
Chapter 1979: ask to see

In the eyes of outsiders, I only saw that after the "little sun" fell, a splendid pyrotechnic fire broke out in the same place, generally with the fireworks, and there were strong waves of waves, rippling, spreading out in all directions. .

Under this devastating wave, as if everything in the world, the color has become much darker. As the wave spreads farther and farther, various palace buildings that have existed for thousands of years are silent. The room was melted clean.

Eventually reduced to the purest point, dissipated.

It wasn't until the entire area where the Li family lived for generations that became a field that had been ploughed by cattle, that fluctuation slowly subsided...

It's just that since then, the Li Clan, who had once ruled hundreds of thousands of miles in this area, was destroyed....

"If the ancestor of your family still comes back, tell him to go to me first, otherwise he and his grandchildren, I can't guarantee how much is left. Take it away."

When the words fell, the monks behind Zhou Xiangfu swarmed up, except for the head of the Li family, all the others were **** and pressed back to ask Jianzong, it seems that they will also be sent to the crypt. Too.

"The next place." Zhou Xiangfu didn't seem to ruin the concept of a cultivating clan, as if he had just done a routine job, a trivial thing, and after talking about it, he went to the next place with everyone One place.

In the end, above this white ground, only the Li family was rectified, but it still didn't seem to react from the sudden annihilation of the clan, and he stood there alone, and those who lived with him all day long were indeed captured. Now...

And the condition is that the ancestor of his own family who has not come out for a long time appears...

It seemed like a dream, but it happened very quickly...

A group of monks followed Zhou Xiangfu to the next place.

In the next few days, Zhou Xiangfu attacked around, led many monks, tossed around multiple worlds, and swept the momentum together, directly killing four or five schools.

So far, the people who had doubted the list were swept through almost all of them.

But to continue, it is a dozen small and medium schools and unreliable repairs. Although it is doubtful, no matter how you look, you should not have enough combat power to **** the blue dragon blood.

However, Zhou Xiangfu still didn't let them go, but against them, he didn't have to play on his own, so he directly appointed several celebrity monks, each led a part of the manpower, and rushed to the remaining forces.

Until now, but only three days have passed, but the power of Tianmen City, under Lin Fei's order, has shown amazing action.

It is only now that everyone feels that under Lin Fei's order, there will be so many forces that have been inherited for thousands of years and will be easily destroyed.

Unconsciously, Lin Fei's hands have easily gathered the ordinary martial arts and inherited the strength that he has not possessed for thousands of years.

You should know that when Lin Fei's order was just passed down, many people were still a bit disapproved. In their view, at most, it was just a check, and everyone would at least give a face to cooperate.

Who would have thought that Lin Fei's will was so determined that once he shot, it would be ruined...

For a time, it was almost self-defeating. When those forces that felt guilty and reacted and wanted to resist, they were too late. Within three days, Lin Fei had swept away those forces.

Suddenly, the whole world is a little uproar.

If the threat of the Black Abyss makes everyone restless, then Lin Fei's current domineering style can easily threaten the existence of his own forces with one command, but it also makes people feel uneasy.

Therefore, from the beginning of the operation, Lin Fei, who was sitting in front of Jianzong, was constantly receiving letters from various forces in the table case, either directly or politely to protest.

It's just that the letters belonged to the letters and really dared to come in person. However, it was none of them who gave Lin Fei an opinion in person, let alone jumped out and blocked it with action. ,

Lin Fei didn't pay much attention to these, because in his view, things were also very simple.

Many forces now have been accustomed to the quite peaceful situation among the heavens and the world for tens of thousands of years, and have become accustomed to the checks and balances of the ancient heritage.

And his rise was too sudden, as if an elephant suddenly appeared in the room. If you move it randomly, it will attract a complaint.

However, this is not a problem. With more movement in the future, they will gradually get used to it. By then, everything will return to its original state, and there will be no more protests.

After all, at any time, among the heavens and the world, they still speak of cultivation.

So, in the end, although the people sent by Lin Fei spent a lot of effort, they finally caught a few targets and sent them back to Wen Jianzong.

And when the last monk was brought in front of Lin Fei, it was already late at night. They were four people in total, two men and two women. Among them, there are quite some famous characters.

But now, they are all sturdy and sturdy, with scars on their bodies, kneeling in front of Lin Fei...

These people, without exception, are all Fa-sian monks. Among them, the strongest is the peak of the Fa-shou. This was originally a loose practice. After getting the wind, he ran away long ago, but in the end, he was still seen by others. The merits were given.

Lin Fei has also seen their identities for a long time. He is sitting there now, looking at these five people lightly and saying, "Why have you been arrested? You should know how to do it. I will only give you a chance to make good use of it. , If you don’t want to be invested below."

Hearing this, several people were trembling and their faces were pale.

Before they came here, they were imprisoned in the crypt below, and they saw the punishment and means in their own eyes. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a copy of hell!

A few of them looked at each other, all showing hesitation, obviously there was no firm will to say nothing.

Before waiting for Lin Fei to ask, a monk who asked Jianzong came in suddenly and said carefully, "Brother Lin, someone outside is asking for advice..."

"Who wants to see now?"

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