
Chapter 929: Black mist

Seeing Lin Fei now, and thinking about the young man who was seriously injured, the patriarch could not connect the two.

After all, this gap has become so unreasonable that anyone can imagine that a person who was prepared to sell now saved their entire tribe...

No one believed it, but it happened...

Thanks to the boy Sikou...

The patriarch could not help but sigh. Fortunately, the kid insisted on saving Lin Fei at the time, otherwise, the consequences would be really unimaginable.

When the patriarch was full of emotion, Si Kou hurried over from a short distance.

The patriarch couldn't help but stunned. Wasn't the Si Kou sent him to sort out the battlefield? Why are you back?

Regardless of those, just reward the kid Sikou, at least ask the gods to tattoo this kid...

However, before waiting for him to speak, Si Kou first spoke anxiously.

"Patriarch, it's not good. Heishantou doesn't know why. He is emitting black mist out of it. It seems that there is a ghost howling in the black mist. Now the black mist is coming to the tiger tribe." Si Kou said anxiously.

"What?" The patriarch's face was full of surprise. If the dark mist spread over, they would not have to unite with other tribes. Just wait here to die.

The patriarch quickly went out with the squad leader. Sure enough, as soon as he walked out of the tribe, he saw the black mist in the distance diffuse toward this side, and in the black mist, there were countless ghosts hidden in the dark, swallowing each other, the black mist passed, all Turn into a ghost...

There are even places where they have not been long before, but now they have become a world of ghosts, and all creatures are assimilated by the black mist...

Fortunately, after all, the Black Mist did not continue to expand. It stopped at a distance of ten miles from the Tiger Tribe, and finally did not include the Tiger Tribe.

It's just that there is no sign of shrinkage in this dark fog, and I don't know when it will continue to spread...

"Patriarch, what shall we do now?"

"Wait..." The patriarch frowned, looking at the dark mist. Facing this power, he could do nothing...

After speaking, the patriarch looked at Lin Fei subconsciously.

After all, Lin Fei surprised him too much. He just repulsed the Lord of the Fang City just now. In the face of this black mist, should there be a way?

However, at this time, Lin Fei looked a little strange, just looking straight at the dark mist in the distance, his face gradually showed an incredible look...

The patriarch did not know what happened to Lin Fei.

"I'll go as soon as I go." Lin Fei had disappeared in front of the clan after he finished speaking.

"..." The patriarch looked at Lin Fei's direction with some surprise, and his face was inexplicable.

At this time, Lin Fei was already standing above the top of the Black Mountain, overlooking the scenery below...

This is a mountain with a height of tens of feet, but it is completely enveloped by black mist. Thousands of ghosts seem to be hiding in the black mist. They are swallowing each other. Lin Fei can hear a ghost crying and howling in the air. It is a ghost.

Lin Fei frowned, which was different from the rumored Black Mountain Head...

At the beginning, Si Kou said that his father was dying in the top of the Black Mountain, but it only said that there were fierce beasts here. At least it was a normal scene in the mountains. How could it be directly transformed into a ghostly creature like now...

Lin Fei was thinking about this, but the dark fog below was a strange roar of noise.

Then, I saw something in the dark fog below. It seemed that something was passing through quickly. Before Lin Fei recovered, a shadow suddenly flew out of the dark fog.

An eerie ghost came to the face!


Lin Fei was shocked.

A sword qi was thrown out, a golden streamer cut through the black mist, and collided with the ghost. The most divine and holy Taiyi sword qi was magnificent and the light was great, trapping the ghost in a golden light. .

Lin Fei looked closely, and saw a ghost with a terrible look, rushing left and right in the golden light, with a strong ghost spirit in the shot, every blow made Tai Yi Jianguang shake for a while, which was a ghost king.

But now the ghost king's shoulder is penetrated by sword gas, and the wound is breathing burnt smoke. Taiyi sword gas innately restrains the evil and evil ghosts. This time for the ghosts, it is like quenching poison.

It’s just a bit strange...

The cultivation of ghosts to the realm of ghost kings are all wise and transparent, and they have not lost to Master Jindan. Why does this ghost king seem to be unconscious?

However, Lin Fei did not let it go. Taiyi sword gas burst out again. In the black mist, like a golden dragon, he rushed directly to the ghost king to bite and fight, and grabbed that ghost king a lot. wound.

Under the innate restraint of Taiyi Jianqi, the ghost king's wounds burned all over, and finally the ghost king did not last long. After half an hour, he only heard the sound of "chirping", the body of the magnificent ghost king It was actually torn apart by the golden dragon directly, and finally the ghost body slowly dissipated and turned into a burst of black gas...

"Huh?" Lin Fei just wanted to look at the ghost king's body and saw this scene, suddenly surprised.

Somewhat wrong...

Generally speaking, the ghost king, which is comparable to the Jindan realm, is already regarded as another kind of spirit. Even if it is dead, it will leave something. How can it be like a low-level ghost soldier, just like this. Black gas dissipates out of thin air?

And the black gas after the ghost king's death did not disperse, but reintegrated into the black mist...

"This is..." Lin Fei followed the trajectory of the black gas and looked deep into the black mist.

After the death of the ghost king, the dark mist near here seemed to be thicker.

It seems that the power of this ghost king's death was not wasted, but all returned to the black mist...

Is this ghost king born of this black mist?

Lin Fei just thought of this, and he was shocked.

At this time, three ghost kings appeared again in the black mist, and came towards Lin Fei, it seemed to know that there had just been a similar death here, and there was a sound of ghosts infiltrating in the black mist.

After the three breaths, the dark mist here has been blown away by the strong wind, and the three-headed ghost king appeared in front of Lin Fei. Both his appearance and breath were exactly the same as the ghost king just now.

"I depend." Lin Fei was shocked when he saw these three ghost kings.

If you kill one, you will come to three. The ghost king in this place doesn't need money, right?

Lin Fei did not hesitate, immediately summoned the fierce sword box, the fierce star four swords rushed out with it, and instantly dispersed a large black mist.

This fierce sword box and the four swords of the fierce star, from the ancient Jiuyin, are the most fierce things. They are much higher than the level of these three ghost kings.

Following this, Taiyi Jianqi rushed out again, Jinguang Dasheng, turned into a golden dragon, and cut to the three-headed ghost king.

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