
Chapter 1873: Two tricks

These methods, used to deal with those really young monks, may have some effect, but for people like Lin Fei who have lived for two lifetimes, they can’t be touched at all. Instead, they kill the ancient wasteland master The meaning is even heavier.


All of a sudden, except for Taiyi Sword Qi, the remaining eight sword qi suddenly emerged. After being insulted by Lin Fei Zhenyuan, the nine sword qi burst out suddenly. A great power.

Between the whistling, bursts of screaming sounds ripped through the space, and they collided fiercely with the ancient barbarian master.

For a time, the aftermath of terror spread toward the distance, and the whole world seemed to be madly shocked at this moment.

But at this time, there was a line of sight, with a shocked look, looked at the ancient wasteland master...,

Immediately afterwards, the wound expanded rapidly, and finally, in those terrifying eyes, his arms were violently violently turned into a piece of scattered flesh, accompanied by broken scales, scattered in the air...


At the moment when the arms of the ancient barren master exploded, all the monks from Tianmen City had a somewhat unbelievable look. When they looked at Lin Fei, they looked like ghosts...

This is too scary...

However, now this second collision is actually directly abolishing the arms of the ancient wasteland master? ,

These nine sword spirits come out together, actually have such strong power? !

"how is this possible!"

The young demon still in the battle, when he saw this scene, his face suddenly changed greatly. This was the first time he saw that his father, within two strokes, was directly abolished. Arms?

What is the difference?

But when it was a bit dull, there was a dangerous wooden sword, and suddenly a snorting came flying, almost hurting the vital point, and the young demon quickly escaped.

But at this time, I only saw Hong Yitian looking at it with a sneer and said: "Fight with me, dare to be distracted? Instead of worrying about your father, it is better to worry about yourself."

This time, not only did the young demon get frightened, but at the same time, it gave Hong Yitian and other monks in Tianmen City great confidence.

At this time, when looking at the young figure in the sky again, the complex color in Hong Yitian's eyes had disappeared, and the rest was only relief.

Maybe, let him get that chance, it is really the best result...

Lin Fei, who got the chance, directly cut the arms of the ancient wilderness as soon as he entered the real body. This kind of combat power is really scary...

At this time, in addition to looking at Lin Fei, the monks in Tianmen City did not forget to pay attention to the ancient miserable tribal master who was in a somewhat miserable state.

If there is no accident, this battle is probably over soon...

Not to mention other people, that is, the ancient wasteland master himself, after his arms were abolished by the nine swords, and his awkward face revealed the first time that a terrified look appeared. …

As a demon in the real state, in fact, his arms can also be regenerated, but at this time, a face is abandoned, which is a failure...

This only shows that the strength gap between the two sides is really too large...

In the air, Lin Fei was condescending and looked at the ancient wasteland master. Nine Daoqi circulated gently around him, stained with blood. At this time, he was madly swallowing these flesh and blood from the real body. Lin Fei was not so anxious. Too.

Although everyone is a real body, the gap is widening from all aspects. The ancient wasteland master seems to have no strength against the nine Daoqi...

After all, these nine sword qi come from the ancestors of thousands of swords that haven't existed since ancient times. Lin Fei also took great risks to cultivate it.

Now, it's time to flower and bear...

This kind of heavenly sword tactics mixed with congenital sword qi is not the real body of the level of the ancient waste clan master. It can resist...

"If you self-discipline, I can keep half of the demon's life and let them be slaves forever." Lin Fei said lightly as he explained a simple fact.

The demon emperor's face was fierce, but his eyes glanced gloriously across the large battlefield below. Obviously, in his own state, it is unlikely to win this war...

As for the lives of the remaining monsters...

The eyes of the demon emperor changed, and suddenly, he turned and fled without warning, and the speed exploded to the extreme. This actually did not take into account the large demon below, but just wanted to avoid Lin Fei at this time, Find a way for yourself.


The countless demons below, after seeing this scene, couldn't help but burst apart. Obviously, the first retreat of this leader was a great blow for them.

Lin Fei just glanced at the figure of the ancient wasteman and shook his head and said, "Find death."

Lin Fei did not move, just raised his hand and waved. Suddenly, Jiu Dao had just drunk the sword qi of the blood of the ancient desert clan master, which turned into a blood-thirsty wild beast. Burst out.

Only a few flashes in the air, the nine Daoqi like a ghost, appeared in front of the ancient barren master.

The ancient wasteland master hurriedly wanted to retreat, but when he turned around, he suddenly found that beside him, there was a star sea of ​​swords. I don't know when, he had spread his feet in all directions.

In this vast sea of ​​stars, it seems that infinite power has gathered. Under the cover of this sea of ​​stars, it seems that the sky is trembling and shaking...


The ancient wasteland master roared violently. At this time of life and death, he burst out his full potential and desperately wanted to rush out of this heavy block.


However, the nine sword spirits urged by Lin Fei at this time were as powerful as if they were far beyond a realm.

When that whizzing out, the desperate resistance seemed to be false. In the middle, I didn't even use it for a moment, and the nine sword qi appeared on the chest of the ancient wasteman.

A large mouthful of red blood spurted from the main mouth of the ancient wasteland. At the next moment, his entire body, under that great force, fell like a falling meteor towards the bottom. Above that ground you.

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