CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 419: Sorry

Chapter 419 Sorry

"Mr. Su, I know the previous thing was that I was wrong. I shouldn't talk to your father ..." Although it was obviously not her fault that year, and because of that, she even paid a bitter price, but Now that she needed his help, she had to lower her stance and apologize to him.

However, she didn't finish her words, but Su Qize interrupted in a cold voice: "Did you ever be forced or voluntary?"

He knew that his father might be caring or covetous, but he didn't believe his father would force a woman.

Jiang Yanxin was standing in front of him now, and he was anxious to hear a negative answer from her mouth.

Jiang Yanxin didn't expect that he would ask himself this way, raised his head sharply, his eyes touched his grim eyes, opened his mouth, and she whispered: "What happened, what about being forced or voluntary? Or maybe Mr. Su wants me Is it voluntary or forced? "

"I just want to know if I did anything wrong that year." Su Qize looked at her coldly, said.

His words made Jiang Yanxin's heart inexplicable.

Her lips were a little sloppy, and her voice trembled: "The accident in that year was not an accident, was it?"

"I never believe in retribution, so when I encounter something that makes me unpleasant, I like to solve it by myself, instead of waiting for God to clean up for me."

Su Qize ’s answer was tantamount to acknowledging that the accident in the year was indeed arranged by his own hands. Although he already had the answer in his heart, when he heard this answer, Jiang Yan ’s heart was still a little hard to accept.

Tears burst out suddenly, and his hands subconsciously stroked his flat belly.

There, she could have conceived her life and gave her the right to be a mother.

But now, she never lost the possibility of becoming a mother.

The person who caused her to end up sitting in front of her now asks him to help herself.

This was a step wrong, a step wrong, her heart was really wronged and wronged.

Su Qize saw her expression that was so painful that she couldn't help herself. The original cold eyes gradually became warm. He felt faintly, maybe what Qiu Yi told him was true.

The woman in front of him may not have the crime he deserved.

Did he really wrong her?

Jiang Yan lost a lot of tears and covered his chest with both hands. It took a long time to adjust his emotions, raised a pair of misty eyes, and looked at Su Qize: "I was really jealous of Luo Qingyun and hated her. I think Nowhere, why can a woman like her be married to you and into a wealthy family like Su family. But I have a man I love and that man loves me too. How could I go to provoke someone to marry me in order to marry a wealthy family? My father is of average age, and an old man with a family room? The one I hate most in my life is Xiaosan. I hate Luo Qingyun, and it is because her mother got involved in my parents' marriage that she was seen as stabbing. "

Su Qize listened to her words, his face froze for a moment, and seemed to confirm his conjecture, which made him panic and panic.

"Since this is the case, you were forced for the first time, what happened after that? I think you seem to enjoy being a third party, and you are still thinking about giving birth to the evil seed." He wanted to find evidence that he did not do that year. The wrong evidence refuted her words.

Who knew Jiang Xixin heard this, but smiled sadly: "This kind of thing, for the first time, do you think your father would let me go for the second time? As for later, you didn't say anything wrong, I did it Since the plan to break the jar is broken, since it is no longer possible to go back, it is better to take this opportunity to marry into the Su family. At least this way, in terms of identity, I also pressed Luo Qingyun. It is also because of this absurd Thoughts have brought me to this end today. So I don't blame anyone. Although you have given me no chance to be a mother in my life, I have never hated you. I blame me only for being too greedy, too stupid, and wrong road."

After listening to her, Su Qize did not speak for a long time.

It was not until this moment that he understood that sometimes he did too much to do things, which is not a good habit.

Even though Jiang Yan's heart was wrong, she didn't have to pay such a painful price for her mistake.

Not to mention, in a sense, she was also a victim.

The true originator is now living a life of drunkenness.

"You go back, I will prepare it for you five million yuan." After a long time, Su Qize looked up at the woman with a sullen face in front of her. Now she looks like a flower that has failed. The spirit is no longer glamorous and lively.

"Thank you." Jiang Yanxin nodded at him, and turned to leave.

"Wait a moment." Su Qize suddenly remembered something and stopped her.

"Mr. Su, what else?" Jiang Yan asked, looking back at him.

"Qiu Yan ... not for you." Su Qize said.

A bitter smile appeared on Jiang Yanxin's face: "I know, I don't deserve him. Don't worry, I won't provoke him."

Su Qize heard her answer and suddenly felt that she was a little villainous.

Now Jiang Yanxin is really very different from before, not only in appearance, but also in temperament and character.


In the hospital, when Jiang Yanxin returned to the ward, he saw the nurse rushing over and holding her hand nervously: "Ms. Jiang, you can count back. Where did you just go? Mr. Zhou saw you gone and looked everywhere You have been dead for a long time. "

Jiang Yanxin heard this and looked at the nurse with a curious expression: "Isn't he going out this afternoon? Why did he find me?"

"It didn't take long for me to come back. Who knows I can't see you in the ward, so I went to look for you everywhere." The nurse said, taking out her mobile phone from her pocket, "you go back to the bed and lie down, I have to call Mr. Zhou, and he is still looking for you now. "

Jiang Yanxin listened to the nurse's words and lay obediently on the bed. When she saw the nurse called Zhou Yi, she didn't know why. Suddenly, she felt a long-lost, warm feeling in her heart.

Zhou Yi even cared about herself like this, something she could not even imagine.

Twenty minutes later, Zhou Yi's figure came in from outside the door. The speed was extremely fast. When he saw Jiang Yanxin, who was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, he was considered to have fallen to the ground.

A few steps forward, he reached out and held her in his arms, asking with a voice, "Where have you been?"

Jiang Yan's heart was suffocated by her breath. The next second, she looked up and looked at the face close at hand, "Zhou Yi, I'm sorry."

"Sorry? Why do you say I'm sorry?" Zhou Yi looked at her with a puzzled face.

"Sorry, I shouldn't betray you, I should not betray our love, let alone in the beginning, in order to break up you and Luo Qingyun, I tried my best and methods ...

Sorry for a few years in her heart, and now she finally spoke to him.

Suddenly she brought up the past, as if she had violently pulled the gate that he had only managed to lower. Everything in the past, like a flood, poured out, leaving his body suddenly rigid.

"Is sorry enough?" He looked at her with a cold expression.

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