
Chapter 1835: Is this a human language?

In particular, the innate sword spirits burst into a burst of powerful roaring sounds, bursting out a huge force, spreading across the entire Sword Star River, and rushed to the edge of the Sword Star River, Toward the chaotic void, open up...

In the void, chaos and sword light sway, every moment, it seems that there is a world birth and death, and it seems that there is a natural rise and fall...

However, just as the Sword Star, gradually expanding, it was suddenly blocked and could not move for a long time.

Lin Fei didn't seem to have any awareness, just let the expansion of the sword star river stop, at this time, only a pair of eyes were looking at the sky, the battle scene of the two dharma bodies, frowning, not moving for a long time, as if it contained What the world is reasonable.

After a long time, Lin Fei looked back, thought a little, and raised his hand to grab it. Suddenly, the body of the blood-colored real dragon under that foot immediately burned up, and there was a trace of blood gas between the vigorous flame burning, It was absorbed and appeared, and it was instilled into Lin Fei...

After absorbing it for a while, Lin Fei's face became a little red, and the fluctuations of the true yuan around him became volatile, and there was a slight overflow.

Lin Fei stopped his hand, and then closed his eyes, urging the ten thousand swordsmanship of the heavens. Suddenly, the stoppage of the star of the sword star was gradually pushed up, and began to slowly expand again...

Time passes day by day...

Lin Fei's practice is repeated every day, either to look up at the dharma body battlefield, or to absorb half of the dragon corpse from time to time.

After ten days and a half months of practice, I only get up from time to time. In the vast environment of the Taoist Spiritualist, walking around, I am not in a hurry, I seem to be feeling something...

And in this unconscious time lapse, the sword star river revealed by Lin Fei's practice is also expanding, and the time at the edge of the pause has become less and less...

Just about half a year after this practice, Miaoxuan Zhenren finally woke up. After clarifying the current situation and knowing that he was actually in a state of dharma, he was also excited and could not care about his incompleteness. After recovering from the injury, he hurriedly greeted Lin Fei and immediately devoted himself to practice.

Lin Fei did not care, and his practice was not interrupted, so he practiced every day at his own pace, no hurry or slow...

Time passed quietly. When Lin Fei opened his eyes again, the dragon corpses around him had already been absorbed, and Lin Fei did not continue to practice. He just looked at the sky and frowned slightly: "It is still worse... Can not be done…"

Between the words, the star river of swords around Lin Fei seemed to have his own life. There was a natural expansion and contraction there, as if the creature breathed once, but if a powerful monk saw it, It will be known that in fact, between Xu and Shi, Zhu Tian Wan Jian Jue carried out a complete operation again.

And the sword star river, from inside to outside, was refined and expanded again.

Today, the star of the sword is much different than before. The entire volume alone is more than double the original size, and the sword light contained therein is more than doubled.

At a glance, there are countless rays of light, which are dotted with stars, exuding mysterious rays, as if seeing the complete starry sky...

Obviously, the purity of this sword light is also more refined than before...

But after Lin Fei took a few glances, he was not very satisfied, but instead frowned...

As early as the fifth month of this practice, Lin Fei had already felt it several times. The opportunity to break through, but I didn't know why, but he was unable to break through. It has been delayed until now.

It seems that there is some invisible level in it, and there is a horizontal cross there, blocking myself. Whenever I feel prepared and capable of crossing over, the level is raised correspondingly. Still blocked there, making myself unable to move forward...

This feeling of hindrance is the first time Lin Fei has collided since this practice.

"What is missing?"

Lin Fei glanced back and thought to himself, this must be something wrong, which made him blocked in front of the real body level, but he didn't notice it for a while...

Many people have encountered this level...

For example, the Miaoxuan Zhenren, he did not easily break through that year. It was also before the level of the real body. For decades, it was closed for a while before it could break through. This is already in the real body. Genius.

As for the forest half lake...

Well, as I practiced Lin Banhu I, I didn’t seem to encounter any decent levels. I sang along the way, and those levels that could kill a person’s life were all evened out by him...

If you have the opportunity to ask, the possible answer is, "No matter what he is in front of me, I will cut it with my sword." Such an unreasonable answer?

Thinking of this, Lin Fei smiled bitterly. His self-cultivation in this life looked very fast. It seemed that his performance when he encountered the level was still a bit far away from the unreasonable flat push of Lin Banhu.

In fact, if Lin Fei's idea was known to others, I was afraid that others would have to be annoyed and angry at the time, and then spit it out with a spit. If you get stuck for a year, can you be in trouble?

As monks, who doesn’t go against the sky, how can it be so easy to practice? One year? If you can break through the real body, it would be hundreds of thousands of years, and even stuck here for a lifetime, it should be...

If you want to go over in a year, what do you think of the many monks who died before this level...

For example, Miaoxuan Zhenren is like this...

"I said you don't want to go too far, okay. Everyone came here between life and death. How much do you leave me a face, I want to overcome this difficulty in a year, and you are a little too..."

Originally, Miao Xuan Zhenren had a lot of gains during this year. From the moment he first entered the Fa phase, he broke through to the middle of the Fa phase. It seems that he only broke through a small realm, but know that this is the realm of Fa phase. Generally speaking, There are more people who have been unable to move forward for hundreds of years.

Compared with them, this is already a miracle.

At the beginning, Miaoxuan Zhenren's mood was also very good, but when she turned her face and saw Lin Fei who didn't speak people all day, it was really a good mood...

A real body will be achieved in one year? Do you hear that this is human language?

It's too much...

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