
Chapter 934: Star God Gold

"I rely on..." Li Beixing suddenly breathed his breath, almost speechless, this is his strongest means, but almost useless, is it necessary to use that thing here?

Seeing that the ghost emperor was inspired to be fierce, carrying boundless ghost spirits, and rushed forward again, and Li Beixing is now exhausted from the true element in his body, it seems that he will really become a zombie next...

Damn, no matter, even being scolded by the master is better than being a zombie...

It's just that he paid such a big price, that he must not be cheaper than the kid named Lin Fei. Even if he didn't die today, he had to let him fall.

As soon as his thoughts moved, Li Beixing didn't hesitate, he snorted aloud: "Lin Fei, I have drawn its attention for me. I have a way to solve him."

This time Lin Fei did not disappoint him, he responded readily: "Okay..."

Li Beixing was relieved and escorted the boy all the way. Finally, he was able to use the waste. Later, as long as the boy could lead away the ghost emperor, he would throw away the thing and immediately escape. As for whether the boy can live, he is not concerned. Something happened...


This kid is too sluggish, why can't he move?

Li Beixing had just thought of this, Lin Fei finally moved, but saw Lin Fei stood upright and rushed to the ghost emperor...


Jumped into the water hole where the ghost emperor was...

Li Beixing stared closely at Lin Fei's movements, his face stunned.

are you crazy?

I let you lead away the ghost emperor, not let you commit suicide!

Although Lao Tzu doesn't care about your life and death, if you want to die, is it worth it?

It’s okay if you give me a little ghost emperor, just jump into the water pool, what’s the matter?

Li Beixing's heart was almost desperate, and he was countless, and he didn't count as a teammate with an intellectual disability.

Anyway, he is a famous Jin Dan genius who is well-known throughout the Fuli. Unexpectedly, in the end, it was destroyed by this kid...

Never mind, just...

Li Beixing looked up and looked at the ghost emperor, full of self-sorrow and self-harm, the water pool was filled with the ghost emperor's breath, Lin Fei went in, and it must be directly corroded and clean, and the corpses will be directly transformed into zombies.

Now no one helps to divert the attention of the ghost emperor, and the real element in the body is exhausted again.

Feeling the madness coming from the face, Li Beixing smirked: "Lin Fei, I will never let you go if I am a ghost."

Then, holding the gourd in his hand, he immediately opened his fingertips, mixed the aura with his blood, and scratched complex marks directly on the gourd. His face was getting paler, and his eyes were full of madness, just like falling into a madness. General.

When Li Beixing's fingertips were just taken away, the Fu Zhuan burst into blood.

Then, a crisp and broken sound came, and I saw that at least forty forbidden treasure gourds were actually following the trace of Fu Zhuan, and slowly cracked...

The crack was getting bigger and bigger, and the shimmering light came out from inside, and then, there were countless small sword qi, whirling in the air. In the end, the treasure gourd completely cracked, and a small sword gas instantly flooded the entire pool, and a white sword light rose into the sky!

This sword light is like the sun, turned into a giant sword of hundred feet, the sword is magnificent, and in a moment, there is only this sword light left in the world, and the rest, including the ghost emperor, has become superfluous...

There are forty-five magic weapons forbidden, and it was born to carry this sword light!

This is not a magic weapon at all, but a magic weapon for storing things!

If Lin Fei is still here, you will find that this sword light's unique style is a bit like Lin Banhu's sword, but this sword light seems to have some subsequent weakness, which is not as good as Lin Banhu's sword. Cut off all the momentum...

But it seems that the ghost emperor was quite cautious in facing this sword light, and the dense black mist gathered layer after layer, tightly wrapping the body,

But that sword light is advancing, as if to split the sky thousands of miles, but also to the ghost emperor.

All of a sudden, the scene was deadlocked, and Li Beixing, who had a mortal heart, also temporarily saved his life.

At the same time, Lin Fei, who jumped into the waterhole, had almost reached the bottom...

Of course Lin Fei did not come to death, on the contrary, he really came here to help Lin Beixing once.

But of course, you can't fight against each other. After all, the other party is a ghost emperor. Even if the other party seems a little unconscious, it is equivalent to the monk of the Fa phase, and there is a bottomless gap between Jin Dan and Jin Dan.

Not to mention that Lin Fei is just a life soul now, and he is just looking for death.

On the contrary, this waterhole is a place of vitality...

As early as the treasure hunting through the ghosts, Lin Fei found that tens of thousands of miles nearby seemed to be a big formation.

When he came here, Lin Fei could be sure that the place of the waterhole should be an array of eyes.

Although I can't see the usefulness of this large array for the time being, but since this ghost emperor can be guarded here, it should be very important to the entire Black Mountain.

This is worth Lin Fei taking a little risk...

It's just that the ghost spirit in this water pool is too heavy. If Lin Fei had sword qi and Jiuyin sword rune and other means of protection, it might be directly corroded into a zombie as Li Beixing thought...

All the way to the bottom of the pool, Lin Fei saw the strange sight in front of him.

This whole waterhole is actually divided into two floors...

The upper level is a normal waterhole scene, the depth of the water is thousands of feet, and the spirit is strong. The lower part is actually a dry space. I don’t know what kind of force is in the middle.

Just after Lin Fei crossed the water, he reached the space below...

Here is just like the outside of the Black Mountain. The flowers and grass are everywhere, the air is fresh, and most importantly, there is no trace of ghost spirit.

The space here is not large, which is exactly equal to the upper water hole. If the ghost body of the ghost emperor bends up, it should just fill up.

At a glance, I saw a chain buried deep in the ground. The long chain kept going upward, submerged in the water, and gradually blurred...

Lin Fei looked at the surrounding scenes and slowly walked to the edge of the chain, slowly touching his hands, and saw the rough black chain shining with a little light.

"Star God Gold..." Lin Fei looked at this **** iron, and after a moment saw the origin of the light spot above...

The star **** gold falls from the sky into the world, because there are hundreds of millions of years in the star, which is above the iron of the acquired day, but under the gold of the innate god, this iron can be transformed between the virtual and the real Swords can transform the starlight and overcome all the ghosts and spirits in the world... This kind of iron is regarded as the ninth grade of the acquired day. Only some people who dare to calculate the heaven and earth can calculate when the iron falls into the world, so as to collect and refine them into treasures.

For so many years, although this kind of star **** gold is strange, it is not not spread to the world.


Why are there so many here?

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