
Chapter 1673: Replacement

With so many golden corpses here, coupled with the remote control layout of the dusty old ghost, it is almost impossible for me to get out of trouble...

How to do…

At this time, the white-haired real person is really a bit desperate. He has searched for clues about Master for so many years. Now he has clues. Who knows that it is hitting this matter now, but Master is still waiting for himself to save...

At first, Master devoted so much effort to himself, but now he is so unskillful, and I don’t know if Master knows, will he blame himself...

Forget it, blame it, blame it. I have done my best, and I will accompany Master when it’s a big deal...

The group of golden corpses was approaching to less than ten feet, completely covering the light at the gap, and for a time, the white-haired real person closed his eyes in despair.

"Who, who is attacking? Come out for Lao Tzu."


At this moment, in the ears of the white-haired real person, he only heard a crisp sword sound, and suddenly it sounded, and then, suddenly, there was a panic voice from Chen Laogui.

A few meanings?

Dust Lao Gui is crazy?

Suddenly, the white-haired real man opened his eyes and looked. Then, suddenly he was blinded.

It seemed like a sun, with extremely hot and bright light, coming down from the sky!

"Why, what?"

Bai Fazhen was stunned at that time. For a time, it seemed that the sun in the sky had fallen...

It seems that the next moment, I will melt under the extreme heat of the sun...

what is this?

Forget it, no matter what he is, how to die is not a death anyway, it is better than dying in the hands of the old ghost, and he is better than a corpse emperor...

But at the next moment, the real white-haired person found something wrong...

When the sun fell, he actually bypassed himself.

I saw the endless sunlight and flames, and they fell down towards the golden corpses. In an instant, it was like snow and ice, and those melted like that...


The white-haired real person just watched, just a foot away, then there seemed to be an invisible boundary between the golden corpse and himself.

On one side is the blazing flames, like a **** of flames, on the other side, even a leaf has not been scorched...

And the golden corpse that originally formed in front of his own eyes was actually dead in sevens and eights! Directly opened up a broad road.

"I depend!"

The white-haired real person has been stunned for a long time, and was surrounded by despair.

And it's not over yet...

Just after the group of golden corpses burned into powder, the sun turned suddenly, twisted slightly in the air, and went towards the stunned dust old ghost hidden behind the golden corpse...

At this time, the dusty ghost just recovered, and without hesitation, immediately turned and fled.

It's a pity that the light of the fire didn't let him go, the light of the sun was like a fence, framing him as a whole...

This is a slaughter...

There is a magic weapon beside the old ghost, it is not like the money is spilled out, in order to be able to stop for a moment and find a way out for himself.

It is a pity that no matter how the magic weapon is swayed, it is useless in front of the sun, which is like a moth extinguishing the fire and turning into a ash...

It was only at this time that the white-haired real person finally saw clearly, what seemed like the sun was actually a sword spirit...

And after that sword spirit turned around in a circle, it was to cut the dust old ghost directly into two halves.

It was just when the sword gas was about to shatter the soul of the dusty old ghost, but the body shattered, and the soul did not appear directly, as if this was an empty shell.

And at this time, the sky of flames had gone out, and that sword gas, hovering in the air, finally fell into Lin Fei's hands...

However, in the eyes of real white-haired people, Lin Fei at this time gave him an unusual feeling.

After raising his hand to hold the ray of sword gas, he didn't know where he received it. However, he beheaded so many golden corpses, but he seemed to have done nothing, just walked over like that...

This, this is Lin Fei?

"What's the matter, is this a stand-in?"

However, at this time, Lin Fei frowned when he looked at the body.


Hearing the question, the real white-haired man recovered from his stunned eyes and quickly explained: "Yes, this is an incarnation. This is their only substitute for the Yinyin Gate. Now his soul should have escaped. Now..."

"I see." Lin Fei didn't care. After nodding, he just glanced at the white-haired real person: "What's the matter with you? Finding the blood of an ancestor and witch, looking for this long time?"

"I didn't delay!"

Originally, this was just a question, but it fell into the ears of a white-haired real person, but it immediately cleared the relationship and made some jokes. This fierce **** almost killed a dusty ghost, and another one was upset and embarrassed. ?

"I didn't say you did it on purpose."

However, after Lin Fei glanced at him, he looked away and looked at the palace not far away: "What's going on?"

"This..." After hearing the question, the white-haired real person shuddered suddenly, and the subconscious wanted to cover up the past.

However, when he suddenly thought of something, he swallowed it when the real man came to his mouth and hesitated and said, "Here... there may be clues left by my master..."


When Lin Fei heard it, he was a little curious and walked with the white-haired real person.

Then, under the guidance of a white-haired real person, I saw the runes of the heavens on the chain...

"It's a world inside, but it looks strange, as if there is no life..."

When the real white-haired person was introduced here, Lin Fei's eyes suddenly turned up and turned to look at the real white-haired person: "You said, this is a lifeless world?"

"Yeah, yeah..." Seeing Lin Fei's face change, the white-haired real person was a little inexplicable.

"wait for me here."

However, Lin Fei did not care so much. After saying this sentence, he was the only one who stepped forward.


Bai Fazhen nodded a little dumbfounded, a little unclear what was going on.

And at this time, Lin Fei has stepped into the hall...

In front of me, just like when I first came here, it was a dead and normal world...

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