
Chapter 1888: Flame world

Ephesus is out of bounds, the central location of the war.

When that wave of volatility came, it spread throughout the world in an instant. While Lin Fei changed color, the spirit of the demon emperor suddenly had a great joy of salvation: "Sir, save me! Wait, this..."

But at the end of the second half of this remark, the great joy of salvation in that remark turned to consternation and despair.

Because, just when he was about to be saved, he only saw that the wave of volatility was unabated, and he was rushing towards himself.

The next moment, it just came over...

This volatility directly swept Lin Fei when it came, but this volatility came across countless distances, and its own power has been somewhat weakened. Lin Fei was the first to use the ancestor who had just received great benefits. The Wuxuying body protector, although equally damaged, was barely blocked...

After the turbulence swept through, the imaginary shadow of the ancestral witch who had just been solidified was suddenly dimmed a lot, but Lin Fei's face was pale after spitting out a blood, but he hadn't suffered any harm.

However, the demon emperor was not so lucky...

He is already in a state of soul, and it seems that what method he used to condense it out is extremely unstable. Without physical protection, the intensity is simply worse than that of the law.

When this wave passed through, it did not last long. After this wave passed through, it was directly disintegrated and collapsed in a panic...

Originally, the demon emperor thought that he was going to save his fluctuations, but actually killed him directly...

And the disappearance of this wave of volatility, outside of this world, has two huge wills, slowly retreating back into a hot world...

In a world of flames...

All over the volcano, clusters of black smoke rose from the crater and filled the sky.

The magma flows horizontally, with magma lakes and long rivers everywhere, which eventually converge to form a marginal magma ocean.

What's weird is that in this magma-filled world, there is a strain of trees rooted in the magma and born next to the volcano.

The bark is rugged, and there are leaves on the crown, but it seems that the flames are burning,

At this time, at the tallest towering ancient tree, I only saw a girl who looked 17 or 18 years old, had a pretty face, and wore a floating feather coat, but was sitting next to this ancient tree.

The young girl's delicate and fair skin, with the rough bark like black rock, formed a great contrast, but at this time, the girl frowned delicately, as if thinking about something.

The towering old tree was motionless, even the reddish-golden leaves of the tree were still for it, as if fearing that it would disturb the girl's thinking.

a long time.

The girl suddenly said, "Old guy, what do you think?"

Opposite the girl, sitting an old man, wearing a simple white robe, white beard and white hair looks like an ordinary centenarian, but somehow it looks like it is shrouded in a mist, It's quite strange to see it, but it's inexplicable to remember...

Between the two, a simple tea set was placed. The old man put a small tea cup in his hand and gently put it down: "Those in Tianmen City, this time the determination has been determined."

"Good." The Phoenix girl who had dealt with Lin Fei many times, but gently nodded, white forehead, gently wrinkled: "Otherwise, they will not help, help an outsider, achieve the real body, that little Guy, when I met before, I wasn’t even Jin Dan, but I didn’t expect that, after all these years, I had such a chance..."

At that time, when Phoenix and Lin Fei met, Lin Fei was not even Jin Dan, as if it were a chess piece, she could be at her mercy.

Even she did not expect that Lin Fei would actually have today.

Although in the eyes of Fashen, the real body is still not enough to have an equal dialogue with herself, but obviously, now she can no longer treat it as an ordinary pawn...

Speaking of this, the girl seemed to remember something. After glancing at the old man, she said, "Speaking of it, you also have some chances with him. Then he is a self-contained figure, what did you find with your master?" It was in the hands of the little guy. When the little guy comes to persuade you, you can take the opportunity to find it back."

His free array is exactly one of the seventy-two arrays of the Tianji School. The first time he was born, he appeared in the hands of the mysterious master and apprentice of the Tianji School.

Only later, the pair of mysterious mentors and apprentices Xu peeped through the heavens, and even on the eve of the catastrophe, they withdrew away and led everyone to speculate where they had gone.

But now, the apprentices of the pair of apprentices are alive to the present, and from his attitude of being able to sit with the Phoenix and treating them as equals, this apprentice seems to have achieved the Dharma Body.

"In the past, our mentors and disciples found that our chances were lost. It was also our fate that was exhausted. The young man could get the treasures that his deeds had arrived. The fate of the fate was not necessary." No fluctuations, just said lightly.

"Your mentor and apprentice are free and easy. Then when the big disaster came, did you escape so free and easy?" The girl said with a sneer.

This time, the old man was silent for a moment, and then said, "My master said before his death that the monk was going against the sky. I am a monk, but I am very particular about moving along the sky, but it is not compatible. Heaven is different from others, and practicing in the cracks is right or wrong. Maybe we were the ones who were wrong."

Upon hearing this, the Phoenix Girl looked at him for a while and said, "So, are you going to prepare the old guys who promised to Tianmen City?"

The old man said lightly: "We have done this for a long time and owe it to the world for a long time. Although it is a little late now, we finally did what we should do. This is the life of our masters and disciples."

"Your master and apprentice's life?" The girl raised her eyebrows when she heard this, "Then do you want to help me calculate, what is my life, I was born innately, the same generation as heaven and earth, self-contained One thing, I don’t owe anything!"

"My Master also said a word, life is made by oneself." The old man said lightly: "You are innate, but you should also see what this world of heavens is like after this great catastrophe After the end, after Lao Long went, do you still think they will let you go?"

"Oh, you became the lobbyist of those people first." The girl sneered.

The old man shook his head and said no more. He just looked at the distance and said, "I will go and see you again."

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