
Chapter 1666: Devour

"Uncle Feng Chi, you just refined it, it should be the blood of the ancestor and witch? I just need a little blood of the ancestor and witch. If the uncle Feng Chi is convenient at hand, can I borrow a little?"

Lin Fei's words seemed to be quite polite, with a smile on his face, but when it came out, it suddenly turned Zhu Feng's face down.

The white-haired real person next to him is also secretly worse. As a person who often beats home and robs home, Lin Fei should not be too familiar with this set of sayings.

What to borrow, obviously means to rob.

As a recidivist, white-haired real people are accustomed to this, there is no accident, but the choice of your robbery target is just like a joke.

This is really a strongman who can kill the blood of the ancestor and witch alive. You are too exciting to play...

At this time, let's not talk about the real white-haired person. Even Chu Chufeng looked at this and that. He was hesitant for a while, quite uncertain.

Ordinarily, holding this senior's thigh by oneself, he should naturally be the enemy of him, but Lin Fei on the opposite side...

Others don’t know it, don’t you know it yet, but that is a refining master who can make even Heaven-level magic weapons. Such characters, even if they can’t be drawn, are definitely not offending...

In case of a fight, which side do you want to help...

However, in this scene, when I was stuck in a stalemate, I saw that the real person who chased the wind did not have the slightest anger, but only looked at Lin Fei for a moment, and finally did not do it. What happened was unexpected.

"I will meet you at the Tomb of the Ancestral Witch."

After listening to this sentence, he raised his hand and waved, and saw a red light, which shot towards Lin Fei.

After Lin Fei took it, he smiled and said, "When my master comes out, he will thank you personally."

However, Zhu Fengzhenren snorted coldly and turned away.

Chu Lifeng recovered, and after looking at Lin Fei, he followed up with doubt.

For a time, there were only Lin Fei and Bai Fazhen...

"This, is this really the blood of the ancestors?"

After a long while, Bai Fazhen's talent finally reacted, but he still couldn't believe it.

This is the blood of the ancestors and witches, the only supernatural creature that only exists in this place, even if it is not used to enter the tomb of the ancestor and witches, taking it out is also an excellent treasure of alchemy refinery.

If you change yourself, who dares to **** this thing, it must be unstoppable.

How could it be so easy for Lin Fei?

"This thing, there will be nothing wrong with it..." For a time, real white hair guessed there.

"no problem."

However, Lin Fei didn't even look at it, so he put it away. As a refiner, if he can't distinguish the authenticity of the material, it will be in vain for so many years...

But then, he just said, "Go and find out if there is any news of ancestral blood around..."

"Ah?" The white-haired real man froze for a moment. "Isn't that enough?"

Although there is not much blood of this ancestor, but it comes from the blood of the ancestor, its quality is very high, which is enough to break into the tomb of the ancestor...

But just after the words were spoken, I immediately reacted. Mom's own captive asked so much. This kind of ruthless person that even the middle-aged monk must give in. It must be extremely ruthless. Let yourself do whatever you want. That's it, whatever he does...

At that time, after saying goodbye, he quickly left the place.

As for taking the opportunity to escape, I never thought about it...

Not to mention, the black-bone flying sword is in the hands of the opponent. With this kind of life-repairing treasure in hand, as long as there is a monk with some means, he can easily trace the whereabouts of the magic weapon master, let alone Lin Fei...

Just after the white-haired real man left, Lin Fei suddenly raised his hand and waved. Suddenly, he saw a blood-red sword qi. Among the fierce screams of "Dang", he shot out and flew around Lin Feifei, It looks like some pet is excited and inexplicable, with an impatient gesture...

"Anyway, it is also the ninth grade gold of the day after tomorrow.

Lin Fei shook his head a little helplessly, but during the speech, he took the drop of the blood of the ancestor and witch who had just received it.

That drop of ancestral witch blood was extremely red, like a **** pearl. Although there was only one drop, but the first appearance, it made all these directions filled with a full of blood. It seemed that there was a sea of ​​blood here. .

Lin Fei is not surprised, after all, it is the blood of the ancestors and witches, even if it has been volatilized for thousands of years, this is also a normal state. Enough to revive a small world.

In contrast, this drop of ancestral witch blood can only be regarded as a younger brother...

Of course, Lin Fei did not intend to use it for too large purposes. At this time, it was just a flick. The **** sword gas that had been circling there for a long time, just like a cat that saw a mouse, immediately Pounced up.

Swallow that drop of ancestral witch blood, and suddenly, I saw that the blood-colored sword Qi suddenly became very red, and after a few laps, it quickly shrank again.

In an instant, it turned into one-third of its original size, where it changed from polar to extremely quiet, and stayed there motionless, forming a great contrast compared to just now.

But as it shrinks, the breath in it is expanding rapidly...

It's like a fierce beast that breeds in it, growing fast in this **** sword spirit...

"not bad."

After observing for a while, Lin Fei also showed his satisfaction. After the desolate blood gold and the blood of the ancestral witch, the effect was better than expected.

In fact, when he first came to this place, Lin Fei was refining and warming the sword qi that originated from the blood spirit **** Jin, and he was restless there.

After all, this blood spirit **** gold is originally a unique **** gold from the Wu people. It is particularly sensitive to things containing the blood of the Wu people. It is like its ration...

And when it felt the breath of the blood of the ancestor, it was like carp seeing the legendary dragon gate.

The feeling of anxiety and throbbing is simply the ultimate point that the ninth grade God Gold can have...

Not to mention this drop of ancestral witch blood, even if it comes with another bucket, it is afraid that all comers will refuse.

As one of his core sword spirits, Lin Fei will naturally not be stingy, and would also like to see where it will eventually grow...

And most importantly, this drop of ancestral witch blood came from the real person chasing the wind, which is also a temptation to him...

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