
Chapter 897: Visiting

Si Lang recovered, and he remembered the tribes under the mountain. His face changed, and he hurried down the mountain.

In order to capture the phoenix fox this time, a total of 53 tribes entered the mountain together. In addition to the five climbers including Silang and others climbed to the peak, forty-eight people protected the tribe under the mountain in order to keep all the retreats in all directions. Catching a fox in a battle is a perfect strategy, but no one expected such a big change on the mountain. When the spirit beasts surged, the clan under the hill could no longer sustain the large formation of trapped beasts, and it collapsed instantly.

However, fortunately, those spirit beasts had red eyes for the soon-to-be-born blood-spirit stone, and did not put the clan people in their eyes. The mountain was extremely high. Although the mountain was very quiet, the snake poison did not reach the foot of the mountain. Therefore, the clan Although some people were injured by falling rocks, no one was killed.

When Si Lang ran down the mountain, the expressions of those people were even more surprised than him. The original sadness suddenly turned into a surprise: "Si Lang?! Are you okay?"

Just after the beasts were attacking together and the giant snake was messing up, they had more than 30 warriors, and they did not dare to say that they had retreated from the mountain, so even if they did not say anything on their mouths, they believed that Si Lang and others might have been killed. Now, at first glance, Si Lang came down from the mountain, and all of them were surprised and happy, and at the same time, his eyes were different.

"I saw visions rising from the mountain, there were demon lights scattered, and the giant snake fell to the ground..." An older clan asked Si Lang in shock: "Is this what you did?"

The clan people have come from all over the place one after another, and have opened their enquiries.

"What happened on the mountain?"

"Did the Phoenix Tail Fox catch it?"

"And the giant snake."

"Si Lang, did you really kill that blue snake?"


Si Lang was dizzy when asked, but when he heard the blue giant snake, he shook his head again and again: "Not me, not me."

"Hahaha, you kid, what's so humble? There are five of you on the mountain. It's not you. Could it be that other people couldn't kill it?"

Si Lang's face was red.

At this time, Si Kou and four others also came down from the mountain. They dragged a giant snake and counted the bodies of the spirit beasts. The clan people saw that their eyes were straight.

"Si Lang, did you really kill the giant snake?"

"You have made great contributions. Now you not only have so many prey, but also protect our lives. When the elders pray to the gods, the gods will inevitably give you more powerful power, maybe you can get you into the city to study. Maybe."

The tribulation won't die, but instead he got so many things. The original atmosphere of despair was suddenly replaced by surprise and excitement.

It's just that Si Lang blushed and gritted his teeth: "It's not me who killed the snake!"

Si Lang's voice was very loud, and the tribes were stunned, looking at Si Lang a little puzzled.

Si Lang pursed his lips and pointed to Lin Fei standing next to him, saying: "He killed him."


Everyone took a look at Si Lang, and then at Lin Fei, who was light and breezy next to it, and clearly said: What a joke?

When it was determined that Si Lang was not kidding, everyone looked at Lin Fei's eyes, and when Si Kou took out the Blood Spirit Stone, everyone no longer knew how shocked he could be.

Next, in order not to have another accident, Si Yan, a senior among his peers, said that he would send someone to send the Shenshi and the injured tribe back to the tribe, and tell the tribe what happened here.

The task of escorting the Shenshi naturally fell on Si Yan and Si Lang.

Si Lang took the God Stone sent by Si Kou, and there was a bit of uncomfortable flash on his face. He thought about it and looked at Lin Fei. He asked quite a bit differently, "Do you want to see the elders and patriarchs with me?" ?After all, this time, you have the most credit."

Lin Fei smiled slightly: "It's too early at the moment, I still have to look around."

Hearing what he said, Si Lang was a little bit complicated, but he didn't force him and turned his head away with the clan.

Fifty-three members of the clan suddenly left most of them, and the dozen people under him obeyed the instructions of Si Yan. They picked up the common ones and searched for the spirit beasts dying near Bafeng Mountain and the spirit beasts that had been dried up. , And their gains are far more than everyone can imagine. In a day, they have more items than they have hunted in the past few years or even ten years...

Lin Fei did not do the search for his prey. After speaking with Si Kou, he walked towards the south peak. In the middle of the mountainside, he really found a large piece of rock minerals. Melted out and inhaled into the body.

The sun moved to the west, the sky was heavy, and the crowd gathered together to prepare for the return trip. While talking to the crowd, Si Kou looked outside while seeing Lin Fei coming, and he was relieved.

When a group of people returned to the tribe, although the tribes in the tribe got the news early, they were surprised to see that they brought back their prey one after another, and the prey that everyone brought back, not only the number Many can almost be stacked into hills, and the quality is even more amazing. The most eye-catching is the blue giant snake. Although the blood of a snake is absorbed by the **** stone, the toughness of the snake skin can be cast to resist the beasts. The armor of the claw, the tonic of the snake meat, and the snake gall bladder inside are even more rare things.

In addition, many spirit beasts, even never seen before.

With today's gains, they no longer have to worry about the tribute days.

The old men and women in the tribe suddenly got busy, handling prey and cooking dinner, and they were very happy.

Lin Fei walked through the tribe, almost everyone's eyes were watching him. The children in the tribe were much more honest than the adults. Instead of secretly observing, they all surrounded Lin Fei and asked twitter: "Yes Did you kill the serpent?"

Then the child's parents will hurriedly come and apologize to Lin Fei while taking their child away.

Lin Fei laughed, and in the eyes of everyone, without any discomfort, he returned to his room, and it didn't take long for his door to be knocked open.

"What's wrong?" Lin Fei looked at A Ning and asked softly.

"The patriarch and the elders are here." A Ning whispered.

Lin Fei looked at the house and nodded to A Ning, indicating that he knew.

When Lin Fei came to the main house, Si Kou hadn't come back outside. The patriarch and elder were sitting on the chair, looking at him quietly. It wasn't dark yet. The light outside the house came in, bringing the patriarch and the elder Face, clearly presented in front of Lin Fei.

A few days ago, Lin Fei also met the two of them from afar, and Si Kou also introduced them, but he never met. He smiled and bowed to the two of them.

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