
Chapter 968: Elder

You know, he has life and soul cultivation behavior, and he feels thrilling every time he makes a shot. He almost died a few times, and the two people only have nourishment and cultivation behavior, but they always return to death when it is impossible. Health, and even helped myself a few times.

But no matter how awesome this Life Soul monk was, he knew in his heart that even if he could maintain the situation now, it would not have much effect, and the strength gap would be too great. If anyone had a flaw and was killed by the ghost king, the remaining two would definitely die. undoubtedly.

"Come!" After another shot, Lin Fei suddenly looked to the horizon, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

He spends a lot of time tying up the ghost king, just waiting for this thing.

When dealing with ghosts a few times before, a mysterious force did not know where it came from. As soon as it appeared, it killed and killed countless ghosts, even once Lin Fei was spread into it.

This time he simply dragged the ghost king and gave everything to that mysterious force to solve.

"Retreat." Lin Fei had just finished speaking, and he had already retreated beyond a hundred feet.

This balance was originally maintained by three people, Lin Fei withdrew, and Life Soul Monk quickly withdrew.

However, after such a retreat, the balance was also broken. The ghost king suddenly came out of the trap, and the six arms danced with a violent wind. It seemed that three people would be swallowed in the next moment.

But the horizon suddenly dimmed, and then I saw a black breeze blowing, the breeze is not slow, but where it blows, countless ghosts suddenly fell into stillness.

When the breeze blew past the ghost king, the ghost king in front of Lin Fei also stopped roaring, and the huge body fell into a strange stillness. Silently, the ghost body turned into an inch of powder, turning into countless powders. Breeze away...

Lin Fei was finally relieved, just to inquire about the origin of the monk, but suddenly found that this life soul monk was pale.

"This is the origin of the patriarch, the patriarch exploded the origin of the soul..." Fate soul monk looked at a large hall in the distance, and his voice was shaking.

Lin Fei nodded, only the aftermath can easily kill countless ghosts, this lord is not simple, but even the source ghost is exploded, I am afraid that the lord is also falling...

Although Lin Fei didn't care about it, the Life Soul monk obviously cared about it, looking at the patriarch's hall for a long time, and suddenly took a deep breath, seeming to make a decision.

He suddenly looked at Lin Fei with a solemn expression: "It's true, I'm Lu Qi, so I hope some teachers will cooperate with me later."

Lin Fei and Li Beixing glanced at each other, but they had never heard of the name, but looking at the tone of the youth, it seemed to be very famous...

"..." Seeing Lin Fei's reaction, the young man was a little caught off guard. According to the normal situation, after saying his name, the two younger brothers did not say anything but bowed their heads. What is the reaction?

Finally, Zhao Minghai broke the deadlock, he hesitated: "Are you Brother Lu Qi under the Elder of Fayuan?"

"Yes, it's me." Seeing that someone knew himself, Lu Qi suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. There were still normal people here.

Zhao Minghai quickly introduced Lin Fei and talked about many of Lu Qi's past deeds, but Lin Fei was too lazy to remember, and finally categorized it as a true disciple.

Seeing Zhao Minghai's details, Lu Qi said in a deep voice: "Several brothers also know that I am a disciple of Elder Fayuan, but now Master is cracking down on the gates of the ghosts, and the situation is critical. I, a disciple, naturally have to help , I don’t know how many teachers would like to go with them?"

"Since the elders are trapped, of course we as disciples are obliged." Lin Fei smiled and gave Li Beixing a glance, and he agreed.

"Then I would like to thank some of my brothers and sisters, then we have to set off quickly." Lu Qi suddenly rejoiced, and quickly led a few people toward the patriarch's hall.

Along the way, Lu Qi was a little uneasy. Lin Fei took advantage of the opportunity to knock on the side and got a lot of information.

It turned out that this scourge had left seeds at the beginning of the establishment of the school. For the convenience of the disciples, the patriarch Xuanyin directly chose to establish a sect on the edge of a ghost world. Not only can you enjoy the cultivation convenience of the ghost world, but you don't have to worry about the ghost crossing the boundary, everything is safe.

Who knows that the barriers of the world have changed, a gap in the world known as Guimenguan suddenly opened up, and countless ghosts poured out of the nest and rushed directly into the interior of Xuanyin Sect.

Although the Sect Master and the Seven Elders were strong, they could not resist the impact of countless ghosts.

In order to deal with this terrible ghost disaster, six of the seven elders have fallen, and from the black wind just now, the suzerain has almost fallen.

Only the master of Lu Qi, that is, the Elder of Fayuan is still struggling to support.

Although the black wind broke out in the last time of the Sect Master, many ghosts were killed, but there are still countless ghosts filling up in the back. Lin Fei died a few more times before slowly approaching the hall...

Several people were cautious along the way, and when they arrived in front of the patriarch's hall, they were surprised to find that there were no ghosts here.

Under the leadership of Lu Qi, he finally saw the Fayuan elder in a large hall that was open on all sides.

It looked like an ordinary old man with a wrinkled face, and was sitting in the middle of the hall with his head down, his breath weak, and his body rickety, motionless, and looked like a stiff statue.

But compared with the chaotic dances of ghosts dancing outside, the cleanliness in this hall is a bit excessive. Obviously this elder is not as simple as it seems.


As Lu Qi spoke softly, the statue seemed to be alive. Elder Fayuan slowly raised his head, glanced at Lu Qi with a dim eye, and nodded.

"I didn't expect you to be alive, and our teachers were all hard."

"Thanks to a few younger brothers, otherwise I won't see you." Lu Qi hastily introduced Lin Fei and others to tell their experiences along the way.

"You are good..." Elder Fayuan glanced at several people, and finally set his sights on Zhao Minghai: "You stay with Lu Qi, you have to explain a few words."

Hearing Fa Yuan elders say this, Zhao Minghai was a little helpless, but Lin Fei nodded and said, "Uncle Master, let's go outside and watch the ghosts first."

After speaking, he took Li Beixing out.

"Let's stay and listen to how good, maybe we can find clues to break the illusion." Li Beixing walked a little bit reluctantly.

Lin Fei just smiled. This old fox has been in Xuanyin Sect for so long. I am afraid that every disciple has seen him. He clearly shows that he does not trust strange faces, and he will not hear anything even if he stays.

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