CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 103: Make trouble unreasonably

Chapter 103

"Master Mother-in-law, Uncle Jiang." Su Qize stepped forward and greeted Xie Yue'e and Jiang Deyue.

Xie Yue'e glanced at her son-in-law and nodded with satisfaction. "Okay, you are fine."

Luo Qingyun returned to God at this time and asked them to enter the room.

"This is Mr. Su, hey, looks really young. I said why Qi Ze looks so handsome, it turned out to be genetic." Xie Yue'e entered the door, saw Su Wanbo, and went forward enthusiastically. Say hello to him.

Jiang Deyue followed her with a fake smile on her face.

"It's a prize, and my mother-in-law is young." Su Wanbopi smiled and smiled at Xie Yue'e, but his eyes kept moving on Jiang Min's mind and body.

He Fen also came out of the restaurant at this time, with a polite smile on her face. "My mother is here, please sit down quickly. Butler, come and make tea."

The party settled down in the living room. After some embarrassment, He Fen set his sights on Jiang Yanxin and Zhou Yi. "These two are Qingyun's younger sister and brother-in-law. They really are a pair of men and women." people."

Xie Yue'e laughed: "My mother-in-law praised me. Today, we originally met some of our elders, but De Yue considers that we are a family in the future and we should walk around more, so we bring two juniors to say hello."

"It's true to walk around. I used to listen to Qingyun saying that she has a younger brother. Now she is studying abroad. I also worry that she doesn't have any sisters here and will be lonely. This is good. Since there are sisters, there will be more Come home to play with your sister to relieve your boredom, so that she is bored at home with pregnancy. "He Fen smiled gently, and she was very polite.

"If you have a mother-in-law, it's better to be more worried." Xie Yue'e said, pushing Jiang Yanxin beside him: "Heartless, don't you thank your mother Su?"

Jiang Minxin didn't even listen to them at all. She was sitting still now, and looked at Su Wanbo from time to time, and found that he was staring at himself, angry and disgusted.

With this reminder from Xie Yue'e, Jiang Yan couldn't help but sarcastically said: "Thank you Aunt Su, but I'm not a toy for people to relieve boredom. Also, my sister is pregnant and bored at home, but I'm not idle, only I'm afraid I don't have that much time to accompany her. "

Anyone who listened to her words would feel uncomfortable. He Fen even did not expect that her invitation would get such a reply, her face suddenly changed, and she said coldly, "Oh? Really? I thought your sisters were affectionate. Even if you were too busy, you would want to take the time to see her. I think it is because I misunderstood your feelings. It is no wonder that there is no blood relationship. "

"My in-laws, young-minded, haven't seen anything big, and you can't talk to her without your brain." Xie Yue'e apologized to He Fen at this time, but she regretted bringing her over.

If it weren't for Jiang Deyue who didn't know which nerve was wrong, she would have to bring this girl over, and she wouldn't let her follow here to offend her.

He Fen came from a famous family and was loved by people from a young age to a big one. No one dared not to give her face like this, except in the mansion and between Bai Cihui Aunt. Now she was caught by a little girl like this Naturally no longer care about who's face, Lengheng said: "I knew that this stepmother was difficult to do, and today is considered to be an experience. Thanks to your mother-in-law, you have a good temper, otherwise, for a daughter like Miss Jiang, I will never dare to go out Bring it. "

"It's rare to say ..." Jiang Yan muttered with a pout in his heart.

Her voice was not loud, and it was not clear to He Fen's ears, but just looking at her expression, she knew that she had no good words in her mouth.

He Fen was so angry that she was about to let people blast her out, but saw Su Wanbo stand up, "Dinner is ready. Let's move to the restaurant."

Speaking, he first stood up and walked towards the restaurant. When He Fen saw this, he had to follow, but the enthusiasm on his face was completely cold.

Xie Yue'e was so annoyed that Jiang Yan didn't know what to do, and stared at Jiang Deyue, motioning him to take care of his daughter.

Jiang Deyue was helpless. His daughter was angry. What could he do?

After all, she pitted her.

Everyone went to the restaurant together, Zhou Yi walked to the end, his eyes stopped on Luo Qingyun, and he seemed to have something to say to her, but when he saw Su Qize standing next to her, he didn't say anything, just walked forward .

Because Jiang Yan's lack of face gave him a meal, everyone's face did not look good.

At the end of the meal, He Fen didn't leave them to sit, just let the housekeeper drop off.

What should have been a happy in-laws meeting ended in a very unpleasant way.

Although Xie Yue'e kept apologizing during the meal, He Fen no longer wanted to have any more dealings with the family.

In particular, she was extremely annoyed by Jiang Yanxin, and ordered Luo Qingyun not to have any contact with her anymore, as if she was afraid that the impolite girl would damage her daughter-in-law.


On the way back, Zhou Yi and Jiang Yanxin sat in the second car.

Zhou Yi was also dissatisfied with Jiang Yanxin's indecent performance tonight.

After getting on the car, he couldn't help but said, "What's going on with you tonight? Mrs. Su kindly invited you to the house to play. If you don't go, you won't go. Why is it so bad to speak?

"Why? Is it difficult for me to speak? Is it because I saw my ex-girlfriend that I didn't give her face?" Jiang Yan's face was cold, and he didn't feel that he had done anything wrong, but started to pick Zhou Yi's problems. "Don't think that I didn't pay attention. Your eyes tonight did not leave Luo Qingyun."

"Can you make trouble out of no reason? Who originally said that she wanted to have a good relationship with her? Didn't you already talk about her name as an elder sister? Since you were going as a maiden, shouldn't you save her face? You just rammed Her mother-in-law, what would people think of her? And what about her mother? "

"Well, now you think of yourself as her mother's family? What do people think of her and what is it about me? And what is it about you? Can you commit to preach here for her for me?" Jiang Yixin heard Zhou Yi Thinking of Luo Qingyun, his heart was even more angry.

Why all the benefits fall to her Luo Qingyun?

She is the real Miss Qianjin. Why should she be defiled by an old man in the end?

The most disgusting thing is that the old man is Luo Qingyun's father-in-law!

When Zhou Yi saw her irritable look, it was only unreasonable because she was eating flying vinegar, and she was too lazy to ignore her, and said directly to the driver: "Stop."

The driver heard that he was busy stopping the car, and Zhou Yi pushed the car door and got off.

When Jiang Yan saw this, he stopped him, "What are you doing? Where are you going?"

"I think you should calm down now. I'll take the car and go back by myself." Zhou Yi dropped this sentence, reached out, stopped a taxi, got in the car, and left.

Jiang Yan looked at Zhou Yi's car and drove forward, clenching his fists with both hands, and his anger was even stronger.


After Furong Garden and Jiang Deyue's family left, Luo Qingyun went upstairs to He Fen's room with a bowl of hot porridge.

After knocking gently on the door, after getting a response, she pushed in and saw He Fen sitting in front of the dressing table, her face still a little somber.

"Mom, I brought you some porridge. I don't think you ate much at dinner." Putting the porridge bowl to He Fen, Luo Qingyun whispered.

He Fen raised her eyes and glanced at her small and careful daughter-in-law. She was not so angry anymore, she only waved at her and motioned her to sit down on the stool in front of her.

"Honestly tell mom, does that girl with the last name Jiang really want to see you?"

Luo Qingyun knew that her mother-in-law was concerned about herself, and she did not intend to coax her with beautiful words. She only said, "I haven't met her a few times in total. She has never seen me before, and I never took it to heart."

He Fen heard and sighed for a long time. "No wonder you would tell your grandmother that no one has ever really cared about you since you were a kid. It is really hard for you to be born in such a family."

"It's not difficult. Although I had an unfortunate life before, I am very grateful. Perhaps it is because of those past experiences that made me cherish my life even more." Luo Qingyun said sincerely.

Although there was no love with Su Qize, the two got along very naturally and harmoniously, which made her particularly relaxed.

"Qize should have brought you home earlier." He Fen said with emotion.

"It's not too late now." Luo Qingyun said, squinting and smiling.

After a while, she asked again, "Yes, where is Dad? Is it in the study?"

"What study? I went out for entertainment again." He Fen said, holding the porridge on the table and drinking slowly.

Luo Qingyun exited the room silently without disturbing her to drink porridge.

As soon as I went out, I found Su Qize was waiting for her at the door. "How's it going? Mom's anger is gone?"

"How could a man like mother be angry for that little thing?" Luo Qingyun laughed, paused, and looked up at him again. "Qize, do you know who Dad went out tonight to entertain? went?"

"Unclear, he didn't say." Su Qize shook his head, but soon, he looked at Luo Qingyun with a doubtful look: "Why do you suddenly ask about this?"

Luo Qingyun was afraid he would see something hidden in his heart, so he just waved his hand, "No ... I just ask."

Su Qize did not continue to question, but he had an idea under his heart.

Luo Qingyun went back to the room to take a shower, and Su Qize went into the study, took out his mobile phone, and dialed a number: "It's me. Go and check for me. In which hotel my dad stayed last night, in addition to him Someone else. Also, check again, who he has scheduled tonight, and find out to me. "

Luo Qingyun took a bath and was about to go to bed to rest. Suddenly, the mobile phone on the bedside table rang.

A glance at the caller ID turned out to be the name "Su Yinghao".

I don't know why, she had completely let go of this person deep in her heart, but when she saw his name, her heart still couldn't help but agitated, and then "thumped" throbbed quickly.

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