
Chapter 601: Original gold

Qingling looked up at the piece of black water that fell like a waterfall. With both hands raised, the Infinite Dragon rushed out. With her finger, she rushed into the sky and fought against the black water!

Regardless of the battle between the two, the sky shook, the ground cracked, the surrounding mountains collapsed, the wind wrecked everything and swept everything, and what I saw was the end of the world!

The cave where Lin Fei and others were located could not be supported and shattered into powder, but they were covered with magic weapons and did not attract the attention of the two teams below.

And the vitality in this tomb almost reached its peak...

Looking at the ups and downs below, Lin Fei, who has been silent, suddenly said: "Go, it's time for us to shoot."

Li Guanyu and Liu Tong froze: "What?"

"Revealed that piece of anti-scale to him, so that this Qinglong King also hurt."

Lin Fei said, rushing down without looking back, the goal is the source of Longsha!

At this time, the Green Spirit and the Black Dragon fought in high altitude, and some monsters and monks also followed. The majestic war intentions and infinite killing intentions shot out. The green fog rolling dragon below was exposed to Lin Fei. Wait for someone.

After the cave and others, Li Guanyu already had a subconscious trust in Lin Fei, even though he still feels that this approach is dangerous, but Lin Fei has already spoken, then it should be no problem!

Liu Tong and Chen Rui couldn't bear such strong grievances and were left on top, only Li Guanyu followed Lin Fei.

The closer to the source of Longsha, the more painful pain that countless bugs drilled straight into the bone marrow meridians also became stronger, but fortunately, Lin Fei and Li Guanyu both have magical body protectors. Endure.

"Brother Lin, we must make a quick decision this time." Li Guanyu looked at the source of the Dragon and Dragon closer and said softly.

Lin Fei responded casually, but his eyes were looking around, not knowing what he was looking for.

Li Guanyu frowned, just to say something, but saw three figures suddenly appeared in front of him!

The three men were covered with a thick layer of blue mist, blood stained on their bodies, and their faces were terrible, even Huo Zheng, Guo Zichang and Peng Ze were in charge!

Behind these three people, two others galloped!

Lin Fei's expression finally became serious, a look that someone really guarded.

Li Guanyu's expression was awe-inspiring. At this time, Lin Fei's voice sounded in his ear: "Senior brother, these people have given it to you. It is best to have a quick decision."

what? What do you mean?

An ominous premonition suddenly rose, Li Guanyu stared at Lin Fei with wide eyes, but he saw that he sacrificed the impermanent sword gas, and in a blink of an eye his body and breath disappeared...

Suddenly, Li Guanyu himself was left in front of the five enhanced version of the palm master infested by Long Sha...

I rely on...

Leng Yi rushed into Li Guanyu's spine in an instant, his scalp exploded, and with the murderous gaze of the five guys, he swallowed...

Lin Fei, you are a gangster, so let me give me these five monsters? !

Li Guanyu finally abandoned the restraint and dignity of his disciples, and Lin Fei, who could no longer see his body, yelled!


It’s okay to scold...

No matter whether he was pitted or not, the five palm masters rushed towards Li Guanyu after offering the magic weapon, beckoning the killer, very fiercely!

Li Guanyu can only scold Lin Fei while gritting his teeth, while offering all the magic weapons he can use, trying his best to deal with these five monsters...

For a time, the killing spirit shook the sky, the Taoism and the Law flew, and Li Guanyu had both offensive and defensive means. The means were even more fierce. I also earned some room to fight, not being beaten, just enough to bear.

However, this is also thanks to the fact that the Black Dragon King killed these palm masters soon, and one by one was seriously injured, and even Longsha couldn't save them...

At the time when Li Guanyu and the five masters struggled hard, Lin Fei, under the cover of impermanent sword gas, came to the source of Qinglongsha.

The blue dragon here is as unbearable as the hot magma erupting from the crater. It can almost destroy the defense of the monk's building in an instant...

As soon as Lin Fei rushed over, he felt the strength to devour him. He was shocked in his heart, and immediately sacrificed six sword qi, laying a tight defense for himself.

Taiyi turned into a long dragon around Lin Fei to prevent the invasion of evil, Xiritongyou, the four sword qi of the cloud pattern thunder jail protect the four sides, and the impermanent sword qi always poured a mist to cover Lin Fei's breath. With vitality.

After finishing all this, Lin Fei was a little relieved. The heavens floated continuously in his body, and a golden light floated on his body surface. Immediately, he suddenly opened the nether earth and released the nine Daoqing dragons who had been restless. Go out!

The light of nine blues suddenly appeared, and even when it was wrapped in the blue mist, the source of the dragon dragon that was originally churning, became more and more intense at this moment, and at this time, a golden light suddenly flew from the depths of the dragon. come out!


At the moment of seeing this bright light, Lin Fei's eyes lit up suddenly, the original golden energy!

The turbulent golden qi struck like a wave, and the six sword qi that surrounded Lin Fei's body was buzzing. Fortunately, there was a whole world of fighting sounds before it caught the attention of others.

As soon as the original golden energy appeared, it brought mountain-like coercion, and straightened down the blue mist, which made Jiu Dao Qinglong Dun reappear, and then the golden light flickered, and flew towards Qinglong Dun!

It wants to suppress Qinglong Dun!

Lin Fei didn't panic, leaving only the Taiyi sword qi protecting himself and the impermanent sword qi covering his life. The remaining four sword qi all flew out, blocking the golden qi!

The original gold gas looked as if it was just an extremely bright golden light, but it was discovered after touching that it was powerful and fierce, with amazing power, and the hidden gold gas was as vast as the sand of the northern desert.

The golden qi continuously flowed out from the distant golden qi, blocking the four sword qi at ten feet away, and then the golden light rushed towards the green dragon escape again, and straightly gathered the three green dragon escapes.

Jin Qi is a great supplement to Lin Fei's sword qi, but if he is as violent and sharp as the eyes, and does not listen to the guided gold qi, it will only damage the sword qi.

Lin Fei's face sank, and Zhenyuan surged out, and all fell into the sword spirit in front of him!

Xiri's sword gas burst into a dazzling light than the scorching sun, and cut out in the sky. When the sword light was close to the original gold gas, it turned into a red flame. The three-legged golden black wings fluttered and the flames swarmed up. The original gold qi is firmly trapped!

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