourself.

When the time comes, he will leave when he has finished speaking, and he will be ignored, and it will be considered to complete the task assigned by Brother Lin...

Ning Xuan was thinking about this while he was in the shadow of the woods, turning around and turning around. After almost half an hour, he finally found the place where he was stationed.

At first glance, in this weird ghost forest, there is a log cabin.

I don't know how long this cabin has been repaired, and the surface is a bit tattered.

It's no wonder that in this squalid place, in addition to the ghost tree heavily infected by yinqi, which can take root and survive, only this kind of vajra wood that has grown into an inch for a long time can withstand long-term erosion of yinqi here. .

It’s just that King Kong is hard to come by. After all, for the stationed disciples here, it’s not bad to build a building. If you want to repair it, there is no door...

"You're out of luck!"

Ning Xuan gave a pitiful glance at the hut. As a disciple of the true ancestor, he was sent here and suffered nothing. He didn't expect to be bullied by a loose repair.

It's really miserable.

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